10 Upgrades for 2019 | David duChemin - World & Humanitarian Photographer, Nomad, Author.

Want better photographs? Of course you do. We all do. But it’s probably not our gear, or lack of it, or how old it is, that’s standing in the way: it’s our excuses and lack of creativity. How do I know? Because we have the most advanced cameras ever (even that ancient Canon Digital Rebel the people in your camera club look down their noses at) and we’re still not making photographs that are stronger than those made by photographers from 20, 30, or 100 years ago. It’s not the gear.

The whole article is worth a read and the listicle suggestions are pretty good.

I had a bit of a dark spell with photography at the end of last year. I felt unmotivated and unsatisfied by what I was doing. So I realised I needed to make a change. Then I looked back and saw that I had been indulging in photography the whole time and enjoying it.

One of my core aims for the coming year is to spend time with some of my photography books on Saturday or Sunday mornings. It’s such a great alternative to the endless stream of instagram.

I would point out that David is doing trainings and so his point about corporate shills who of course tell you to buy gear is a little hypocritical or his bias to sell workshops, books, and e-courses.