I just found out that Vin Diesel has a twin brother and I’m so disappointed that his name isn’t Tim Diesel.

I published a new sketchnote roundup with a drawing challenge from Apple including. I hope you enjoy it.

I had a sketchy conversation with @chadgmoore on visual thinking in the workplace (and beyond).

Can’t wait to organize some more of these!

So @chadgmoore has got me doing some rackets again. I’m starting a new series called “Sketchy conversations” about sketchnotes, graphic recording, doodling. Visual stuff. So if you’d like to hop on, let me know and we’ll arrange one.

Updating The Verge’s background policy - The Verge

My goodness tech companies PR tactics are awful.

I went to the office today and accidentally left my Macbook at home…Looks like I’m working on the iPad for the day! Whoops!

Sunday meditation

New profile picture?

Me: I think I will have one beer tonight and log it in untappd.


Untapped is more enthusiastic than Doug from Up.

So I rebooted the LCS newsletter (again) and it’s all sketchnotes, all the time.

I think this could be a fun way to do a newsletter. Let me know what you think.

Would anyone be interested in a newsletter that’s just interesting (content and style) sketchnotes I find around the web.

I’ve basically been sending this to @chadgmoore for a while in our private conversations and thought some other people might like it.

My fears about doing a roundup newsletter

Whenever I’ve run a newsletter sharing links of stuff I find interesting, I’ve always worried it will become obsolete. Surely people would just start following the same sources I do and find what I find before I share it. But yesterday I realised that is not true. Many of the roundup newsletters I follow share articles from some regular sources and while I end up following some, I still appreciate when they share something I missed or also read. Plus, I never follow ALL their sources.

I love this as it’s a classic example where from my perspective as a creator, things look completely different than my perspective as a consumer. It’s basically the “Assuming everyone knows what you know.” or “No one else is paying you as much attention as you are paying yourself.”

If you’ve been thinking of making a roundup newsletter but have faced this fear, I’d bet that you don’t need to worry.

Every. Day.

We’ve introduced my parents to Ted Lasso and I’ve noticed somethings.

Ted’s first press session and the sounds are like the event at the karaoke bar.

The first time he goes to the pitch as well.

I’m seeing my folks in person for the first time in two years tonight. I’m a little bit excited.

Idea for Apple. Add a document scanner mode to the camera. You’ve got the tech in notes but just brining it to the main camera app. You can pay me later.

If my job title accurate reflected the use of my time in the office, it would probably be Senior Slack User. or maybe Chief Trello Officer.

What about you?

Back to work after parental time off. Currently waiting for my computer to finish updating. So great start.

Thanks to Austin Kleon’s inspiration, I busted out my old pentel brush pen. Probably the most fun pen I have.

Back to work tomorrow so I’m cleaning my work from home desk.

It was pretty.

Pretty dusty!