We finished Ted Lasso. It got even better.

Continuing the joy of multiple Englisehes. The blog separated by a common language has some fantastic articles…if you like that sort of thing. Which I do. If you don’t, look away.

After @joshuapsteele ’s recent post I’d like to know

  • What Americanisms British people like.
  • What Britishism Americans like. …and any other regonial variations of English (I.e. Aussieisms or …Kiwiisms?)

We’re half way through Ted Lasso and I have a feeling that it is the perfect anti-2020 series. In a year when everyone thinks the worst of people, Tedd’s optimism is perfect.

Me: here’s a link to a Google doc with the changes as we did last time. Them: I will not open it and you must send me an excel file version via email because last time you didn’t give me edit access. Me: I did, (and I even sent it in the doc we used before so you definitely do) but here’s the doc so you have no excuse not to start now. Them: I have some questions so I’ve uploaded the file as a Google doc. Me: 😡

The path to collect my daughter today.

Re-reading Celebration of Discipline

I finished reading Celebration of Discipline: The Path to Spiritual Growth last night. It’s my third time reading it and this time I took a year and a half to slowly go through.

My intention was to apply each chapter one at time. I don’t think I really succeeded in every chapter but I certainly went through it more actively this time.

My mindmap notes

Advent starts today…So I’ve christmas-afied my avatar. Ho ho ho.

I just published the last edition of learn create share for the year. I’m taking a little break but it will be back next year.

Thought I saw a stray full stop in some text. I went to delete it and then realised…it was dust on my screen.

Appropriate quote for today, the blackest of Fridays.

Happy thanksgiving to all the Americans on micro blog. I’m grateful for this community.

Is there a kind of collaborative habit tracker? Something where a group set the same (or different) goals and everyone can see when you do/don’t do it? I have an idea…

Parabloa ideas

A parabola idea is an idea who has gained a second meaning. While the person who coined the term or expression may have had one thing in mind, other people now have a completely different association with it. Here are a few examples

1. Inbox Zero

In it’s original context it was about not feeling like you have to keep checking your email. Instead you bulk checked and processed your email. But now most people use it to refer to the literal state of having no emails in their inbox, even if they have their email app open all the time to do so (and so not applying inbox zero).

2 Virtue signaling

Originally a term to about actions that help show and build allegiance to a group by exhibiting certain moral behaviors Now a pejorative term used to criticize anyone showing “leftist” ideology or caring for other people.

3. Morning pages

Originally an idea from Julie Cameron of writing, by hand, three pages of stream of consciousness that should be discarded. This was to get the creative juices flowing and remove any inhibitors. Now it means doing some form of journaling or writing in the morning. This could be a highly structured one-line long day plan or an article for a website.

4. Thanks, Obama

Originally to sarcastically criticize then President Obama for consequences (real or perceived of his presidency. Now, a way to mock conservatives who blame president Obama for almost anything. If something bad happen, say “Thanks, Obama.”

5. Fake news

Originally, the creation of false and often completely made up news stories by unknown and foreign news sources without journalistic integrity for multiple purposes. 1) foreign agents trying destabilize a country. 2) For political opponents seeking to smear and discredit opponents. 3) for advertising revenue from views. Now it means negative news stories of Donald Trump whether they are accurate or not.

Can you think of any others?

You know what’s virtue signalling? Saying you care about the Oxford comma.

Also I’m disappointed that you can’t get a winter witbeer called “ho-ho-hoegarden”

First Christmas stout.

I’m noticing a trend in my intro to the Hebrew Bible book.

“Some scholars, mostly American, consider it an accurate recording of… most other scholars do not.”

Said about the exile, the conquest of Canaan, now the life of Jeremiah. Related whether the scholars believe references to Babylon were added at the time or after the exile.

Is there a “best” time zone to work in (especially for global businesses)? It’s great to “get a head start” on the rest of the world but it can make attending meetings more difficult. I wonder if there’s been an empirical study on productivity. 🤔