You know what’s worse than only writing about writing (and other ouroboric activity)? Only writing about how bad writing about writing is.

I can be guilty of this (and in fact this post is an example of it!) so I’m committing to changing.

My company is looking to update their social media icons from Twitter to X-twitter. But the logo we can download isn’t the same as the one on the site.

A friendly reminder inspired by an email in my inbox.

When you turn your hobby into a hustle, you’ll probably lose what made it a great hobby in the first place. Not always, but probably.

Scheduled a new sketchy ideas newsletter for this afternoon (with a new section highlighting things from around the web).

The dad-mobile has arrived. A used Citreon C4 Grand Picasso. Tomorrow she gets her first real test with a trip to the in-laws.

Keeping things special in an age of abundance

It was my daughter’s 5 birthday yesterday.

We did all her favourite thing:

  • opened presents
  • went to the local softplay
  • had curry for lunch
  • went to the playground
  • had ice cream in the park
  • made a plastercast unicorn she got from her uncle.
  • watch a couple of episodes of Paw patrol
  • had pizza for dinner

It was a real feast day.

Funnily enough, there’s a lot that we do often, but the combination of it all together really makes it stand apart. One of the challenges I wonder about, as a parent, is helping to keep things special.

There are things my kids can have every week (or even every day) that I only had a couple of times a year. On the one hand it’s great they live in this abundance, on the other hand I wonder if they don’t appreciate things in the same way.

It make me wonder about abstinence: not indulging often so we can appreciate things more when we do have them.

It requires patience (refusing cartoons can start a family civil war) and planning (having other activities and alternatives ready to go is a must) that make it far more work for us parents. But it helps to keep things more special.

And often the alternatives are better anyway.

This isn’t just true for parenting of course.

I got an Amazon voucher from work for my birthday and spent it all on books. Can you see the common trend?

One of the greatest ironies in life: by trying to make a message less passive aggressive, you can end up making it more so.

Goal: seek to be better, not right.

I see the opposite in a colleague and it annoys me. That means there’s a good chance I’m just as guilty of this issue if not more.

I forgot how tiring baby’s are. But now I have a baby and two bigger kids who demand energy even when the baby is asleep. Thankfully, all three are having a siesta and I’ve never been more grateful.

There’s this strange thing I’ve noticed with a few individuals in the work place: they try to claim your ideas.

If you share a unique insight or idea they say “yes,” and then rephrase exactly what you said offering nothing extra. I really wonder why they bother, especially when they either show their ignorance in what they say.

Personally, I’d praise the person making the suggestion, perhaps agree that I had heard that (without restating the information) or discuss how to implement. I really don’t get the need to repeat the same thing.

My 2 year old son is waking up early again and asking for various cartoons/youtube videos. My current solutions are a sticker books (work quite well) and today: Wreck This Journal. We had great fun messing it up.

My school had a computer lab full of the original iMacs. I hated them! It was such a pain to move files between them and my PC at home. Plus the one mouse button really confused me. It put me off Apple for years.

But oh boy did they look and feel nice.

Finished reading: The Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel 📚

“Good decisions aren’t always rational. At some point you have to choose between being happy or being “right.” - Psychology of Money, Morgan Housel.

Sometimes it’s annoying when my kids never give me time alone. But I’m sure I’ll be sadder when my kids never want to spend time with me.

Just started a couple of pages at the back of my notebook to collect possible goals and words for a theme for next year. This is a situation where I find pen and paper so much better; so easy to collect and find.

When you’re at the playground and a child pees on the other side of the same tree you are resting under.

Luckily I realised just before the peeing began.

WordPress 6.3 has added a command pallet. This could be nice.

New baby, who did? (Literally. We haven’t settled on a name yet!)