Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time, for that’s the stuff life is made.” - Benjamin Franklin💬

dost thou love life? The do not squander time, for that's the stuff life is made of.

There may be 50 ways to leave your lover…here are 7 ways to start a notebook.

Me: I’m fed up of managing books, I should focus on electronic copies and not paper versions. Also me: OH look at those full bookshelves of that person working from home! I’m so jealous. I want to look through all their books!

*temporary solution: Bookshelf virtual background.

Micro quote two: happy revenge of the fifth.

“Not all those who wander are lost” - J.R.R. Tolkien (yes, I’m going to play with some calligraphy styles for this quote challenge. This is uncial…sort of.)

iPhone photo. Not my normal editing style but I felt like a more HDR type version.

It’s a public holiday here in Poland so I have decided to do a fresh mac install and actually set up a proper user profile for my wife. She uses it the most so it’s time to give her the keys to the kingdom.

🔗 Shipping The First Version of Ghost - Twitter

Dashboard was a technically unviable photoshop mockup that was very easy to kill. We had to choose between shipping on time, and making a fancy dashboard. We chose shipping.

Some people are still upset about it today.

Those people will never ship.

I remember backing the ghost Kickstarter and being extremely excited about its potential and possibility but the initial version really did disappointment. I don’t think it was just the dashboard for me, but it felt not as blog focused or friendly as the Kickstarter had made out. I kept track of ghost, intending to use it, but it seemed to shift to be more for businesses and not blogging focused like the original vision (and ironically the exact critique it leveled at WordPress). Despite having a year of ghost pro hosting from my backer level I never redeemed it and now it seems impossible to do so. Funnily enough, just last month I spun up a digital ocean server to give ghost a go after seeing the 3.0 version and being impressed.

I always try to give makers the benefit of the doubt, you never know the real reasons behind what they are doing or the data they have in their hands that we don’t. At the same time, sometimes people just made bad choices.

Regardless of the dashboard and merits of shipping, it’s not a great sign for the head of a company who makes a blogging platform to choose to write a tweet thread rather than a blog post. He could, of course, do both.

If you get some 1-star feedback and feel down, check out the 1-star amazon reviews of one of your favourite authors. You’ll soon see that there are a lot of people with MAJOR issues out there and if someone hates something you really like, why should your thing be different.

I’m trying out the lofree Keyboard again and it’s better than I remembered.

Excpectation: I’m going to wake up a 6am and do some writing like every morning this week
Reality: Today my daughter woke up at 5:55 and I did no writing pre-work.

Sit down. Write whole post. Sit back. That’s terrible. Start again from scratch…Okay, that’s better, still needs work. Me most days.

Play with shadows for Sketchnoting icons. There’s a video on Instagram

What sketchnote course would you like to see next?

I’m starting to think about making a new sketchnote course so if that’s something you might be interested in, I have a feedback survey that I’d love for you to “kick the tires” of (make sure it works and is a logical flow etc). I want to answer the three questions

P.s. I already have three free sketchnoting courses that you’re welcome to try.

🎥 Eleanor Rigby” ukulele instrumental by David Beckingham (there’s a link to the tab in the description).

My wife made pão de deus and they are heavenly.

Sometimes I ponder the deeper questions of life. Like which cheese is best for a toastie and how can you make it the most melty without burning the outside.

Feature idea for a micro blog client: pick times to get notifications. Let’s say you want notifications at 10:00 am and 18:00, at those times you get a notification saying you have X new messages from Y, Z.

How does one cross their animals. Asking for a friend.

Look ma, I made a meme.