: Would anyone want an ebook with my sketches collated together? Perhaps my series on mental models …

: Some neighbours were throwing out a coffee capsule machine, so now we have one (and it works fine).

: Currently reading: Bearing God’s Name by Carmen Joy Imes 📚 Currently at the third chapter and …

: Photographers: What camera bag/sling do you use? I’ve had a kind of bumbag (deal with it …

: I recently discovered that Gen Z do not do gif reactions. If only there were some way I could …

: My wife is cooking waffles for the kids after pre-school and they smell AMAZING.

: Finished reading: Digital Liturgies by Samuel James 📚 good, probably even very good but not as good …

: Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God. — Matt 5:9 (ESV)

: It’s really bizarre how Biden has turned to the same strongman “only I can…” rhetoric that Trump …

: Do my eyes deceive me! Are England actually, pressing? And attacking well?!? The rest defense is …

: Christians of mb. Favourite books on prayer?

: British Grand Prix and England football later. It’s a good day for sports!

: Goal: Read older books instead of sensational social media nonsense. You’re okay Micro Blog.

: My family went to a local Alpaca park this weekend. How was your weekend? Sidenote: I really love …

: I missed most of the England game last night as I was tidying up my Son’s diarrhea so I feel …

: “What values do you want to demonstrate today?” This little prompt has got in my head. I have a list …

: I wonder how much unsplash usage has decreased since so image generators came around… side note: …

: I turn around for five minutes and my daughter has made a fort in the middle of the living room. …

: Was that the best Grand Prix in years? I haven’t been following much recently but that was great.

: It’s a wet day so we’re making one page zines.

: Brad East has written a critique of Practicing The Way by John Mark Comer and as with all things …

: Camera decision fatigue I’ve got a few camera options iPhone Ricoh GR (10+ year point and shoot) Olympus Mju ii …

: In more film news, there’s a new Rollei 35 AF coming! And Japanese Camera Hunter has the only …

: Pentax has a new film camera (its first for 20 years!) and its…weird. Half frame 37mm focal …

: Just sent in my registration to vote as an overseas citizen for the upcoming UK election.

: I’ve been exploring the Theos think tank research into religion and voting in the UK. UK …

: New lens, who dis?

: Took me a while, but I finally finished my sketchnote summary of Practicing the Way by John Mark …

: I love kimchi unnatural amounts.

: It’s amazing how skepticism I am of even one republican having the guts to defend the integrity of …

: Curiously kaitlyn is such a well done podcast. The idea is great — little kids theological questions …

: Can’t lose your seat in an election if you step down before it.

: I can confirm, Obsidian sync is far better than using iCloud sync. The mobile app loads like a …

: Homemade pizzas night is the best! (My daughter always wants to make hers like a cat face)

: Okay the new iPad-Pencil 3d shadow of the pen you’re using is pretty crazy but practical too. It …

: A 10 minute play with the new iPads On Monday, I popped into a local tech shop to try the new iPad Pro and iPad Air. I wanted to see …

: Sunak finally calls an election. Looking forward to finally hearing a manifesto from Labour.

: This is Szczyrk, Poland.

: This is Poland.

: I’m 90% sure reminders is all I need for task management…and yet here I am thinking …

: Cut out all these exclamation points. An exclamation point is like laughing at your own joke. — F. …

: When saving time costs you more I used my iPad heavily when I was teaching but there was one thing that always brought me back to a …

: I really don’t care that podcasters “can’t” use an iPad to record a podcast. …

: Finished reading: Steal Like An Artist by Austin Kleon 📚 Read it again for some creative inspiration …

: Currently reading: Digital Liturgies by Samuel James 📚

: 3 pack of bullet journal pocket notebooks - €19 3 pack of field notes Kraft €12 (ish) plus shipping …

: Why is “comments next to tasks” such a crazy idea? So, a certain high up at a company that may or may not be mine has decided that Slack threads aren’t …

: I’m not looking to change my iPad, but… The iPad event is today. I’m interested to see what apple brings. Mine is six years old and apart …

: Finished reading: Practicing the Way by John Mark Comer 📚

: Finished reading: The Coaching Habit by Michael Bungay Stanier 📚 I wish I had read this when back …

: The power of knowing what you want A few years back I read a terrible self-help book. It was one I’d never buy for myself which …

: In a couple of weeks, I’m going on a work trip to the mountains. So, naturally, I’m …

: Actual footage of me before and after drinking coffee.

: Jacob Collier is my happy place. A couple of years back I thought he as talent but I wouldn’t …

: I had been using Obsidian a lot less for a couple of months but I’m back again! But I know it …

: Had some dust on my camera lens (easter photos all had a black dot at the bottom) so I cleaned my …

: Just stumbled across a life planner thing that comes in a fancy black box. I don’t want a life …

: I’ve started using the health apps “log your mood” feature and I love it. It’s a nice prompt. I’m …

: Interesting little fact. We tend to be more optimistic about our local area than our nation. I.e. we …

: Earlier this year I read Gospel Allegiance by Matthew W Bates. It argues that the greek word we …

: I really enjoyed making this one, mainly because I love any excuse to use a gold leaf layer in …

: Finished reading: Jesus Through Middle Eastern Eyes by Kenneth E. Bailey 📚very interesting cultural …

: I’m currently reviewing an article for work where we have lots of lists with categories that …

: Currently watching the afterparty season 2. I loved season 1, season 2 is solid but doesn’t feel as …

: I wonder how similar Trump and MAGA are to the “great awakening”s. Taking a very sceptical view of …

: Over the weekend I got this £5 rip off Apple Watch band. I love it. Great colour, great feel, secure …

: The rest is history series on Martin Luthor has been fantastic. Episode 4 brought up the issue of …

: A change to my morning routine For the longest time I’ve put coffee on first thing in the morning; not anymore. We got coffee beans …

: Made this for Easter. The outline is a single line, I used a gold leaf clipping mask for the tomb …

: A sketchnote summary of Henri Nouwen’s The Way of the Heart. I had forgotten I had made this …

: Ah the minimalism magazine that rallies against advertising…which now features adverts. To …

: New obsidian sync standard… I think they got me.

: What’s the best way to clean a monitor (without damaging it?) Asking for a …

: When you make friends with someone on micro blog you never know what will happen.

: Pro tip: a work call when you don’t have to speak and have headphones in is the perfect time to hand …

: I really like this one.

: A new, partially recycled iPhone case When I got my new iPhone last year I picked up a dirt cheap case of Amazon for some basic …

: Unsolicited iPad Positioning Advice I’m interested in getting a new iPad (eventually) and I’ve heard a few interesting …

: ...What if I didn't use an iPad? I love my iPad pro. It’s probably my favourite Apple device (although my m1 Macbook Air and …

: Be curious, not judgemental – Walt Whitman — Ted Lasso

: I’ve started to see some rumours about the Nintendo Switch 2. It sounds like it will be a bump …

: Just finished The Beat season 1 with my wife. A bit out off our typical series choice but very good.

: Possibly my most controversial opinion: Loving the oxford comma is a virtue signal.

: The new Lublin bus station last night.

: The Fujifilm x100 vi is out so of course I’m checking out Kai Wong’s review. I still …

: My colleague: I really hate working this way. We should do it that way. Me: Okay, I’ll do it …

: I’ve been keeping the boxes to my Apple devices …but I have no idea why. I upgraded my phone last …

: A morning without kids so I went to an art exhibition at the National Museum in Krakow.

: How I think I’ll feel when fasting vs how I actually feel. Just me?

: Rare UK politics tweet. The tory chairman has blamed low turnout for the massive swing to Labour. …

: The pessimist says it’s half empty. The pedant says it’s full.

: My wife and I managed got 50% through The Marvels before it got too late/the baby woke up. So far …

: I have the first client for my sketchnote services (which I haven’t really advertised!) but …

: It always amazes me how much harder fasting is than I remember, but how easy it is too. Also always …

: My approach to slack is to write one message (even if its long) and send that so I cause as few …

: Currently working out how I can afford/justify coming to the sketchnote camp in Texas this year. …

: One of my favourite ironies is how much engineering work has gone into making camera lenses WITHOUT …

: Making lasagna. How do you order the layers?

: I wonder if secular ideas like “the miracle morning” have caused (Western/US) …

: Me: “I don’t struggle with shiny object syndrome” Them: “Okay, show me your domain name history.” …

: I wonder when Apple will realise that they’re the baddies over how they are holding developers …

: I just ordered a second hand Nikon 50-250mm lens for the z50. It’s not fast but the range is crazy. …

: My youngest has pneumonia and so my wife is taking her into hospital. A few days of single dad-ing …

: This is the exact loop in thinking I go through whenever I consider moving my newsletter off …

: Time to say goodbye to the UK again. It was a great at trip and very tiring. Looking forward to a …

: I think I’m going to change sketchyideas to the new default WordPress theme. I don’t …

: How does one get a button with “reply on micro.blog” at the bottom of each post? I …

: Dog vs Apple Pencil.

: Today I learned there’s a raspberry pi store in Cambridge. I’ve just managed to avoid buying one. …

: In Cambridge today to see some old friends.

: The History of Evernote in Screenshots - by Jon Tromans The History of Evernote in Screenshots - by Jon Tromans Well, this is worse than I remember.

: I failed my reading goal last year. I’m not sure if I missed tracking some books I read, but I …

: A little late on my newsletter this week but I wanted a bit more time to get some things in order. I …

: Submitted my paper on Jonah. I could have written so much more and every time I reduced a section I …

: It’s that time of year again. Tell me your yearly theme and I’ll make a phone wallpaper …

: Family Christmas in the Derbyshire Dales. It’s been lovely, windy and exhausting. Still a few …

: A new sketchnote summary of an article on 8 ways to end imposter syndrome for good.

: We took the kids to see Bluet live at the Southbank Centre. Amazing production and the kids had a …

: A theory: Christian Nationalists view their country (primarily the US, but also UK, others) as …

: “Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time, for that’s the stuff life is made of.” ― …

: Good morning from the UK 🇬🇧

: On imposter syndrome

: Very excited to be flying into the UK tomorrow. I wonder if I could put together a London micro blog …

: Possible historical theology question to explore: are there common ways powerful groups view the …

: Just me?

: I’m trying the pomodorro technique again today. When I first used it 10+ years ago, it was to …

: [spoilers?] Thoughts on the Dr Who specials I really enjoyed the Dr Who specials, but also didn’t really like some of the decisions like the …

: Something im working on for next week. Not sure it’s quite right (may take out the headings?)Might …

: Assignment on the OT references in Matthew’s account of Jesus' temptation…done! Time …

: Looks like the kids illness has got to me. Send lemsip!

: The IVP bible background commentary (2nd edition) points out that Jesus being led into the …

: “We do not learn from experience . . . we learn from reflecting on experience.” A pithy …

: Whole family is ill except* me. This is the darkest timeline. *I only have a mild headache and no …

: Essay on OT references in Matt 4 - Jesus temptation - Book four of the Psalter I had checked the context of Psalm 91:11 for the Psalm, but not the whole Psalter. Psalms stand …

: My sketchy idea newsletter is back. Trying a new, shorter format. Oh and I’m trying a short sketchy …

: The first draft is always perfect

: 🔗 [A bride to be discovers a reality bending mistake in Apple’s computational photography …

: I was surprised at @numericcitizen’s high praise of freeform after some mediocre experiences. …

: I’m using Keener’s IVP New Testament Bible backgrounds commentary and D.A. …

: “There are only two ways to influence human behavior: you can manipulate it or you can inspire …

: Installing Hugo on my mac… Stand back, I’m about to try science! I mean basic web …

: Orthodox friends (@ReaderJohn @JohnBrady ) How similar/different is the hermeneutical approach for …

: My son has discovered the original Thomas the Tank Engine from 1984. It looks so much better than …

: I’ve used an automatic tool to share my mental model sketchnotes across different platforms …

: 🎶 Plans by Death Cab For Cutie 💿

: Carrd has just announced their Black Friday sale (40% off pro plans with the code BF2023). …

: I would expect someone should get to grips with the oxford comma after 6 months of a writer being in …

: Something I’ve learned from the design team at my current company. Things that you think must …

: My recent sketchnote on divergent and convergent thinking is probably my favourite I’ve made …

: Recently, I’ve had to download direct updates to obsidian (rather than get automatic updates …

: Loki season 2 was just fantastic.

: Took my daughter to see her first firm in the cinema today. Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie. And now …

: My daughter is very excited for the final Mario kart expansion. And she’s not the only one.

: Microbloganauts. Most of us are geeky and tech enthusiasts. What if we made our own vote and awards …

: Zotero is one of those tools that I know can be amazing, but gives me no help in working out HOW it …

: 🎥 Brain Fog / how i cured it with one simple remedy - YouTube Summary: Intermittent Fasting is the …

: The year is almost over. What’s the best book you’ve read this year? Fiction and …

: Random morning thoughts: Are we basically using the PARA (Projects, Areas, Resources, Archive) at …

: The action button isn't a great camera shutter button I started using the action button for the camera, but this is not the best choice. It’s fine …

: Mammoths still roam the earth.

: Somewhere in Wrocław

: iPhone photographers. What’s your favourite editing app? I’ve used darkroom for a long time and …

: People who use third party camera apps on the iPhone: What’s your favourite? I’ve …

: Touch typing feels like a superpower… Until you look up from the text you’ve been …

: Just wanted to say thank you everyone for your kind words, thoughts and prayers. Everything did go …

: And we’re heading home.

: He’s out of surgery, sleepy but seems okay. We might even get to go home today.

: This is just a small surgery and yet it’s wrecked me emotionally. I don’t know how parents whose …

: A hike through ojców national park Yesterday my team at work decided to do a more unusual team building than the typical go karting or …

: The current chapter in my intro to hermeneutics books is just footnote after footnote for …

: Morning coffee.

: I went to work with my colleagues in town today for the first time in 3 months (or more)…and my new …

: Went to krakow this morning. Came back with an obwarzanek.

: Just cooked this amazing sweet potato and chickpea stew. Highly recommend.

: What’s a book you want to read, but you just never seem to actually read? Or is that just me?

: Off to pickup my Nikon Z50 which has finally been repaired. Very happy to get this back.

: Obsidian users…is there a way to automatically link a new note to your day note? I’ve …

: I think I want a bumbag (no American’s, I will never use the name you call it!) …

: Currently reading: Handbook on the New Testament Use of the Old Testament by G. K. Beale 📚

: I found a nice sounding stat for an article. So I decided to validate it and get the original …

: I’m clearly spending too much time reading/listening together to Americans. My wife just asked me to …

: One of my favourite things about stage manager on the mac is that I see the wallpaper more than when …

: Today was a “I activated my Apple Watch workout detection while rocking my daughter to sleep” kind …

: Just started a new note in Obsidian that has got me thinking. The note is on “references to …

: I’ve loved Austin Mann’s iPhone camera reviews for the last few years. Not because he …

: The Sonoma wallpapers/screensavers are amazing! I wonder if @danalcantara is using the Scotland …

: My favourite hacks to self-edit my writing. Read the text out loud Change the context of the text …

: I forgot what was coming in Sonoma. My top highlights MOAR widgets PDF autofill better screen …

: Sometimes I think the people who advocate for writing “rules” like “never use a …

: I am once again thinking about Pistis (John Barclay’s critique of Matthew Bates is the cause).

: New word of the week: vacillate - to waver between two options, opinions, actions. Not a new word …

: Great relaxing weekend hiking with friends and little to no internet.

: It’s amazing how people who start emails with URGENT start every email with urgent. It’s …

: Turning my iPad into a focused creation device This quarter, I’m focusing on writing. I’ve had a writing habit for a long time, but …

: My feelings about a certain review.

: What's in my dad bag? Whenever I’m with my kids, I have my “Dad bag” with me. Its content varies …

: I dropped out of a course I was due to start last week. I’ve had zero mental capacity …

: I’m thinking of sharing an interesting word a week as a way to help expand my vocabulary. I’ve been …

: When did reminders get so good! I love the today view divided by times of the day. I often add admin …

: It’s happening again…

: A bit of a lettering experiment today and a reminder to myself.

: Play the ball, not the man. This is one of my core values. It’s a phrase taken from Football [^1] and means “debate …

: Humans working the hard jobs for minimum wage while the ai robots write poetry and create artwork is …

: I have a few work in progress articles as open MicroBlog windows. This is not the best idea as they …

: After the amazing green of the iPhone 13, the iPhone 15’s colour options are a huge …

: Most of my favourite bloggers have very simple blogging and marketing setups they’ve basically …

: Internet points The internet is a game. If you play it well, you get “internet points.” Most of the time …

: I have several notes in obsidian which are variations of How to keep my kids entertained at various …

: Procreate announcement is currently live. I think they’re introducing a new (replacement?) …

: “The problem with a theocracy is everyone wants to be Theo” - James Dunn

: Me: I’m a minimalist and live simply so I don’t spend money on pointless things. Now, …

: I hate how strange it feels when I can actually say “It’s not been busy at all.” …

: It’s ready! For a couple of months, I’ve been working on and off on a series of free …

: The best way I've found to overcome my parenting rage My kids know my dark secret. I have an alternative, evil personality. His name is “Grumpy …

: I’m working in a cafe for the first time in ages as I wait for my train to pickup my family. It’s a …

: I’m trying to set up a focus mode/shortcut etc that would block certain applications while …

: Actually, tools do matter (sort of) There’s this common idea that “it’s the action/skill not the tools that …

: On practicing patience Yesterday I was stuck driving home behind a car who had the audacity to stick to the speed limit (I …

: You know what’s worse than only writing about writing (and other ouroboric activity)? Only …

: My company is looking to update their social media icons from Twitter to X-twitter. But the logo we …

: A friendly reminder inspired by an email in my inbox. When you turn your hobby into a hustle, you’ll …

: Scheduled a new sketchy ideas newsletter for this afternoon (with a new section highlighting things …

: The dad-mobile has arrived. A used Citreon C4 Grand Picasso. Tomorrow she gets her first real test …

: Keeping things special in an age of abundance It was my daughter’s 5 birthday yesterday. We did all her favourite thing: opened presents …

: I got an Amazon voucher from work for my birthday and spent it all on books. Can you see the common …

: One of the greatest ironies in life: by trying to make a message less passive aggressive, you can …

: Goal: seek to be better, not right. I see the opposite in a colleague and it annoys me. That means …

: I forgot how tiring baby’s are. But now I have a baby and two bigger kids who demand energy even …

: There’s this strange thing I’ve noticed with a few individuals in the work place: they …

: My 2 year old son is waking up early again and asking for various cartoons/youtube videos. My …

: My school had a computer lab full of the original iMacs. I hated them! It was such a pain to move …

: Finished reading: The Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel 📚

: “Good decisions aren’t always rational. At some point you have to choose between being happy …

: Sometimes it’s annoying when my kids never give me time alone. But I’m sure I’ll be sadder when my …

: Just started a couple of pages at the back of my notebook to collect possible goals and words for a …

: When you’re at the playground and a child pees on the other side of the same tree you are resting …

: WordPress 6.3 has added a command pallet. This could be nice.

: New baby, who did? (Literally. We haven’t settled on a name yet!)

: Day off with the kids.

: Time to upgrade my mokka pot technique. Thanks James Hoffmann 🎥

: I’m tempted to make a simple website called “Ugly bujo”. It would explain bullet …

: Hill I will die on. Globalization should always be spelt with a Z, even in countries that favour …

: I’ve seen a lot about the fourth turning recently. I’ll admit my first reaction was that …

: Happy Trump indictment day however you celebrate yours. I remember when Trump indictment day was a …

: When I started blogging, the experts told me not to use hedging words like “I think” and …

: A bad habit list Last week I made a shocking discovery. Fruit is great in hot weather. I know, revolutionary insight …

: I’ve just moved from my tiny Ikea desk that I bought when lockdowns started to a 120x60cm …

: A vegan Birthday lunch with my wife. Very tasty.

: End of the work week. Time for my end of week review routine.

: I’m really intrigued to see how obsidian properties work. So far I’ve been impressed by the features …

: Who's the adult here? My kids are almost 2 and 5. Both of them are going through a period of temper tantrums. It’s …

: “Nothing else in the world…not all the armies…is so powerful as an idea whose time has come.” – …

: 📹 Van Neistat’s rules of gift giving - YouTube Some great tips here. I love “Expensive, …

: Ironically, I think I understand why Musk has done this rebrand now. Threads has stolen attention …

: The simple but effective end of week review I totally stole It’s the end of my Friday workday so I’m doing my simple weekly reflection. It’s …

: It’s a Cory Wong kind of afternoon. 🎶

: Find and replace.

: Working from home is great: I don’t have a long commute and get more time with my family. …

: How to live like a Roman emperor. Get a time machine. Learn Latin and Roman cultural practices Go …

: Anti-human trafficking isn't about being a hero There’s a movie going around that’s getting some major press. It presents an …

: Apparently all it takes to make me want a book is to put it in a cloth cover. See Great thinkers …

: I decided to get my Nikon Z50 out and just see if I could turn it on. I could and I managed to use …

: New stickers for the laptop cover. Thanks micro camp.

: I’m indifferent on the Oxford comma I used to be a massive defender of the Oxford comma, now I think most examples where it adds clarity …

: I reached podcast inbox zero! It’s been a while.

: oh dang! Not looking great for Evernote AT ALL!

: I had wondered why I couldn’t see threads and now I know. It’s not in the EU.. That …

: My car got a puncture while my wife was driving. Luckily an American friend came to help me replace …

: I’m working on a new in-depth sketchnote tutorial. One of the best things about making these is that …

: While I was away last week, my team moved to notion projects. So now I have no idea what I need to …

: For me, The main effect of Google analytics 4 will be that I remove analytics from most sites. I …

: Really hoping and praying this coup will lead to a withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukraine. …

: I might be doing a virtual event / summit. Any recommended tools?

: I’m a protestant but I love icons. I found this beautiful one on instagram and decided to make my …

: Here’s everything I know about taking visual notes in the workplace (personal usage not as a …

: Apparently “quiet quitting” (where you don’t go beyond your job requirements) is “a $9 trillion suck …

: I never noticed how big a deal angels are in Luke. This morning I finished reading Luke and noticed …

: Woke up on my in-laws small holding and had a coffee outside in the morning sun while listening to …

: iPhone owners. Do you have any apps that have live activities? I don’t think I’ve ever seen one.

: Last night, I finished work on my free sketchnote layouts email course. If you want to improve your …

: We’re going through the book of Philippians at church soon. What are your favourite resources around …

: Technology gaslighting For the last few years I’ve felt like tech companies and tech journalists are all trying to tell me …

: Shut up Thierry Henry!

: The new Nikon DX 24mm f1.7 sounds like a great carry around lens. Now I just need to get my z50 …

: The last couple of days at work have been a real case of “everything, urgent, all at …

: As a long suffering Sheffield Wednesday fan, I am hopeful for today’s playoff match, but ready …

: 🔗 What if you could only use ONE APP on your iPhone? – Shawn Blanc What if you could only use ONE …

: Brian Eno on why you shouldn’t get a job and be part of a scenius instead.. Time to listen to some …

: Had some fun making a Matisse style cutouts for this Matisse quote. “Creativity takes …

: R.I.P. Tim Keller Twitter update My tribute.

: Printer: working fine for weeks. Me: Right, need to print this ticket in a hurry. Printer: Sorry, …

: You don't have to go full YouTube guru to benefit from the thing I’ve noticed (and I feel the temptation too) to think of task management/PKM/bullet …

: My wife brought me Galaxy chocolate back from the UK after her trip. I brought her Tony’s chocolate… …

: My silly little “coffee is the answer” t-shirt just got promoted in the same email as PCalc and the …

: Finished reading: Stillness is the Key by Ryan Holiday 📚 Probably the best, most varied and most …

: The WordPress theme I’m using just released version 1.0. I downloaded and lost my custom page …

: A quick visual of The Paradox of Choice. I have a trick for shopping for craft beer. I have a price …

: It’s amazing how beepy bloopy music (example from today) can suddenly trigger my brain into a …

: Side effect of GA4 is I’m removing analytics from many of my old sites. I never really check …

: “Coffee is the answer” Seen in work Slack.

: Struggling with something in my head today so mucking around in procreate and single line portraits …

: I think this might be the straw that breaks the camel’s back for me with 1password. I have no …

: Good news. I’ve found my Ricoh Gr at my folks place. I don’t have the right charger with me but at …

: I was reading about childhood wounds and acting out like a child yesterday. So I made so,e …

: Five beautiful things in this cafe A Dad reading to his daughter Old friends catching up …

: When you’re down on the south bank and have your iPad with you…

: Hi from London.

: The head of -Twitter- X corp could really do with listening to that Elon Musk bloke. “You …

: I started a little Van Gough inspired background for my zoom calls. I might add more details but …

: I’ll be in London and free on Friday. I don’t suppose there are any micronauts who want …

: This weekend I started a page in Obsidian for the “We’re going to need a bigger …

: I decided to try Hipstermatic again and it made iPhone photography feel fun again. I think it’s …

: I’ve just finished the first draft of a free email course. “How to draw anything ( …

: Happy “this-is-the-way-nesday” to all who celebrate.

: I’m glad to see Leicester have found someone for the manager role till the end of the season. …

: I’m a big fan of Scribd but today I experienced the downside of the “netflix” …

: I’m glad to see the Polish tax website has added Ukrainian as an option. I’m less glad …

: Road trip for Easter coming up later today so I’m looking for some audiobooks to listen to in …

: I tried using ChatGPT to get some useful journal articles for an essay I’m writing on Ruth. It …

: I was feeling really down last night. It had been a tough day and in my mind it felt as if …

: Reading Ruth after so many church abuse scandals is so refreshing. Be like Boaz.

: Listening to Marco’s latest flip-flop (phone camera is enough and better than mirrorless 99% …

: Happy Ted Lasso day for all who celebrate.

: I wrote a 75 word long sentence for an academic essay (complete with semi colons) and I love it. …

: The Canonical approach seems naturally more critical than conservative and willing to engage in …

: My home note in obsidian wasn’t really working. I had far too many links as I’d kept adding to it. …

: I’m in the process of #RestoreTheSketchyIdeasNewsletter like restoring the synderverse, but …

: Apparently unpopular opinion: I still love my iPad and my MacBook air. Both work great for their …

: Ted Lasso season 3 time!

: I’m working on an update for my sketchnote layouts guide and I’m really excited about …

: A journaling prompt I'm trying to turn gratitude into generosity Writing what you’re grateful for is a common journaling activity and for good reason. …

: 🎥 How Minimalism Got Toxic: The Dark Side - Internet Impact - YouTube A great video about the issues …

: Sometimes I just love the irony that “think outside the box” has become a cliche.

: Happy Monday morning. I took a proper sabbath yesterday and feel great! 10/10 would recommend.

: Blue in Green gets better every time I listen to it.

: It was 17c yesterday…it’s snowing today. And it’s spring?

: Micro:blog idea: I’d love a way to filter my timeline to just see links to longer articles.

: I’m working on cleaning up my pages a bit. First task was the tools page where I’ve …

: A journaling experiment I'm trying to help improve my patience I’ve been less patience recently. It’s been a growing issue since my daughter learned …

: I spent most of the evening looking for my Apple Pencil. It seems it’s really gone. My top theory is …

: On boring blogs not brand sites. Today I came across a writer with a boring site. He has a single profile picture at the top along …

: Started reading: The Dispossessed by Ursula K. Le Guin 📚

: 3 Quick Journaling Prompts That I Keep Coming Back To I am not a consistent journaler. Over the last 8 years, I’ve tried lots of different system …

: I can predict someone’s views on Twitter with about 85% accuracy based on whether they have a …

: An increasingly useful rule of thumb I’ve found: The side with nuance is probably the right …

: This is me.

: If you’d like to make sketchnotes but have never given it a go, I’d love to know what …

: Freeform doc on Mac “What on earth is this mess of half images”. Same freeform doc on …

: Clint Eastwood by Gorillaz was made with a drum synth preset Me: Clint Eastwood by @gorillaz is such …

: I used to have my streamdeck mini setup so I could pull up my obsidian daily note with a button and …

: A major strength and weakness of obsidian is that you make the structure. The strength is that …

: Unexpectedly using my iPad a whole lot again. Not sure why exactly but probably more reading, more …

: If you’re a Christian, you might enjoy this little lent devotional series i’m doing. Each day has a …

: Universal control is so magical when it just works…but right now my Mac has no idea my iPad is right …

: My professor sent us some non OCRd pdf as part of our reading. It wasn’t great for reading in reader …

: Wrote something. Not sure if I should publish it. Saved to journal for now. It’s one of the reasons …

: I replaced my tiny little light for video calls with a Godox ES45 and it’s a real improvement! …

: I see so much stuff about doing X faster. I can understand the desire to get more things done or not …

: Sometimes, when sketchnoting on paper, things go really wrong. But you can always cover up your …

: Micro bloggers who use a daily planner, what sort of sections, questions and prompts do you have in …

: Sometimes you’ve just got to love the irony that “thinking outside the box” is a cliche.

: Hey Siri, define bad management culture. When Musk or the goons ask questions, employees are torn …

: Two new and fairly cheap notebooks for bullet journals (one is a backup). I never wanted a spiral …

: My whole team avoids Google meets like the plague and uses slack hangouts instead… despite the extra …

: My daughter is away with her grandparents so we’re having a spicy curry tonight. It’s the little …

: Canon has announced the r50 which looks like it might well be a successor to the m50. The fact that …

: Apple notes and freeform are probably better than obsidian and it’s canvas for 90% of people.

: It’s possibly/probably a coincidence but since I first had covid, I get real leg pains every …

: How’s you’re Sunday going?

: Goldeneye is now on the Switch. The first thing I did was message my friends from childhood to …

: In other news, it seams Evernote added backlinks earlier in the month..

: I’m sure there’s a smarter way to do this but I got a non OCRd PDF from my course …

: Seams the cable connecting the LCD screen on my camera is starting to break. I really haven’t …

: I’m looking out the windows and It’s started snowing again here in Poland. The slowly …

: Random thoughts on the person who keeps plugging themself. UPDATE: I’ve realised that even these thoughts aren’t completely correct. I’ve …

: 🔗 I disconnected from the electric grid for 8 months—in Manhattan | Ars Technica I disconnected from the electric grid for 8 months—in Manhattan | Ars Technica On May 22, 2022, I …

: Turns out Christopher Wright is another great Wright theologian. I think I prefer his writing style …

: Playing around with a new logo idea for sketchy ideas.

: If you like drawing (even just occasionally) and have an iPad, consider buying Linea from …

: I don’t think I’d really appreciated how important YHWH’s liberation of the …

: I like my Nikon, but I miss my Fuji.

: We finished Only Murders in The Building season 1 last night. Lots of fun and I’m sure …

: Listening to the after show of this weeks ATP and I’d love to see podcasters share a history of …

: I’m currently experiencing the baader meinhof effect for Appreciative inquiry: it just seems …

: Finished reading: The Life We’re Looking For by Andy Crouch 📚

: About to try refilling a neuland marker for the first time…Wish me luck!

: If anyone else has a word for the year / theme of the year and wants a hand-drawn phone wallpaper …

: Now witness the firepower of this fully ARMED and OPERATIONAL standing desk!

: Glass Onion was very good fun.

: Revisiting minimalism I’ve been thinking about minimalism again. My main prompt is reading “The Life We’re Looking For” by …

: Appreciating the inbetween week I’ve got the week off work (but my daughter is still going to pre-school) so I’ve drawn …

: 15 years of service. Thank you, boots.

: Thanks, Santa.

: Most web3/NFT enthusiasts I know seem very against mastodon and federated social networks. That …

: Gratitude is riches. Complaint is poverty. - Doris Day

: Anyone doing a yearly theme? Tell me what it is and I’ll make a phone wallpaper for it.

: So the rumours were true. Revue is shutting down on Jan 18, 2023. Very disappointing but luckily …

: Currently reading: The Life We’re Looking For by Andy Crouch 📚

: Hello from Goa

: Been bed ridden most of the day. But I read some books.

: Sometimes I see a chain of messages on Facebook messenger and wonder how some people have so much …

: A few photos from my first day in Bangalore

: Finished reading: The Midnight Library by Matt Haig 📚

: 10 years ago I was in Spain…and I did movember…and Apple photos just reminded me of both of these …

: Apparently Musk has complained about Apple on Twitter. He should have filed a radar 🤭

: As part of my wife’s new business she got a whole load of neuland stuff. And I have permission to …

: I went looking for my Ricoh GR this weekend so I could take it to India. Then I remembered I had …

: Sometimes I see YouTube thumbnails and worry what happened to the creator…then I realise it’s a …

: Happy thanksgiving to all the Americans on Micro.blog.

: Visa sorted. Going to be in Bangalore and Goa early December. What a delightfully unexpected …

: I was today years old when I learned that i could set a setting in safari so it never asks for …

: Did I just join hive to secure my username without Mr in front of it…yes I did.

: Every block of stone has a statue inside it and it is the task of the sculptor to discover it. …

: Turning down an upgrade I had to renew my phone contract and had a chance to upgrade my four year old phone. In the end I …

: Turns out I have a mastodon account (shows how much I use/used it) time to give this a try I …

: My favourite slack culture thing is when you message someone and then their status goes from green …

: Those comparison pages on websites are really on the borderline (or over it) of marketing …

: For my talk on visual note taking this week I’m using Concepts with its infinite canvas. This …

: I changed learncreateshare to SketchyIdeas yesterday (actually my webmanager did). It’s a …

: I didn’t really think Twitter was just going to collapse in a cloud of hubris…after the recent …

: Kids have just recovered from a cough and runny nose (hurrah!). The kids now both have temperatures …

: With Revue almost certainly shutting down I’m setting up a new email service for the sketchy …

: I’m doing a quick live stream with a sketchnote tutorial for how to draw the world’s …

: The way Twitter is laying people off feels a bit black mirror. No direct message access cut who …

: Apparently, Revue is going to be shut down as part of Musk’s shake up. That a shame, I really …

: If you enjoyed the micro camp talk that @chadgmoore and I did on sketchnoting, you might enjoy this …

: My daughter decided to buy me some socks. I’m particularly excited about the doughnut ones.

: I just released my latest sketchy idea (newsletter) and I think I’m most proud of the pun at …

: We’re about to go on a four hour drive across Poland (with a four hour return trip): what audiobook …

: 🎶 Blue In Green (Take 3) by Bill Evans Trio Just discovered this version thanks to the YouTube music …

: Round two of guess the book

: Let’s play guess the book.

: Can’t have a problem with trolls when you’re run by a troll and encourage trolling… sorry, “free …

: Urgh! What a day. Chris, it’s 10am.

: … the Google play store has fewer ads than the apple App Store…Google!

: I resisted the iPadOS 16 betas because I wouldn’t get stage manager and I wanted to keep my iPad …

: Currently reading: Political Gospel by Patrick Schreiner 📚

: Today’s mood

: Just curious, if you could get the SAME content but in. a PDF daily emails An obsidian vault that …

: My 3 favourite pieces of tech hardware from 2022 The end of the year is in sight. And while there’s still time for me to purchase a new piece …

: I’m planning to do a massive update of my site LearnCreateShare next week I’d love your …

: Speaking with Paul Mignard on Twitter and he mentioned dropping the USB-C port, going wireless and …

: Turned off continuity webcam for my iPhone. I was getting multiple pings a day saying it was …

: I shared this sketchnote summary of the One Minute Manager on my blog yesterday but I thought …

: New iPad Pros. Pencil hover sounds like a great feature, I’d love to know why it’s …

: Today’s fun little slip of the tongue while recording “You can drag and drog”. I …

: I’d love a new iPad (money aside) so hopefully this new iPad Pro will help drive down prices …

: It turns out that N.T. Wright and Mike Birds excellent book on the New Testament is also excellent …

: Playing with Linea for some quick easy drawings… really underrated app.

: Over the weekend I had an unpleasant surprise. My company isn’t closing at the end of the …

: Just used @gr36 status.lol shortcut to post my first status.

: Today I learned that 75% of our sensory neurons are visual neurons.

: The new gather desk stuff looks stunning. But those prices! (Also I backed the first kit and my desk …

: The world can feel dark at times and as though everything is getting worse. But there’s …

: I wouldn't have believed a random project 6 years ago would turn into this. 6 years ago I started making some simple videos for students of English as a foreign language …

: My daughter rejected my chunky tomato sauce last night so I made ”totally different” tomato sauce …

: macOS ventura is generally nice but my phone keeps wanting to be used as a webcam at random moments. …

: A return to stock apps? As I read CJ Chilver’s recent post on the lazy billionaire, I was reminded of Patrick …

: Public service announcement: This sauce is amazing. We usually make our own sauce but this one is so …

: Amazing what you can do with just a crayola.

: I just found out I have a Google Stadia account apparently. I think I’ve used it 0 times and …

: Really amazed to have partnered with Faithlife to create a Logos 10 (Bible study software) review …

: May or may not be influenced by a recent trip to the softplay area this weekend.

: Got a 0.38 refil for my spoke pen. Happy days.

: Pro job application tip. Delete your CV with the typo in so you don’t accidentally send that …

: When cooking lasagna I often sing “Bechamel, bechamel mucho.” That may or may not have just …

: The images we live by Metaphors create new worlds. They focus our attention, open our imaginations and help us to see …

: I’ve been running the macOS Ventura beta for a few days. I’ve seen the stage manager …

: Back to applying for jobs 😔 I just had to state my salary exception “so not to waste …

: Finished reading: The Way of the Heart by Henri J. M. Nouwen 📚

: We were making homemade pizza yesterday evening and I asked my wife what she wanted on hers. She …

: For Inktober this year I’m practicing some larger drawing skills (for graphic recording). Early …

: Updating to the macOS Ventura beta for some screencasts… Wish me luck!

: Made it to Essen. Found curry. Everything is okay.

: The complaints about stage manager make me think that “let the iPad be an iPad” is the right …

: At the end of the next month, I’ll be out of work. Yeah, Pompom is ceasing operations. The app …

: I bet the font on their kit is exceptional. 🔗 Montserrat: Caribbean island’s football team …

: Current status: moment of popping head above water between shivering and leg pains. I need to take …

: How I currently feel after trying to make a “simple” solution that …

: Just arrived in goleneia (the airport closest to Szczecin) for this year’s international Sketchnote …

: My first post iPhone event working for a company making an Apple app and I get it now. We now know …

: Made myself a little reminder of this classic quote from @patrickrhone “Saying No Is Actually Saying …

: The compatibility of USB C needs a giant “terms and conditions apply” sticker. It’s so tricky to …

: This week I learned how to make fake latte art because I came up with a terrible Pun about my …

: Welcome to autumn and the return of one of my favourite words “Autumnal.” It just feels like a warm …

: Looking at the rumoured iPhone 14 colour line up. I always have this feeling that I want to get …

: This morning my daughter announced that her room is now the Teddy Bear’s Restaurant (I …

: I was today years old when I learned that Parmesan has no lactose in it. A member of the family is …

: I opened my wife’s Mac to update some software and no apps opened. It was so refreshing compared to …

: Back in Poland after a great time in the UK. I wanted to share some photos but I left my Ricoh GR …

: Frustrating mac app marketing stuff. You can’t redeem an app offer code on the mac, just iOS. …

: Welcome to the low-cal calzone zone.

: Do you find it easier to avoid distractions, or focus on one thing? I recently came across the idea …

: We just dropped a big update at pompom including adding iMessage for business to offer support. I …

: Crazy belief but I think people who commit crimes should be prosecuted for those crimes. And law …

: I’m making some stickers to take with me to the international sketchnote camp (shhh it’s …

: 🔗 The Perils of Audience Capture - by Gurwinder The Perils of Audience Capture - by Gurwinder - The Prism In some respects, all his eating paid …

: I’m struggling to find any Apple blogs that still review apps. It seems they all just review …

: There’s been a lot of PKM critiques recently but today @chadgmoore pointed out this new …

: If you are interested in Biblical textual criticism then you will probably find this fascinating …

: As part of our 20% projects, I made a notion template for managing podcast guests. It was a fun …

: Turns out my thunderbolt 3 cable isn’t the right type of thunderbolt 3 cable for my new dock. …

: Over on Learn Create Share I’ve been publishing quick visuals and summaries of cognitive …

: 🔗 Facebook's TikTok-like redesign marks sunset of social networking era Facebook’s TikTok-like redesign marks sunset of social networking era Mark last week as the …

: 🔗 How Reels Have Impacted Engagement Rates on Instagram - Later How Reels Have Impacted Engagement Rates on Instagram - Later For those who have pivoted to Reels, …

: 🔗Instagram gets worse with dark patterns lifted from TikTok TechCrunch Instagram gets worse with dark patterns lifted from TikTok | TechCrunch The new UI is plainly …

: Minecraft have come out against NFTs because they create scarcity and exclusivity which aren’t …

: I’m really excited for this idea for a podcast @chadgmoore and I are going to test out this …

: A really fun task for our latest release in Pompom was making a summary slide that looks like those …

: As I was preparing a social post for Pompom and checked up my podcast listening statistics. Just a …

: I’m not saying it’s raining a lot in Krakow, but I just saw a guy shoving animals 2 by 2 …

: Boris Johnson had so many scandals I forgot about the Owen Paterson scandal which on its own was …

: Independence day, the day when (some) Americans impose their national holiday on other nations. This …

: The spiritual discipline of not arguing with everyone on the internet.

: I enjoy the neubrutalism design trend that seems popular at the moment…but I don’t …

: I really enjoyed the accidental jazz podcast in this week’s macpower users. I wonder if @macsparky …

: Walk thought: parents and teachers don’t need to encourage creativity because all kids are born …

: Really pleased to bring the Sketchnote roundup back after a short break. This time there’s a fun …

: People who use a laptop with an external monitor (with the laptop open) What side do you place your …

: 🎶When Love Is New: The Cedar Walton Trio Afternoon listening.

: So long and thanks for all the todoist I’ve left todoist. I’m not sure why I was on todoist recently but probably because I …

: Universal control has suddenly started working between my devices (probably thanks to a software …

: This week’s episode of connected really got me wondering about going iPad only. My new job would …

: Regular iPad with usb-c… Nice upgrade but I’d still look at the air for the M1 chip (stage manager!) …

: Joining PomPom as a Marketing Executive I've Joined PomPom as a Marketing Executive Back in 2013 I started a small podcast to promote our …

: The perfect time to change todo app I’m starting a new job on Monday so this is perfect moment for me to consider changing task …

: Episode 2 - 5 WWDC impressions For my second micro cast, I thought I’d have a look at WWDC and the five things that caught my …

: Starting is the first step I’m starting a micro cast experiment to get more familiar with my new company’s app …

: The Royal Castle in Chęciny

: I wonder if the studio display will gain the overhead camera feature of continuity camera. It might …

: Feels like a very solid release. Lots of outstanding issues (external display support for the iPad) …

: Freeform looks a lot like mural / Miro (but Apple only). Sounds nice, but I’m not sure who I would …

: Continuity might be the most exciting part of Apple. FaceTime hand off is something I’ve wanted for …

: Stage manager looks like it was designed for the iPad not the Mac…just saying.

: WWDC day has a totally different feel now I’m joining a company developing on the platform.

: Orange juice and espresso.

: Swięty Krzyż

: We’re at an exhibition with a 3D film and I just remembered my friend who bought a 3D tv 10+ years …

: I’m willing to bet a few microblogranauts will like this: Psalm Prayers — Instagram.

: Miniature world in Sabat Krajno, Poland. (Yes, that’s the twin towers).

: Bałtow dinosaur park.

: What’s your top WWDC prediction? I’d like to see focus mode add blocking certain apps as well as …

: Me getting into photography ten years ago: bird photography is boring. Me now: Bird photography is …

: Walks may be the greatest life hack ever. It’s amazing how going for a short walk block …

: I’ve got back into listening to Apple tech podcasts in preparation for starting my new job. I’m so …

: I was using some cheap notebooks for a while but I think I want a nice leuchttrum again. Do you use …

: it’s my last day at my old firm and I’m doing it iPad only. We traveled to my in-laws yesterday and …

: Hum ghost 5 adds multiple newsletters. Seems like some good improvements especially for newsletter …

: The Sketchnote Roundup Issue #53: Designing for happiness just dropped. • Happiness in product …

: Although I feel far more positive on Chelsea post-Abramovic, I still want to see Liverpool achieve …

: I’ve been thinking about how the things we pursue in life. I’m wondering if the more we pursue them …

: Daily Quordle 101 5️⃣8️⃣ 6️⃣4️⃣ quordle.com (null)

: The current elections in the UK completely snuck up on me. I had no idea they were happening before …

: Surprise! I was on the sketchnote army podcast talking sketchnotes and obsidian with @rohdesign . …

: Friends who have a podcast. What do you use to edit them?

: A brief reflection on hitting issue 50 of my newsletter I just published issue 50 of my newsletter! (It’s actually a few extra which I didn’t …

: I picked up a travel MacBook charger (with two other ports) so now I have a desk charger and an on …

: Walking is a seriously underrated* activity. *by me. I forget this all the time.

: It turns out curiosity hasn’t always killed the cat! Find out what originally did and get another …

: I recently made a sketchnote summary of Anne-Laura Le Cunff’s article on neurodiversity and thought …

: Do you want some creative inspiration this weekend? I just published the 48th sketchnote roundup …

: Me: I don’t feel that bad about Twitter anymore. It still has issues but it looks like …

: I hope you’ve all been well. March was a whirlwind for me but things are starting to settle. I …

: Daily Quordle #53 6️⃣4️⃣ 5️⃣3️⃣ quordle.com ⬜🟩🟨⬜⬜ ⬜🟩⬜⬜🟨 🟨⬜⬜⬜⬜ ⬜⬜🟩⬜🟩 ⬜⬜🟨⬜⬜ 🟩⬜⬜⬜🟨 ⬜🟩⬜⬜⬜ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟨⬜⬜🟩⬜ …

: Trying something a bit different.

: Anyone know if you can use the Studio displays webcam when connected to an iPad?

: I love my new counterfeit Apple Watch strap. A bit too big though.

: I had hoped to participate in micro camp but I’ve been too busy. this week’s sketchnote roundup has …

: It’s just so typical of my brain to focus more on rebranding and renaming my website than …

: Instead of the sketchnote roundup, this week I shared some practical ways to help the people of …

: Luke 10:33-34 (The Chris Satire Version) 33 But a Samaritan, as he journeyed, came to where he was, …

: Brace yourself…Tłusty czwartek is coming!

: 3 year old: I’m full! I want chocolate! Me: but if you’re full then you can’t eat anything. 3 year …

: I’ve been reading Robert Greene’s 48 laws of power and it’s been a great read but not always an …

: OM systems OM-1 👀

: My latest sketchnote roundup is out. Big issues and big ideas…plus a little tutorial /idea to steal.

: New old camera lens!

: Making the right choice for me. I spent ages debating whether or not I should call my site Learn Create Share or keep …

: Wordle 229 5/6 🟩⬛🟩🟩⬛ 🟩🟩🟩🟩⬛ 🟩🟩🟩🟩⬛ 🟩🟩🟩🟩⬛ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 So annoying

: I started a new note today - lessons my kids have taught me. The first is a variation on “yes, …

: Finished reading: Mayflies: A Novel by Andrew O’Hagan 📚

: What if instead of looking to do more, we look to do our best, better? I caught this from the Cal …

: I was having real issue with Airr logging me out all the time. I changed from “sign in with …

: New AirPods, who dis? (Special audio is really trippy).

: I just published the latest sketchnote roundup with… why organizations don’t change a …

: Happy sleigh day 🛷

: It’s that time of year where I’m wondering about DayOne alternatives. What are your recommendations? …

: This quote sums up so much writing advice I’ve read which basically says “Write a …

: Preachers who are using obsidian or similar note taking apps - how are you organising your sermons? …

: Today is World Sketchnote Day! A day to celebrate this fun note taking format. I decided to release …

: Sure Twitter has problems…but sometimes you find that people called God “PeePee” …

: Managing vs leading. I’ve asked some friends for advice on managing a team and a lot of people respond with things …

: Oh that was good. Wordle 200 3/6 ⬛⬛⬛🟨🟨 🟩⬛🟨🟨🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩

: Starting a new sketchnote book summary. It’s ironic that I read it as it’s supposed to help with …

: Have you set a yearly theme? Let me know what it is and I’ll make a phone wallpaper for it to remind …

: Out the car window today.

: I had so much Christmas dinner I now feel as stuffed as our Turkey.

: My Wife’s Covid test came back negative but I’m still waiting for mine…

: First meal back in the UK - a roast with Yorkshire puddings.

: What’s better than presents under the Christmas tree?

: We’re covid negative and positive that we’ll be in the UK this time tomorrow!

: I was a week delayed but the latest Sketchnote roundup is here with four, yes FOUR sketchnotes for …

: For the first time in our marriage my wife got the new phone (13 mini) rather than my hand me down. …

: I for one am shocked that the Dutch guy at work and I disagree in our interpretation of the last F1 …

: A lack of flow Today I realised that since I became a manager, I have a lot less “flow” time. Instead …

: Is anyone on MB using the base model iPad 2021? Someone at church is interested in an iPad and …

: I didn’t know a Supreme Court decision could be overturned. Is it just a case of needing enough …

: My leg has been killing me all morning. I thought it was bad posture but I just remembered something …

: I’m 90% sure that our companies heavy use of chat apps instead of something like email or a …

: When someone asks a podcast guest a question and they say “Great question”. Every. Time. (I really …

: I have a new little sketchnote roundup for people who like that kind of thing.

: Idea I’m playing with in my head: secular holidays vs religious holidays. The best example (the only …

: Clever but extremely dishonest marketing I found today. A competitor has made a service provider …

: A new sketchnote roundupfeaturing…Ted lasso?!?

: Ted Lasso scene I love from season two “I’ve accepted aubergine and snogging but piles I will not …

: A solo sketchy conversation - My Sketchnote Origin Story (It was the whiteboards fault).

: “It’s not that all NFT and Crypto stuff is scams. But at the moment most scams are around NFT and …

: A new Sketchy Conversation with @rohdesign on How to improve your sketchnotes next year. I hope you …

: I just found out that Vin Diesel has a twin brother and I’m so disappointed that his name …

: I published a new sketchnote roundup with a drawing challenge from Apple including. I hope you enjoy …

: I had a sketchy conversation with @chadgmoore on visual thinking in the workplace (and beyond). …

: So @chadgmoore has got me doing some rackets again. I’m starting a new series called …

: Updating The Verge’s background policy - The Verge My goodness tech companies PR tactics are awful.

: I went to the office today and accidentally left my Macbook at home…Looks like I’m working on the …

: Sunday meditation

: New profile picture?

: Me: I think I will have one beer tonight and log it in untappd. Untappd: LET ME POST FIVE TWEETS IN …

: So I rebooted the LCS newsletter (again) and it’s all sketchnotes, all the time. I think this …

: Would anyone be interested in a newsletter that’s just interesting (content and style) …

: My fears about doing a roundup newsletter Whenever I’ve run a newsletter sharing links of stuff I find interesting, I’ve always …

: Every. Day.

: We’ve introduced my parents to Ted Lasso and I’ve noticed somethings. Ted’s first press session and …

: I’m seeing my folks in person for the first time in two years tonight. I’m a little bit excited.

: Idea for Apple. Add a document scanner mode to the camera. You’ve got the tech in notes but just …

: If my job title accurate reflected the use of my time in the office, it would probably be Senior …

: Back to work after parental time off. Currently waiting for my computer to finish updating. So great …

: Thanks to Austin Kleon’s inspiration, I busted out my old pentel brush pen. Probably the most fun …

: Back to work tomorrow so I’m cleaning my work from home desk. It was pretty. Pretty dusty!

: awkward product placement in Ted Lasso and The Morning Show One of the most annoying parts of Ted lasso and the morning show is the awkward use of iPhones. …

: Foundation is an acceptable “sorry Ted Lasso is over till next year, here have this” Gift.

: Storyworthy book summary with Sketchnote - Learn Create Share One of the best nonfiction books I’ve …

: If you had told me three years ago that ducks would be one of my most photographed subjects…I …

: Visual note takers. I’d love your opinions on this. Reply here.

: Is there a website (or service?) that find every book/article/study referenced in a book and then …

: I picked up a Nikon FTZ adaptor yesterday so I’m looking to get some new, old lenses! First …

: A recent duck photo.

: From a walk a couple of weeks back.

: 🔗 America Without God — The Atlantic An article along the “are we replacing religious …

: Major Ted lasso spoilers from Nick Mohammed but really good insights into the writing and some …

: Football is life!

: Are you using the new Focus modes? What have you set up?

: 🔗 First Look at WordPress’ Upcoming Twenty Twenty-Two Default Theme: “The Most Flexible Default Theme Ever Created for WordPress” – WP Tavern First Look at WordPress’ Upcoming Twenty Twenty-Two Default Theme: “The Most Flexible Default Theme …

: Catching up on Inktober: suit and vessel

: 🔗 Scotland's version of 'hygge' - BBC “But it isn’t just MacLeod’s sumptuous hot toddy choux buns, Heilan' coo cupcakes or …

: Hum. The phone charger in the car doesn’t seem to be working. I wonder if it’s died? It wasn’t the …

: It’s amazing how concepts like “identity” can be defined in a paragraph but you could write an …

: 🔗 Best Habits to Track in 2021. Analyzing Habit Tracking Behavior from… by Coach Tony Coach.me App Medium Best Habits to Track in 2021. Analyzing Habit Tracking Behavior from… | by Coach Tony | Coach.me App …

: Hummm what creative constraints should I place on myself for this Inktober 🤔

: I realised I wasn’t celebrating project wins and ends at work. That was a mistake. Taking the …

: 🔗How much is ”too much” social media? - Word from the Bird

: I read this book years ago on kindle but Readwise surfaced this quote yesterday. I hope it inspires …

: Bullet journaling just isn't for me...or is it? Me two weeks ago: I think I’m finally done with Bullet journaling. It just doesn’t work …

: Anyone read any Dan Roam books? Opinions?

: 🎶 How Not To Drown by CHVRCHES Current earworm.

: Monday sketch quote.

: Nature is amazing.

: I’d basically stopped using shortcuts on the iPad. But now they’re coming to the Mac and with the …

: …is there a microblog fantasy premier league league? If not there totally should be!

: New T-shirt design, who dis? Making T-shirt designs in procreate has been a surprisingly fun …

: 📹🎶 “What A Wonderful World” It Is with a 1959 Gibson ES-335 via YouTube Some Friday …

: I working on an article laying out my learning stack. Here’s a WIP draft of an image showing …

: Wait! The iPad has widgets everywhere now! I need to update my homepage!

: More of this tech companies!

: Lunchtime pondering: I wonder if a belief in God makes people more entitled?

: I saw Austin Kleon shared an image of the books he’s read this year. I’d like to make a …

: A thought from working on my evergreen motivation note.

: Todays feels… (Oh hey Chris! When was the last time you publish a long form blog post. SHUT …

: Me: quickly! Let’s get to the park so we can play. My 3-year-old daughter: let’s take our time and …

: Shut up, Thierry Henry!

: Happy Ted Lasso Day! We’ve got our watching plans ready for later. Come on you greyhounds!

: As a recipient of a newsletter, do you prefer substack or revue? (Or other)

: I man. I put up shelf (my wife helped a lot. It was such a faff! Seriously, I lose adult points on …

: Putting up shelves Chatting with @cm Watching the football/soccer It’s been a great Saturday.

: Morning thought. I love how I can be my full self on micro blog. I can talk about technology, work, …

: It’s so hard to concentrate with my daughter and her cousin playing next door… But I get to hear …

: I’ve been putting together a set of resources on Galatians for my church as it’s our next sermon …

: I used to think gaps and career changes in a CV were bad…and maybe some employers still view …

: Was so great to see people at the sketchnote micro camp session. I know @cm really enjoyed preparing …

: We tried to make a frappe today. I discovered we needed more ice (wow you need a lot of ice!) and a …

: So it turns out that we now get charged for packages coming from the UK. I wonder what other lacking …

: Apparently the iOS 15 public betas are out. Anyone on the developer betas have an opinion on the …

: How do you know if they're a good app reviewer? Would you more trust a reviewer who jumps apps as often as they change clothes or one who …

: Bye bye old iPhone XS case, hello new iPhone XS case!

: First of August! End of my social media retreat and time to catch up on messages.

: 🔗 Digital Minimalism Book Summary - Learn Create Share I reread digital minimalism during my …

: Catching a night of the Lublin jazz festival.

: 🔗 Twitter is shutting down Fleets, its expiring tweets feature - The Verge Turns out fleets was just …

: Podcast Appearance: Sharing and Privacy; Delayed Reaction [Podcast #328] - ChurchMag Sharing and Privacy; Delayed Reaction [Podcast #328] - ChurchMag Yes, we know, we know. Apple’s …

: 🔗 Obsidian Mobile It’s finally out for everyone! Happy days.

: 🔗 Why Italian football does not make sense in the English language Serie A The Guardian Why Italian football does not make sense in the English language | Serie A | The Guardian Italian …

: The latest TestFlight version of obsidian mobile is version “1.00” and the notes say …

: A Week off social In theory I’m just over a week into my social media fast… But in reality I’ve …

: Krakow earlier in the week.

: A break Tl;dr. I’m taking the month off social media but will continue blogging. A couple of weeks ago …

: At least once a week I confuse discord and discourse.

: 🔗 Colorful Apple Watch International Collection bands and faces help show love of country - Apple …

: 🔗 Amazon is using algorithms with little human intervention to fire Flex workers - ArsTechnica 🔗 Amazon is using algorithms with little human intervention to fire Flex workers - ArsTechnica …

: Somedays, my job involves trying to organise a CS Go tournament at work. This is both why I love my …

: Finished reading: The Obstacle is the Way: The Ancient Art of Turning Adversity to Advantage by …

: I delayed it a week so I could add some fun pictures but a new edition of the learn create share …

: I just scheduled the next edition of the (only? Best?) newsletter for Christians who take connected …

: Nobody: Me: Maybe I should start another niche newsletter.

: I made some cold brew per instructions from @cm. It’s fantastic!

: England vs Germany ⚽️ I suspect there hasn’t been a better time to face Germany in a while…and …

: AI as a helper, not a replacement Me: I refuse to use an AI tool because people are better. Months later Me: Urgh! This project has …

: I’m playing around with Racket thanks to @cm . Drop me a question and I’ll do my best to answer.

: I wondered why you couldn’t get an AFC Richmond replica shirt…you can now . I’m very tempted to get …

: Podcasts appearance: On Logos Daily [Podcast #325] - ChurchMag 🔗 On Logos Daily (Podcast #325) - ChurchMag Blessing and I spoke with the guys behind logos daily to …

: Currently thinking I might let my Readwise subscription laps. I’m not sure I’m really …

: Sometimes I see great content on microblog and hop over to Twitter to post a gif reaction reply. I …

: Regardless of your temperature system choice, it’s hot.

: It’s arrived!

: The farm two weeks ago. (Finally downloaded some Ricoh gr shots)

: Over the weekend I final ordered a new microphone. It should arrive in a couple of days and I have …

: So Automattic are buying DayOne Automattic seem to be good stewards of acquisitions so I can’t …

: 🔗Art Markers for Procreate - Unique Procreate Brushes ~ Creative Market This weeks freebie from …

: It’s amazing how many computer issues can be solved by being able to isolate a problem, turn …

: Christians who use note taking apps like Obsidian, Craft et al. This is the newsletter you’ve been …

: Finally back home after a great break in Gdańsk.

: I’m thinking of starting a new newsletter. I’m reviewing my options for how to deliver it and I’d …

: To hel and back

: Westerplatte yesterday

: Satisfied with my setup “Oh! The WWDC keynote has started?!? How did that skip me by?” I can’t remember the last time I …

: Good morning from our holiday in Gdańsk.

: It’s truly amazing how often billionaires send me emails and I’m shocked at their poor spelling and …

: A World Without Email by Cal Newport is only £0.99 in the UK today. Yes, I bought it.

: This week’s Learn Create Share newsletter is winging its way to everyone who is subscribed. Really …

: Sometimes I think that enterprise is “move slow and break things”.

: I’ve just prepared a new creative challenge from my newsletter. It’s a good one! Sign up …

: Do a rep I’ve been skipping my reps. No, not weightlifting or machines at the gym, hand lettering and …

: Google: Don’t be evil Also Google: no, sorry. You can’t quit chrome like every other …

: I think I’ve finally got to grips with making American pancakes.

: A bit of hand lettering to relax this evening. Haven’t tried this in ages. Time lapse on Instagram.

: Someone in krakow is selling a gr iii. It’s a good thing I don’t have the cash at hand for this. But …

: I’ve fallen in love with reading children’s stories to my daughter. For a while she …

: 🔗 Eric Carle Very Hungry Caterpillar author dies aged 91 - BBC News 🔗 Eric Carle: Very Hungry Caterpillar author dies aged 91 - BBC News In 2019, he told the BBC why …

: Really excited to have a scholarship for the LYT workshop. Really excited to upgrade my PKM approach …

: I’m trying to get better at cultivating an “improve approach to life” especially with my …

: Netflix Reportedly Hiring Executive For Expansion Into Video Games 🔗 Netflix Reportedly Hiring Executive For Expansion Into Video Games In a report released by The …

: I remember someone on here sharing about an environmentally conscious webhost (that was also a …

: The latest edition of the Learn Create Share newsletter is out with a new creative challenge and a …

: Yesterday, I used my iPad and Apple pencil to erase and paint items in Pixelmator Pro. I really love …

: What Obsidian theme are you using? I’m using Obsidian iA atm but looking for something more …

: I seem to have the MB podcast feature…is this a bug? @help

: I notice some people will go to great lengths to explain the technical reason for a problem when …

: Why I love being in the Apple ecosystem I took a screenshot to show some changed that haven’t been made. I was going to edit in …

: I have finally managed to find a, fairly easy way to use Netlify and GitHub to publish SOME but not …

: Me: I’m happy with obsidian. It works just right for me. @Cm … hey look at this cool …

: 2 more days and then the outdoor mask mandate will be lifted in Poland! 🥳

: I was going to share my podcasts (and ask people to do the same) and then I realised that most are …

: Little Digital garden update. I moved my github repo into my obsidian iCloud folder. SO now I can …

: So my daughter has discovered glitter… in unrelated news, my desk is covered in glitter.

: So I suffered from some side effects of the vaccine yesterday (temperature, headaches, weakness, …

: When simple is more complicate. As I was thinking about how to manage publishing obsidian notes to my digital garden, I was saying I …

: Deploying a test Jekyll site. I blame @philbowell .

: “The deeper the pain, the fewer words you use.” Rick Warren.

: Just had my first covid shot. Unfortunately we don’t get cool stickers here…just plasters.

: Registered to get vaccinated this morning. My slot is on Monday and just down the road. The rollout …

: Today’s obsidian experiment: adding a sermon sketchnote (and the technique for producing ideas …

: A technique for producing ideas sketchnote summary A quick little book summary sketchnote of a quick little book: a technique for producing ideas. Main …

: My existing website hosting will run out in July. I could renew…or I could use the cash for …

: My many year old Beat Xes now show a light while charging but can’t turn on. Apparently it’s a …

: No one:… Me: Maybe I should make a website/digital garden on Notion.

: The value is in the summary (or is it) There are some business books where you get all the value from the one paragraph summary or even …

: The experience of upgrading the software on my Apple Watch series 3 is so bad and the main thing …

: 🥳 I have the obsidian mobile app! (I’m the last group on the beta. Only a few weeks till it’s …

: I don't care about iPad only anymore. I’m really happy with not trying to force my iPad to be my main computer but just use it for …

: My Favourite iPhone Apps of 2021 - Learn Create Share

: Me five years ago: I want all my chats in one place! Stupid whatsapp/messenger/etc Me now: I want …

: 🔗 All widget iPad home screen coming? 🔗Apple iOS15: What’s New? Notification, IPad Home Screen Upgrades - Bloomberg Following a …

: Got my Earth Day award on my Apple Watch. It’s a stupid electronic badge and yet I’m so …

: Today’s Obsidian discovery/tip (thanks to Mac Power Users) Cmd+P brings up the command panel …

: For teacher Chris (3 years ago) the new iPad would look like a great move over the M1 Macbooks…but …

: A quick question for obsidian users: do you have a system for when you use tags and when you use …

: I still wonder how someone managed to get the Magic Mouse 2 charging past review.

: Finished reading 📖 Dominion by Tom Holland Just finished dominion by Tom Holland And here are some thoughts. Summary Western culture including …

: "How do you not see it?" Whenever I have the thought that I can’t believe some co-workers don’t act or think the …

: iOS 14.5 public beta 7 seemed very buggy for me. I hope beta 8 has fixed that. Also, beta 8!

: Obsidian opinion: looking at the open graph view is basically useless. looking at the local graph …

: Microphone question: Any experience/thoughts on …. Rode NT-USB micro. Samson Q2U (seams to …

: Looks like the audio technica atr-2100 (and atr-2100x) are out of stock everywhere in Poland :(

: I took a break from Mac Power Users after Katie left but I’ve come back to it recently (I blame you …

: It finally happened. There are no meetings on my work calendar 🕺 (For today)

: Learn Create Share 33: The lesson of the water bottle Yes, I published a newsletter :)

: Time to rewrite a homepage …

: Protip: if you stop writing the word “analytics”, half-way, make sure you go back and finish writing …

: Do people ask you which vaccine you got? Here in Poland, whenever I mention someone has had the …

: Creating a personal status board in Trello - Learn Create Share

: I’ve been creating a series of minimalist animal faces with my daughter in procreate. A limited …

: I think we're doing the anti-best approach... Best communication channels to provide content/web design updates at my work. A document with …

: Surprising outcome from my Readwise subscription: noticing punctuation errors in books.* *pobodies …

: “How can I disturb your work as little as possible” I ask this question whenever I need …

: My superpower is having the instinct to have a hair cut JUST before new lockdowns come into place. …

: Just ordered two pairs of classic earpods (3.5mm jack) as backup headphone for the computer. I …

: 🎙Against the Rules - The Coach in your head I’ve listened to this podcast episode a couple of …

: A mid day walk

: I think about this a lot.

: 🔗 Jazz keys “When I write I hear music.” Because this website literally turns your keystrokes …

: I’m making a little Obsidian starter kit. A few pages that can help provide some structure and …

: Obsidian show and tell session - register free tl;dr: I’m doing a guided tour of my obsidian system. provisional date April 6: 20:00 UTC Obsidian …

: I’m I the only person wondering what silly prank Google will pull tomorrow that will have a wider …

: A small adjustment to my obsidian system. I’m adding the 🌱 emoji to notes that are starting …

: A journaling idea. Make a tag/notebook/whatever with “if this isn’t nice, I don’t know …

: Anyone else?

: It’s funny how the $44 annual price for craft seemed less like a bargain when I thought of it as a …

: A morning trip to the forest. A great way to start the day as a family.

: My favourite Mac apps for 2021 — Learn Create Share. a work in progress list that I will continue to …

: No goldilocks option I really hate things where there is no single “perfect” option, but instead a list of …

: Literally just saw a video with the title [description of spoiler] : SPOILER ALERT Friend, your …

: It's okay to take it easy somtimes Last week I felt utterly demotivated. I’m not even sure why. Although I was slowly plodding …

: Do as I say, not as I do. I will never get over the number of times I see my company doing the very things we preach against. …

: Sold my old Olympus film camera. It wasn’t getting used and I have other film cameras. …

: I used final cut on my MacBook Air m1. It is incredible! Editing is just a breeze with this thing. …

: Created a books page in my Obsidian system to track what I’m reading, what I’ve read and …

: A meditation metaphor

: Parkinson’s law, but for stuff. Parkinson’s law says that work expands to fill the time allocated to it. I’ve found something …

: How it started. How it’s going. First Mac (retina MacBook Pro late 2013), new Mac (MacBook Air 2020 …

: Sometimes I use copywriting formulas for email subject lines when I send internal emails. Just now …

: Made a minor update to my now page. Finally.

: 🔗 Google Nest 2 home device tracks body activity in bed - BBC 🔗 Google Nest 2 home device tracks body activity in bed - BBC And Privacy is Power author Carissa …

: I think every Apple product I own is space grey…and yet none of them are the same colour!

: Just crossed the last of my “urgent, must get done this week!” tasks and now I’m …

: Good morning from Wieliczka.

: Some thoughts about tasks.

: Today in every day sexism, asking someone to change a job position to say “their” rather …

: Cleaned up my obsidian database a bit. Starting to turn into something.

: Just sent a new edition of the learn create share newsletter out with a new creative challenge. Now …

: What is an idea from a productivity book you’ve found helpful? I remember next actions being …

: I still want @gr36 to write a productivity blog/series of post and call it “Gregging Things …

: 🔗 Kings of Leon Will Be the First Band to Release an Album as an NFT 🔗 Kings of Leon Will Be the First Band to Release an Album as an NFT The band is actually dropping …

: Do I need to interrupt them? I communicate with my team through a combination of real-time messaging and email. Before I send a …

: This may be the best image i’ve ever made for a blog post. also I hate drawing hands.

: It’s amazing how no one objected to our messages about a social media initative for our …

: If a consultant doesn’t use the word leverage at least once an email…are they really a …

: Currently catching up on CJ Chilvers site. Really like his new simple design and was surprised that …

: There is aBen Gibbard’s signature guitar… I now have a new dream guitar (it’s not really my dream …

: I would do a how it started how it’s going thing but I had to trade in my UK driving licence to get …

: Oh boy! Mobile apps are coming to obsidian. I’d bet you’d have to use (and pay) obsidian sync but as …

: I always intend to take a before and after haircut photo… today I actual took one!

: After seven years of learning Polish, I still sometimes use the wrong gender adjective endings. My …

: I’m so done with Unsplash images. I really hate seeing the same images over and over again as …

: Yesterday’s walk with my daughter.

: A return to time blocking Back when I was a teacher, I was a huge believer in time blocking: planning your day and marking …

: I recorded some test footage with my new light today. It is a massive improvement over my previous …

: The test run of SPS has been fantastic! Basecamp was the perfect choice, in fact, I couldn’t have …

: Billionaire most likely to own a volcano base…Jeff Besos or Elon Musk?

: So tired from a day at work. Hope you are all doing well my micro friends.

: Principles I say I live by: only as complicated as needed. Principles I actually live by: oh look at …

: Just found a second hand “duckie” lens (70-200mm. Perfect for pictures of the ducks) and it made me …

: I bought a couple of years of web hosting which runs out in June… I have no idea what …

: Stocked up on refills for my spoke pen. Been missing this baby.

: I’ve created a whole load of marketing guides and resources for our team at work, I’ve …

: I had a go at copying one of Ian Barnards hand lettering designs. Mine wasn’t as good but still …

: One of the biggest mistakes we make is overvaluing the impact a tool will make and undervalue the …

: Reloaded my film camera today.

: A very scientific survey of the least to most annoying versions of the Baby shark song. super …

: Nikon z50 review About six months ago I started experimenting with recording and editing some videos as a creative …

: Wow! Craft is gorgeous!

: Asked the dumb question at work (“Sorry, but what is X” “Thanks, but can I just …

: Graceful accountability As Chad Moore and I were discussing SPS, we came up with the term “Graceful …

: Tłusty czwartek!!!!

: 🔗The Management Myth 🔗The Management Myth “. Notwithstanding the ostentatious use of stopwatches, Taylor’s pig iron case …

: … I really don’t need hey email, do I. I tried the 14 day trial and it …

: Ordered a new softbox with Bowens mount…they shipped the wrong model. Now I have to return it.

: Thank you Internet for this glorious moment. “I’m here live, I’m not a cat” says lawyer in zoom …

: We (@cm and I) had our official secret side project kick off call last night. Hopefully we can share …

: 🔗Asking, Giving And Blogging – Greg Morris 🔗Asking, Giving And Blogging – Greg Morris Truth is, I have been trying for a while to make writing …

: Two responses to problems I’ve noticed two main responses to any problem at work. Blame distribution Solution …

: When I get some deep work in vs when I don’t.

: That’s not your really challenge. When someone wants to start a creative project, they usually mispredict what will be their …

: Well! I finally managed to push send on a new edition of the Learn Create Share newsletter and state …

: There's a whole world out there Sometimes, while I’m on Micro Blog, I get a glimps of a whole world here that I am completely …

: Unlock with Apple Watch? Shut up and take my beta.

: Nobody… Me: I should redesign my microblog site.

: Closing the idea - action gap One of my big challenges at work now is stopping ideas falling through the gaps. We’ve had a lot of …

: I’m curious. Which would you prefer, a slack community or a discord community (or something …

: Feb photoblogging day 3: comfy My comfy work desk

: Feb photoblogging day 2: Morning coffee

: I’m very critical of my work windows computer…but a built in clipboard manager is …

: Photoblogging day 1: close up

: I’m wondering if I can turn N.T. Wright’s study into my zoom background…To be …

: Not the best start to the morning. My train was cancelled…but no one told us anything for 30 …

: I have started a list of custom key caps to buy. Now I’m getting emails with more suggestions. This …

: It’s ALIVE!!! Create your first sketchnote workshop Just 20 mins to create your first …

: Had some issues with hard drive space and final cut but now my new intro to sketchnote course/video …

: It's good enough for me I’ve been finishing a little review of my new camera and I had a realisation. As I wrote about …

: I took my key caps off to clean my keyboard this morning. I’ve had it for a year. It was so …

: Me last week: Well, I think I’m finally done with notion. Obsidian just seems the right fit …

: I’ve discovered mechnical keyboard subreddits and custom keycaps… This is not a good …

: Inspired by @gr36 this is my circle of app upgrades. It also applied to tech hardware (who needs a …

: I shared this on Twitter yesterday. I call it the circle of moans. It’s why I listen to fewer tech …

: Anyone had any experience with Keychron keyboards or Ducky? I’m wondering about getting a 75% …

: Every time I try to paste text without formatting on windows is a pain. And I do this a lot.

: SO very excited after today’s thinking buddy chat with @CM I’ve got some more work to do …

: ME: Okay, let’s do some work on a side project The resistance: Or you could spend another hour …

: My job is to put out fires. I’ve had this thought for a while that my job is Make a plan and start working on it in the …

: Don't repeat the subheadline A terrible blogging writing mistake (I hold my hand up and admit that I do it all the time) is to …

: Qanon believers “How’s that stormy-changey thing working out for ya?”

: One site or two? And which name?!? For a while I’ve wondered about combining my two sites Sketchnote Classroom and Learn Create …

: Selling a camera. Someone offered me a lower figure (after I had already dropped the price). I help …

: It wasn’t I who spilt the coffee. It was antifa. I can’t understand your confusion. I know they were …

: Two pronoun questions Question about non-binary people who use the pronouns they/them. How do verbs conjugate? They is or …

: I just discovered I missed a call I was supposed to attend… what if… what if I …

: Last week “I need to focus on what I’m doing and not think about adding anything extra …

: There’s a lot of competition for the individual who has sold out the most under the Trump …

: Just had an idea for a nerdy photography podcast — the rule of nerds.

: Best lightroom alternative? I’ve heard a lot about capture one but never used it. I really like …

: A couple of new camera experiments from yesterday including answering the question “Can it Bokeh?”

: My new camera has arrived. Expect some test photos soon.

: If it turns out that Republicans didn’t turn out because they throught the Georgia election was …

: Ordered a new camera and lens and it’s on its way! Not certain if this is the right choice but with …

: Finished reading 📖 Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl

: New year so I guess this means I can restart my newsletter after the break…the question is …

: Hello Micropeople. I took the festive season off (from work and MB…for the most part) I hope …

: Watching Arsenal vs Chelsea and thinking “out of all the London clubs, I’d choose AFC Wimbledon.”


: Chris last week: “I have stopped doing morning writing because of my daughter and our house …

: Just found out I have booked an extra day of holiday before the end of the year. So I stop at the …

: Yesterday I finally recorded the new Sketchnote in the classroom guide (an intro to sketchnoting and …

: Took a walk in the mist today.

: Happy weekend everyone. Thank you for being the best* community on the internet. *definitions of …

: 🔗 Overthinking? Try this iOS Shortcut. 🔗 Overthinking? Try this iOS Shortcut. As usual, I found myself overthinking this week about small …

: So I created a little t-shirt to go along with Learn Create Share 10pts to the first person to …

: Just sold my e-m1. Less than I wanted, probably a fair price. A lot closer to camera budget goal and …

: I created a seven step guide to start sketchnoting today. Give it a go if you want to make your …

: We finished Ted Lasso. It got even better.

: Continuing the joy of multiple Englisehes. The blog separated by a common language has some …

: After @joshuapsteele ’s recent post I’d like to know What Americanisms British people like. What …

: We’re half way through Ted Lasso and I have a feeling that it is the perfect anti-2020 series. In a …

: Me: here’s a link to a Google doc with the changes as we did last time. Them: I will not open it and …

: 📖 Finished reading: How to Take Smart Notes: One Simple Technique to Boost Writing, Learning and …

: The path to collect my daughter today.

: Re-reading Celebration of Discipline I finished reading Celebration of Discipline: The Path to Spiritual Growth last night. It’s my …

: Advent starts today…So I’ve christmas-afied my avatar. Ho ho ho.

: I just published the last edition of learn create share for the year. I’m taking a little break but …

: Thought I saw a stray full stop in some text. I went to delete it and then realised…it was …

: Appropriate quote for today, the blackest of Fridays.

: Happy thanksgiving to all the Americans on micro blog. I’m grateful for this community.

: Is there a kind of collaborative habit tracker? Something where a group set the same (or different) …

: Parabloa ideas A parabola idea is an idea who has gained a second meaning. While the person who coined the term or …

: You know what’s virtue signalling? Saying you care about the Oxford comma.

: Also I’m disappointed that you can’t get a winter witbeer called “ho-ho-hoegarden”

: First Christmas stout.

: I’m noticing a trend in my intro to the Hebrew Bible book. “Some scholars, mostly American, …

: Is there a “best” time zone to work in (especially for global businesses)? It’s great to “get a head …

: Every year I feel saddened that Black Friday, a holiday of inadequacy and consumption, has been …

: I’m sure notion could be worse on the iPad. It has improved even. But it’s still easily the worst …

: There’s a new edition of the Learn Create Share newsletter with probably my best image for a post …

: New books, who dis?

: We went to see the duckies again.

: “There is food for everyone, but not everyone can eat, while food continues to be wasted and …

: I asked this on the Learn Create Share community but I’ll ask it here too. What challenges do …

: And even opening and closing some of those bigger apps like Chrome and lightroom… MKBHD on …

: My boss sounds like a darlek on our conference call. I’m on mute and crying with laughter.

: I won my primary school race but then this guy comes out of left field and beats me to the post. …

: Occasionally I get ready to go outside and for a few sweet moments I forget about all …

: We’re at the farm and so My newsletter, Learn Create Share is delayed till later today or tomorrow …

: Crazy tech theory for the weekend. 🤔 Big Sur sure looks like it is preparing/ready for touch, but …

: Tension for the day. It seems like now is the one of the best times ever to get a replacement Mac …

: 🔗 Mozilla - *privacy not included A collection of items that are privacy friendly or not. I like …

: Early Thoughts on "Proper" Bullet Journaling. About three days in to trying to do “proper” bullet journaling. It’s going okay so …

: Minimalism and Physical Books This topic is something that has been on my mind a lot recently. My wife and I live in a small …

: I had a mean YouTube comment on an old video (Fuji X100t and flash) from an old channel I …

: Back to work after a few days off and there’s already a drama (which isn’t a drama) that …

: The traditionally taught writing approach requires the knowledge that can only be learned from the …

: What’s a great purchase under $100 that you’ve made? A little question inspired by something I saw …

: …so the question is not will I be getting a new Mac, it’s which new Mac will I be getting.

: It’s shocking how much faster my 2017 iPad Pro is at exporting video than my 2013 MacBook Pro. If …

: 🔗iPhone 12 Pro Max Camera Review Zion — Austin Mann I usually marvel at the quality of pictures …

: New notebook. Who did?

: Finally refilled my pens.

: New word: A fearling When you have a small sense of dread. Usage: when you mean to say “I have a …

: Biden is going to be the president. 2020, everything is forgiven.

: Just putting the finishing touches on this week’s Learn Create Share newsletter. Spoiler, …

: Finished Reading: The Bullet Journal Method: Track the Past, Order the Present, Design the Future 📚

: Me: wow, the electoral collage seems unrepresentative Meanwhile in the UK … Source: UK …

: 2020 election polls: Did the pollster learn? The explanation of the inaccurate polls in 2016 was not accurately predicting turnout from likely …

: Thank You, GTD Reading Getting Things Done as a recent university leaver was highly influential on my life. One of …

: Morning doodle.

: A morning doodle.

: The procrastination mistake most of us make when writing We’ve all face it. When there’s something to write but you stare and stare at the blank …

: I drew Batman. Because Batman.

: I hope people are kinder at pointing out my own inconsistencies and hypocrisies than I am of theirs. …

: Fun, meaningful, or profitable. I was looking at my list of recurring debates this morning and added a new time. This list contains …

: I’m almost expecting a certain minimalist to sell a guide on how to buy nothing on buy nothing …

: Monthly vs Annual Subscriptions I’ve decided that I generally prefer monthly subscriptions over annual ones. The benefit of an …

: 15-year-old me hated learning languages. I just saw a language learning ad that said “didn’t think …

: Took my hassleblad out to get some day before birthday pictures of my wife with autumn leaves and …

: “Daddy. Don’t touch the poop.” Thanks for the advice daughter. I won’t.

: Just putting the final touches on this week’s Learn Create Share newsletter… prepare …

: Inktober day 30: ominous

: My current desk setup Show me yours! 💼

: 🔗 Why won’t cigarettes burn in a submarine? — Quora Well, that was a fascinating way to start the …

: “I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought; and that gratitude is happiness …

: Inktober day 29: shoes

: I’m trying a one page, all widget homepage. The apps are Siri recommendations.

: Peanut butter ptasiej mleczko. Shut up and take my money.

: I’ve started a note laying out how I… save articles to read later read those articles …

: Finished reading: The Accidental Creative: How to Be Brilliant at a Moment’s Notice 📚

: “The love of comfort is often the enemy of greatness” - Todd Henry

: Inktober day 28: Float

: “I’ve had a lot of worries in my life, most of which never happened.” — Mark Twain

: Do you use Instapaper, pocket or something else? Why do you use that service (espeically if …

: Inktober day 27: music

: It’s a French test kind of morning. In that we have bread that needs using up.

: I just discovered that in Obsidian, you can link to a specific subheading within a note. That is …

: Inktober day 26: hide

: Inktober day 25: buddy

: Inktober day 24: dig

: Release the Chrisaken! (Or where I went after I could leave the house!)

: The really cool things about starting a new craft is the constant feeling of progress. 90% of the …

: Making up for the quarantine with a great walk.

: I’m about to leave the house for the first time in three weeks. It feels good.

: For the first time in a long time my newsletter is ready and scheduled a day early. sign up to get …

: Current state of mind.

: Did you know there is a scientific term for a Brain freeze? It’s called a sphenopalatine …

: Inktober day 23: RIP

: 🔗 Halide Mark II is a redesigned Raw camera app for iPhones with over 40 new and improved features …

: Inktober day 22: chef

: Fantastic email consent tick box: “I understand that I will receive weekly email …

: Inktober day 21: Sleep

: 🔗 iphone 12 pro camera review: glacier np Austin Mann’s iPhone camera reviews are always …

: I'd like a pro camera mode from Apple I’d be really interested in Apple making a sort of “pro” mode for the camera app. …

: Inktober day 20: coral

: Inktober day 20: dizzy.

: What is inspiring you at the moment?

: Some lessons can’t be taught, they have to be lived. You can read all about someone …

: The best Apple product I bought? Yesterday I had a strange realisation. My 2013 MacBook Pro is probably the best Apple device I have …

: Inktober day 18: trap

: Inktober day 17: storm

: An idea for a challenge. “Show us your desk.” I’m sure some micro bloggers have very impressive …

: So it’s confirmed. We have/had covid. Thankfully our cases have been mild.

: I did it! I restarted the Learn Create Share newsletter again 🎉 Read the latest edition here.

: Size of iPhone I’d like: Mini Spec of iPhone i’d like: Pro Max Budget for iPhone I have: …

: I put some camera stuff up on a second hand site. Little did I know that I’d probably catch …

: Inktober day 16: Rocket

: The new fujifilm x-s10 looks pretty interesting 🤔

: Inktober day 15: outpost

: My wife turned up two hours before testing opened and waited four hours to get a test. This was at a …

: Quarantined at home. Not how I expected to spend this day. A good summary of this year for everyone. …

: Inktober day 14: armor

: A couple of apple event observations and thoughts I don’t know if I missed it but did the original HomePod not get an update (or maybe they snuck in a …

: We’ve not had a good experience of the current Poland covid system. To get a test, you need a …

: Inktober day 13: Dune

: Inktober day 12: slippery

: Trying to overcome self-censorship I’ve struggled with…well, a lot recently. I suspect that the general malaise has been …

: inktober day 11: disgusting (what’s in the box!)

: Inktober day 10: hope

: Inktober day 9: throw (your hat in the ring)

: Inktober day 8: Teeth.

: I think we need a new version of Godwin’s law for mentioning (Cultural) Marxism.

: The audacity of someone from the administration that introduced “Alternative facts” to …

: Inktober day 7: Fancy

: I just realised how perfect Austin Kleon’s book, Keep Going is for 2020 and it came out last year.

: The best Rodent?

: Time to replace my aging sketchnote army T-shirt with a new sketchnote icon T-shirt. via @rohdesign

: Inktober day 5: blade (runner) I had fun with this one.

: When you draw a dog and your daughter declares it an owl. Maybe I should practice drawing more.

: Four hours into the day and an unforced error from a month ago has come back to haunt me. Just what …

: Catching up on inktober

: It’s looking like a busy and difficult week. Time for some real focus. See you later. Be nice …

: The thing with Trump in hospital is I have no idea what is true or not. I mean, he could be fine and …

: I’m putting together a list of camera stuff that I’m selling (Olympus stuff, Fuji x100T stuff and an …

: Buys really expensive lens for its quality. Adds heavy vignetting in lightroom/photoshop. 🤷‍♂️ Yeah …

: People on the internet: I would like this thing. Other people on the internet: no you don’t! That …

: Inktober day one: Fish

: JUST realised it’s INKTOBER today! Now where’s my pentel Brush pen!

: My wife uses her bag’s laptop compartment as her main compartment. As in it’s the most filled …

: Watching the debate. I’ve heard that it was poorly moderated so Interested to see what it was …

: Just ate so much chilli that I feel sick… I regret nothing…a bit..I regret it a bit.

: I try to avoid talking about “outstanding work” because it might be really good…or really …

: Went for an autumnal walk over the weekend. And it will get even more golden in the next few days :)

: It’s really interesting to see how Moment has adapted as a company. Once the iPhone added a …

: For the professional photographer, the best camera is probably the one with the best image quality. …

: So Trumps re-election strategy is to hope he gets more in person votes than Joe Biden in the right …

: The walk home from work yesterday. Okay, the iPhone can take okay photos.

: Sometimes I look at productivity advice, compare that advice with what I actually do, and then read …

: "What do you mean you don't have access?" At work we have a tool that allows for collaboration and transparancy, so we can all see what …

: It looks like Notion has added a form of bi-directional linking. that’s pretty exciting!

: I try doing this all the time. “If I were advising a friend, I’d say/ask…” Still isn’t …

: Current camera thoughts…the Sony A7c looks just what I want…but I can’t afford that. …

: My daughter has a runny nose and so can’t go to nursery. So today is going to be sticker books, …

: I tried to update my Apple Watch this morning. No space. Deleted some apps; still no space. Removed …

: Apple One… I’ve been really interested to see this. Before the whole Hey/Epic drama I was …

: I hate newbie shaming I really hate the culture of shaming newbies and amatures who try to copy something they see online …

: 🎵 Nocturne - Julian Lage

: The Dune trailer looks REALLY cool. I remember renting a set of old dune films from Blockbuster when …

: Three things that are making me happy A quick list of things that are making me happy. Feel free to steal this as a blogging prompt. 1. …

: Today I saw a bug on the ground that looked like one from animal crossing. I immediately felt a …

: In the last few weeks I’ve seen a few criticism of “critical race theory.” I had …

: Monteising the #Humblebrag 🔗 Why publishers and media organisations need to build communities — Media Sector “LinkedIn’s …

: I’ve spent a while looking at new camera options and my conclusion is I have less idea what camera I …

: Just published this week’s Learn Create Share newsletter on Making time to reflect. Also anouncing …

: 🔗Mario Kart Live: Home Circuit is a Switch racer that uses RC cars - The Verge Mario Kart Live: …

: Micro blog is great…but logging to change a page is an invitation to get distracted in the …

: Hey remember the whole “I Wish I could connect my switch to my iPad because the screen is …

: Seriously considering camera options…there are so many good choices (which all have …

: 🔗 Apple more valuable than the entire FTSE 100 - BBC News The valuation of US tech giant Apple has …

: “Don’t wish your life away” I’ve heard this from a couple of people …

: The Inescapable Nature of US News “As a European, I’m getting increasingly tired of American influence, from media, …

: Future You Is Dumb (sorry!) Back when I was a teacher, we had to fill in a register and record of work. This helped other …

: Fairphone has announced the Fairphone 3+ as well as modules to upgrade the Fairphone 3. With Apple …

: Blessed are the Seekers of Justice and Peacemakers. ³Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven. ⁴Blessed are those who mourn, …

: I’ve delayed this weeks newsletter because of a case of chaos brain. I needed a few extra walks to …

: A Thought on Cancel Culture — There's a Lot We Don't See I’ve been thinking about this topic a lot and don’t have clear ideas. I both think that …

: It has been both a great week, and a really tough one. I feel inside-out because of the duplicity of …

: 🔗 Covid-19 is becoming less deadly in Europe but we don’t know why - New Scientist It is …

: “In Joe Biden’s America, socialist democrats will put poison in your morning coffee.”

: People who are interested in the micro brew club, can you get hold of a grimbergen blonde? Not the …

: Is there a micro beer club? Something like a group of people who like beer and try to find and try …

: Working on this week’s Learn Create Share newsletter. If you like books and free stuff…you’ll …

: My Obsidian database is starting to look cool.

: How to Be a Genius [It's Not What You Think] In Greek mythology, a genius wasn’t a person, it was a spirit who came and inspired the …

: My Simple Trick to Tackle Writers Block It never cease to amaze me how often I’m stuck, unable to start an article, section, or …

: Correct me if I’m wrong. Epic says that the issue with the App Store is you can’t sideload apps so …

: I’ve really been enjoying @Amit’s newsletter Slanted Nib you might too.

: I was thinking about the different “communities” on micro.blog I belong to. There are probably a …

: Today I realised that my company has a culture of not bringing up issues/ideas at a kick off …

: What is one thing you wish people knew about a topic you are passionate about?

: 🔗 The Big Three - The Accidental Creative The Big Three - The Accidental Creative Keeping a shortlist of open creative loops in front of you …

: Epic vs Apple thoughts: Whoever wins, we lose. Apple is in the wrong: the App Store needs to change. Epic’s solution does nothing for me as a …

: Technology provides fast and easy access to resources. That’s a great thing, but it has a …

: It’s alive! I launched a Learn Create Share Discord server where people can share their …

: Anyone know what on earth happened to day one’s activity feed? The location logging was so useful …

: A new edition of the Learn Create Share newsletter is about to be sent to press. Inside are A book …

: Finally got round to writing a new sketchnote classroom blog post. When you should use text and when …

: 🔗 The Surface Duo, Microsoft’s first-ever Android phone, is $1,400 The Surface Duo, Microsoft’s first-ever Android phone, is $1,400 A foldable can be a big-screen …

: I’m looking at setting up a private community. I’d like some private channels but also …

: 🔗The end of secularism is nigh - UnHerd The end of secularism is nigh - UnHerd All of which should serve as a wake-up call to the West that …

: That’s a nice style guide you’ve been working off for the last 10 months. It would be a …

: Finished reading: Algorithms to Live By: The Computer Science of Human Decisions by Brian Christian, …

: Is this a silly idea? Doing an Ask Me Anything for the next Learn Create Share newsletter? …

: I know a few MicroBlogranauts took part in a Christian survey on how Covid has affected their …

: Malcolm Gladwell on His Dad Asking Dumb Questions The Tim Ferriss Show Transcripts: Malcolm Gladwell (#168) My dad is a great question asker. And my …

: Putting the final touches on this week’s Learn Create Share newsletter including: A book review and …

: I have an alternative idea for all those people who can’t deal with wearing a mask…

: The theme of reconciliation has been on my mind a lot recently. Although I’ve been thinking …

: I’ve got my Roost stand and Anne pro keyboard back and all is right with the world.

: Must remember to send @gr36 his commission cheques for the two mentions inhis newsletter this week.

: Forgot my keys this morning. Just so happens to be the one day of the week when my wife is out till …

: 🔗 YouTube is experiencing an egregious bitcoin hack that no one is fixing - iMore YouTube is experiencing an egregious bitcoin hack that no one is fixing - iMore Famed Apple leaker …

: 🔗 Posing for selfies - Seth's Blog Posing for selfies - Seth’s Blog The irony is that the people we’re most likely to want to …

: A reflection on my reduction of podcast listening during the pandemic: It’s almost like I …

: A Case of Messy Head Now and then I get messy head. Where my brain seems to cycle through the million things I need to …

: 🎶 Joe Pass: Meditation

: A question for owners of smart speakers. Have you upgraded/replaced a smart speaker? Why did you do …

: 🎧 Ask Daily Stoic: Ryan and David Epstein Talk Range & Resilience 🎧 Ask Daily Stoic: Ryan and David Epstein Talk Range & Resilience A fun discovery having …

: Learn Create Share 19: Double Meanings A little later than I had hoped due to a longer car trip but …

: Here you go @patrickrhone six years of wear and tear. I’ve used the wrong polish, had a local …

: What’s that up in the sky? Oh wait, it’s some plasticine on a paint brush. #mbaug

: I got a Nintendo voucher for my birthday, what Switch games would you recommend? 🎮 Here’s what …

: 🎵 Desafinado: Stan Getz

: A List of Mentors Yesterday, I started a list of my mentors in Obsidian. This list is split in two, Long-term mentors …

: So after trying and failing to find a list of microblogranuts who run newsletters, I decided to …

: Anyone else been looking at some of the GPT-3 stuff? I keep seeing truly incredible applications. …

: Finished reading: Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World by David Epstein 📚

: 🎧 The Art of Manliness Podcast #628: The Rise of Secular Religion and the New Puritanism In …

: 🔗 A look inside Paradise Street from Hoxton Mini Press 🔗 A look inside Paradise Street — Hoxton Mini Press This week we’re looking inside Paradise …

: Ideally, intelectual sparring partners “hone each other’s arguments so that they are …

: Some thoughts on Substack - Yeah...it's okay Greg Morris asked for my opinion on Substack as I have been using it for my newsletter Learn Create …

: Finished Listening 🎧: The New Testament in Its World Audio Lectures by N.T. Wright & Michael …

: Welp. Looks like my edited post won’t update :S and is now just “T”.

: The em-dash is a fantastic piece of punctuation but it’s okay to still use commas and even …

: 🔗 The 80 best single-operator newsletters I’ve seen this list a couple of times in the last …

: Back in the office for the first time in four…five months? I really can’t remember. …

: Me: I know how to use excel. 5 mins later Me: Why can’t I make this pivot table do what I want!

: Learn Create Share edition 18 is flying across the internet searching for a nest in your inbox. 🦅 …

: Played around with a new profile in procreate yesterday. I kind of like it.

: There are certain accusations to which there is no good response. “When did you stop beating …

: Does Zoom still have security issues and what alternatives are worth investigating?

: “Friends don’t let friends measure Page Views. Ever.”

: I seem to have shifted my note taking habits while sat at my desk. I’ve gone from taking …

: 5 MicroBlog plugin ideas I’m not a developer and I suspect that some of these might not be possible/easy to do, still …

: Hell Yes I'll buy Derek Sivers New Book Derek Sivers new book — Hell Yeah or No — is now live on his site. You can only buy it through him …

: “Let’s run a survey,” he said. “We could see some interesting …

: But I’m a millenial and discovered Hallelujah from Jeff. twitter

: When you notice a typo as soon as you’ve hit send 🤦‍♂️

: 🔗 40 Journalism Tips by Poynter Don’t let the powerful answer in the passive voice …

: The next edition of Learn Create Share is basically ready to go. I just need to get a post up on …

: I need one more referral to get the additional Morning Brew newsletter. So sign up if you’re …

: 🔗The company isn’t a family - Signal v. Noise The best companies aren’t families. They’re …

: So, I decided to try writing a post for microblog using scribble. It’s okay, but editing is a …

: When you realise that although there is an external problem, the greater problem has been your …

: 🔗 UK may already have enough herd immunity to prevent a second wave study says I keep hearing …

: 🔗The Covid Pandemic Has Changed Our Sleep. Here's How - Jeff Huang The Covid Pandemic Has Changed Our Sleep - Jeff Huang The coronavirus pandemic has significantly …

: The never ending quest for the best note system There are three note applications and systems on my mind at the moment. 1. Evernote Old faithful. …

: My wife and I finished watching Snowpiercer season 1 yesterday. We enjoyed it even though the blood …

: 🔗 The forgotten political roots of Bridge over Troubled Water - BBC Culture The forgotten political roots of Bridge over Troubled Water - BBC Culture Simon talked about using …

: 🎵 Mike Love Playing Bridge Over Trouble Water on a Baratone Ukulele 📽 Mike Love Playing Bridge Over Trouble Water on a Baratone Ukulele And here’s a Telegraph …

: An alternative business model for Twitter: buy credits and use them everytime you want to edit a …

: Putting the final touches on this week’s Learn Create Share newsletter this week’s has …

: Creep is my imposter syndrome song.

: “Have holy curiosity” I had completely forgotten about the gems in mastery. I read it about five …

: I remember hearing about virtue signaling four years ago and thinking it was a great phrase that …

: Downloaded iOS 14 beta. I really wish there were more widgets (of course there’s no carrot weather …

: Back after a holiday. Though I have today off as well (mostly for child care). I’ve decided to move …

: Saw a beer ad which made me want to make my own in procreate. Getting the lighting, shadows and 3D …

: Finished reading 📚: Life Together: The Classic Exploration of Christian in Community: Dietrich …

: Stuff about learning how to learn is all well and good…but it’s good to learn about things which …

: Started reading 📚: Algorithms to Live By: The Computer Science of Human Decisions: Brian Christian, …

: Finished Reading 📚: The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry: How to Stay Emotionally Healthy and …

: I’ve heard that a person can lend their kindle books to someone else. Today I investigated and it …

: Just getting ready to publish an edition of the learn, create, share newsletter. If you like …

: The Transfiguration Sketchnote I’ve been taking an intro to the New Testament class for the last couple of months. During that time …

: Basically, why I sketchnote…although I don’t do the science experiments.

: What’s the best book (fiction, non-fiction) you’ve read this year? What did you like about it?

: 🔗 Cancel culture and the dividing line in the human heart A twitter thread worth reading. Although …

: An unexpectedly good work day today. I thought it would be extremely busy but it turned out to be …

: It’s the last day of June so I’m about to remove my 90% discount on 30 Creative Prompts for …

: Do I have any copywriting friends on MicroBlog? I’d like to ask you a couple of questions.

: Trump retweeted a supporter saying “white power”. . This is surprising because it’s so out of …

: Me: I know! I’ll make an avatar like @maique made for @gabz My daughter: duckie! Me: well, I guess …

: The Learn Create Share newsletter is back! For the first time in ages, I sent out an edition of the …

: Christian friends on microblog I’d love your help with this survey on how covid has affected …

: Listening to ATP confirmed one of my suspicions about the Big Sur design; It looks like it’s …

: Have you noticed any actions or circumstance that tends to lead to you having a productive day? An …

: The Easiest to Use I’m weighing up three different email newsletter services. I realy can’t choose. And …

: Do something once, it’s an experiment. 🧪 Do something twice, it’s a streak ✅✅ Do …

: That's Not My MacBook I was reading my daughter “that’s not my owl” and started to wonder what a version for adults …

: Wife: “what’s ‘hamas’?” Me: “It’s pyjamas.” I’m a skilled baby English translator.

: iOS 14 beta question. Can you change the default music app? Asking for me.

: A little challenge for all the corporate slaves out there. Find the best example of businessease and …

: People who are running big sur. Do those new rounded corner menu buttons look like they’d be easier …

: A simple writing tip: adjectives and adverbs are lazy Avoid adjectives and adverbs. Choose precise verbs and nouns. Yes, there is adjectives in this tip, …

: Welcome to beta season, where all we can talk about is the beta I really hate that the next couple of months of Apple podcasts will be almost completely about …

: Chris a couple of years ago “I’ll never download the iOS beta again.” Apple this year “Oh really.”

: Apple finally approved updates for Hey without IAP lets hope this is a step forward and not just a …

: WWDC Hopes And Wishes 💻 Dear Tim Cook Clause, This year I’d like… iOS updates Fix whatever the hell happened …

: Microblogranuts, I really recommend checking out @cm ‘s newsletter I think you’ll enjoy it.

: Took a photo walk down memory lane. I used to live just around the corner and take photos here …

: 100 books you should read Any 100 books you are interested in. If you don’t like a “must read book”, …

: I took a day of child care leave with my daughter today and we took picture of duckies in the …

: Not good Apple. Not good at all. I honestly can’t believe Apple’s attitude to Hey. I really hope this is one or two people in Apple …

: Something I need to do more. A procreate creation

: Some illogical camera upgrade thoughts I really want a new camera…I really don’t need a new camera but I want one. Features I …

: Some unsolicitated suggestions: This place the MicroBlogroverse or MBU. Users are Microbloganuts

: Sketchnoting a live talk isn’t easy. Here are 6 tips to keep up with any talk, even if Lorelai …

: My daughter requested two “doddies” so we played with some watercolours and ink.

: “Can you make it shorter, but also add more details.” 👆 This is basically my life.

: Today’s hike lead to some experiments with macro photography. Much to learn.

: The Ricoh gr iii street edition. Because when you shoot street photography you really want your …

: Daughter tries to take MacBook off the desk, realises it’s heavy and starts crying. My wife …

: A walk after the rain

: 30 Creative Prompts — activities to get you exercising your creative muscles I didn’t feel like sharing this earlier in the week with everything going on but I made a little …

: What if Roam was local first and used plain text files? Maybe Obsidian is that app. Video overview …

: Currently Reading 📚: A Meal with Jesus – Tim Chester

: Finished reading 📚:Marketing Made Simple: A Step-by-Step StoryBrand Guide for Any Business – …

: When people use Martin Luther King Jr‘s peaceful protests as a rebuke of the current protests, it’s …

: For some reason my daughter keeps asking me to draw penguins for her. So here are some penguin …

: Twinkies don't exist (spoiler, it's not about twinkies) I’ve never seen a twinky, so they can’t exist. Sure, sometimes one appears on TV in a …

: 4 Hand Lettering books I’ve bought and found useful. The first is the best in my opinion.

: Not to speak is to speak. “Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to …

: 🔗 Expert sandwich tips that will change your lunches for ever - BBC Food 🔗 Expert sandwich tips that will change your lunches for ever - BBC Food Got to try some of these!

: So we almost had a drive in with a lorry this morning. He saw us on the main road and for some …

: Yesterday I thought it was Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at different points of the day…so …

: “The great thing, if one can, is to stop regarding all the unpleasant things as interruptions of …

: I wonder how many memes I could get out of this political crisis.

: I made another meme. British Politics, the gift that keeps on giving.

: Asking for a friend (literally), is it possible to use the Apple Watch cellular without a phone?

: “Toilet paper hoarders” would be a good punk band name. Yes, this idea is a month or two too late.

: May Micro 📖 recommendation: On Writing Well This was the most influencial book on my writing. The …

: Great focused device / Great distraction device The iPad is both a great focusing device — it heavily favours one app at a time — and a great …

: May Micro 📖 Challange: How to think by @ayjay I went a bit meta in recommending a book by a micro …

: Okay, I'll try speed reading. My wife has a growing interesting in speed reading and related rapid learning techniques. I was …

: May micro challenge 📚 2 Atomic Habits This was one of the books that restarted my reading habit last year. Perhaps that’s not …

: I really like drawing with my daughter

: Micro May Challenge Book Recommendation 1: Celebration of Discipline 📖 Celebration of Discipline is Richard Foster’s classic look into the timeliess Christian …

: I don’t really think I can draw well. I mean, I can draw better than my nearly 2-year old …

: I turned an idea from James Clear’s newsletter this week into a handlettering on procreate on the …

: I’m really surprised that iOS doesn’t have an ambient lockscreen option. It seems like an easy …

: ‪I’m slightly afraid that today will be my supervillain origin story where I become Mr …

: Today I’ve seen one of the strongest cases for hiring for attitude and not knowledge.

: My right wrist is a little painful so I drew a picture with my left. It was kind of fun.

: So there’s a global conspiracy to unleash a pandemic to place chips in people but the same people …

: When everything is urgent and a priority, nothing is. Not inspired by current life circumstances or …

: Yellow. Is it me your looking for? (May Micro challenge photo 3 📸)

: Just had a new task assigned to me which totally “isn’t my job” and is also …

: Orange you glad you have a good notebook…and pen.

: Being a Non-Expert in a World of Gurus Rocks! I am not an expert. I’m not incompetent in many areas either, but I’m definitely not an …

: a quarantine blackout

: 4 ways to add shadows to sketchnote icons (plus multi-hit combo!) Last week I decided to try out the …

: Micro photo challenge: I have read this book 📸

: For some reason my daughter has fallen in love with “penwin!” So here’s a procreate penguin drawing …

: “Just keep swimming.” - Dory 💬

: Iain Broome’s newsletter, Unsplash is a delightful read and his desk picture in this edition …

: “You think effectiveness with people and efficiency with things” - Steven Covey. 💬 This quote was a …

: Investing in my health I haven’t had the easiest transition in the work from home, lockdown lifestyle caused by the …

: The shift to 100% remote working has been very difficult for me but I know that I won’t be going …

: Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time, for that’s the stuff life is made.” - Benjamin …

: There may be 50 ways to leave your lover…here are 7 ways to start a notebook.

: Me: I’m fed up of managing books, I should focus on electronic copies and not paper versions. …

: Micro quote two: happy revenge of the fifth.

: “Not all those who wander are lost” - J.R.R. Tolkien (yes, I’m going to play with some calligraphy …

: iPhone photo. Not my normal editing style but I felt like a more HDR type version.

: It’s a public holiday here in Poland so I have decided to do a fresh mac install and actually set up …

: 🔗 Shipping The First Version of Ghost - Twitter Dashboard was a technically unviable photoshop mockup that was very easy to kill. We had to choose …

: If you get some 1-star feedback and feel down, check out the 1-star amazon reviews of one of your …

: I’m trying out the lofree Keyboard again and it’s better than I remembered.

: Excpectation: I’m going to wake up a 6am and do some writing like every morning this week …

: Sit down. Write whole post. Sit back. That’s terrible. Start again from scratch…Okay, …

: Play with shadows for Sketchnoting icons. There’s a video on Instagram

: What sketchnote course would you like to see next? I’m starting to think about making a new sketchnote course so if that’s something you …

: 🎥 Eleanor Rigby” ukulele instrumental by David Beckingham (there’s a link to the tab in the …

: My wife made pão de deus and they are heavenly.

: Sometimes I ponder the deeper questions of life. Like which cheese is best for a toastie and how can …

: Feature idea for a micro blog client: pick times to get notifications. Let’s say you want …

: How does one cross their animals. Asking for a friend.

: Look ma, I made a meme.

: I’m not certain but I think my daughter finds it more difficult to understand that there are …

: I’m working from home in sweatpants/trackie bottoms and I feel like a king. I feel like …

: A 10-Second and 10-Minute Impression of Using a Mouse with an iPad I had a quick play with my work mouse (an HP of some sort) on my iPad yesterday. 10-second …

: I made a meme.

: A Couple of Revelations Connected with Work I had a few real moments of revelation over the weekend. 1. Work needs to fit my life, not my life …

: I see from CJ Chilver’s newsletter that he is preparing to move to Ghost… It seems like …

: Over the weekend I cracked (or perhaps it was my back) and now I’m looking at desk options for …

: Spend last night in hospital and just got home. Apart from my slight caffeine withdrawal headache I …

: The new iPhone SE, but in the iPhone 5s body. If only.

: Person: “When people say I can’t afford to, I say you can’t afford not to” …

: Oh digital ocean has a fathom analytics droplet…and I have credit that will probably just go …

: Reconsidering things Things I’m currently reconsidering my blog hosting platform (I’ve been playing with …

: We’re in the endgame now.

: Public holiday. Family game time.

: Good morning. Both I and Christ are risen today.

: Sometimes work from home is fantastic. Today is not one of those days.

: A Rhubarbary “an enviornment where it is more important to look like you are working than actually getting …

: Note to self: Remember to spend more time doing the thing, than talking about/thinking about/ …

: Really enjoyed this week’s micro cast. It reminded me of how I set up automatical categories …

: Friends with Logos, what package did you get (and why) including if you got a specific stream.

: Keeping up with the Internet Joneses One of the dangers elements of the Internet is that “Keeping up with Joneses” can be …

: Me: “I am happy with my blogging system and should focus more on writing than tinkering with my …

: Imaginary Apple device idea: Apple Studio Microsoft studio form factor ARM processor runs macOS …

: We finally pushed our website update today at work. It was a tonne of work and setbacks but I’m glad …

: You can have two iA Writer tabs on the iPad. Nice 😎 (but part of me still misses Ulysses)

: When Idris Elba first turned up in the office, I kind of hoped it was somehow really Stringer Bell …

: My kingdom for a good research tool Starting some new studies1. Now what tool should I use to save notes and research 🤔. Needs to work …

: I’m working at the computer as my daughter says the Polish word for poo-poo over and over …

: Today I discovered, Betteridge’s law of headlines.: any headline that ends in a questionmark …

: Dalgona coffee. This has poped up on my social feeds a few times recently. Has anyone tried one? …

: Me: “If I leave a note saying this section is for quotes and use a really obvious placeholder …

: Taking a course on what you teach I used to find it really strange how often I’d see someone taking a course and they’d …

: I’m on an enterprise website doing some research. I’m pressing on the filter buttons and it …

: One of the best decisions I made in following tech stuff is to just not care about rumours. Well, …

: scribd (the netflix of books and audiobooks) have a 30 day offer for new users during COVID-19 but …

: 🎵 Ben Gibbard: Live From Home (3/18/20)

: I wonder how often the average iPad pro user will touch the screen after these new keyboards? Some …

: There are certain podcasters who I occasionally think of sending a tweet to… then I think …

: … I want the new iPad …I probably can’t afford the new iPad… 😢

: 30 days of sketchnoting the course is live To give people (and myself) something to do during self-isolation/social distancing or whatever, I …

: Started reading Marketing Made Simple: A Step-by-Step StoryBrand Guide for Any Business: Miller, …

: I know this is probably a bias perspective and not accurate but this is how I feel during this time. …

: Me: “a couple of quick questions [insert a long list of questions]”

: Pro tip: make sure you never end up in a “prisoner’s dilemma” situation with any of your friends who …

: Locked in

: Hillarious landing page 👉 “Yet another collaboration tool: Claims to be all-in-one, is …

: So my office has now introduced a manditory work from home policy till the end of the month. …

: Sometimes doing keyword research leads to some very sad discoveries in common questions. And …

: Answer the question. I got to take part in some interviews today. I asked what aspect of their work they enjoyed the most …

: Just discovered a site which appears to update the published date for all its content (or they …

: Wow, I didn’t expect Biden to do well at all (which shows how little I know about US …

: No, your "brilliant guest post" isn't right for me I get a couple of emails a week with content people want me to share on a site I’m connected …

: (WIP idea) Two kinds of leadership Mentor - helps the mentee become less dependent and grow. “Guru” …

: 📸 Feb photoblogging day 30: Vision

: Finished reading Ego Is the Enemy: Ryan Holiday 📚

: 📸 Feb photoblogging day 29: leap (First or maybe second time using an old photo)

: I thought I had unlocked the “bring child in from a car seat without waking her or him” achievement …

: 📸 Feb photoblogging day 28: below

: today was the second time I’ve used a placeholder name at work (this time John Smith) and …

: I just made the classic mistake of answering the question I wanted/though was being asked. Luckily I …

: 📸 Feb photoblogging day 27: together

: iPadOS has been out for five months now. I think the “desktop class browser” May have created as …

: Camera 📸 Feb photoblogging day 26: Escape

: FINE! I’ll try Notion.

: 📸 Feb photoblogging day 24: hurdle It hasn’t been an easy day at work. I’ve face a few barriers from …

: Camera 📸 Feb photoblogging day 24: double (I feel like this could be my album cover).

: 📸 Feb photoblogging day 23: station

: 📸 Feb photoblogging day 22: spectacle

: 📸 Feb photoblogging day 21: progress Yes, she’s getting better at drawing. I wish it wasn’t on the …

: 📸 Feb photoblogging day 20: scale Because I won’t want to step on one after this.

: Third donut of the day. This one is chocolate covered with a kind of custard-cream (budding if you …

: 📸 Feb photoblogging day 19: Space Second donut to occupy my work space.

: Tłusty Czwartek! That snuck up on me. Time for some pączki!

: 📸 Feb photoblogging day 18: oppose (I really struggle with this one)

: my MacBook is coming up to 7 years old. Last year it started to show some signs of its age (the …

: 🔗 Top Shots From the 2019 International Landscape Photographer of the Year 📷 Some of these are just …

: Treating other people's time as valuable I try to treat everyone’s time at work as valuable. If there is something I can probably find …

: 📸 Feb photoblogging day 17: cool

: 📸 Feb photoblogging day 16: rest

: I’ve made a collection of free online courses to help people start sketchnoting. I’d …

: 📸 Feb photoblogging day 15: balance

: Feb photoblogging day 14: warmth

: I’m fairly sure I use about five PDF apps and I use each one differently as each one is …

: 📸 Feb photoblogging day 13: Rise

: Em dashes on the web: Chicago confusion I just saw an example of Chicago style em dash format on the web (no spaces between words). …

: 📸 Feb photoblogging day 12: attachment

: 📸 Feb photoblogging day 11: Plain.

: A Quick Thought on Focal Lengths in Street Photography Generally, the more populous the area you are shooting in, the wider focal length you want. Centre …

: 🔗 Incorrect Use of “As Such” I had an editor tell me off for this mistake all the time …

: I always intend to take a selfie pre and post haircut…and ALWAYS forget to do so prior.

: 📸 Feb photoblogging day 10: sign (A sign of things to come)

: My iPad has gone bad. It’s killing safari tabs and background apps all the time. It almost seems to …

: 📸 Feb photo blogging day 9: Lull Every Sunday I listen to the radio program “Siesta” on Polish radio …

: 📸 Feb photoblogging day 8: contrast

: It took a while but I finally fixed my om-d em-1. The shutter issue seemed to be connected to the SD …

: 📸 Feb photoblogging day 7: Above

: I had an ambition idea for today’s photo challenge. it didnt happen, but it was still fun to …

: 📸 Feb photoblogging day 6: plant

: 📸 Feb photoblogging day 5: hide

: Current favourite YouTube channel. Steve O’nions. Fantastic photogapher in Wales who takes …

: Today is not a good day: anxious, issues at work, hard to concentrate. Today is a good day: a new …

: Oh boy, Fujifilm just announced the x100v and it answers my main wishes… i had been debating …

: 📸 Feb photoblogging challenge day 4: spot

: A photo tribute to Europe I put together a collection of my favourite pictures (and some old …

: Dear Aspiring Writer. Keep Going. I’ve seen some writing from aspiring writers which makes me roll my eyes (and some from …

: Feb photoblogging 📸 day 3: reflect Philippians 4:18 “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is …

: 📸 February photoblogging day 2: sight

: February photoblogging day 1: open. I went to the nearby playground with my daughter. There was no …

: Krakow Płaszow on cheap film with a Mju ii and bright sunlight.

: This would have worked better in colour I suspect. Krakus mount in Krakow in the distance. …

: Had to come up with a new name for a product (the last one was taken) and managed it in just under …

: just got two rolls of film back from the lab. one 35mm in black and white (on an olympus mju ii) and …

: 🔗 The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up (Your Writing) The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up (Your Writing) Go a week without • very • rather • really • …

: “Avoid the passive voice” is one of those bits of well-known writng advice that can go …

: Photo experiments on the train to Warsaw

: The palace of science and culture in Warsaw.

: 🎥 Matt Day: Shooting Ilford’s NEW Ortho Plus | First Impressions! A new Black and White film from …

: Finished Reading : Morning Star by Pierce Brown.. 📚

: We’ve just got home to our little flat in Wieliczka after a wonderful weekend in Warsaw - including …

: On the train to Warsaw 🚊

: Just had a nice email at work, so I saved it to my “praise” collection.

: I’ve always felt conflicted about Bruce Guilden’s photography, but the interview with …

: Another “urban sketching” experiment (I used a photo as it’s cold and I have a kid at home!) I made …

: One thing I wish was better with MB-hosted Micro.blogs...but then again I really like MB-hosted micro.blog for the simplicity of publishing…but it’s not that …

: Podcast idea: Coffee conversation No, it’s not a podcast about coffee…well not direclty. Here’s the pitch: I meet …

: I’m very excited about the possible Polish Micro Meetup this weekend in Warsaw.

: Atomic Habits (Affiliate link) Is only 99p today in the UK kindle store. I just grabbed a copy even …

: Will the HomePod Ever Get an Update? The HomePod is coming up on two years old, it had an A8 …


: The best way to notice a mistake is to call a file “Final” or publish something. …

: 🎧 Dealing With Difficult People at Work - The Accidental Creative Podcast Unfortunately, this is …

: 📸 A new Photo story: A trip to snowy Zakopane.

: It’s take film to get developed day.

: Updated and simplified my now page. It was growing and growing so I’ve cut it back. Which is funny …

: I don’t share many photos of my daughter but I’ll share this one. From our trip to Zakopane.

: 🎵 Jamie Callum - Hey Ma (Bon Iver cover)

: 🎥 Why We Still Love Film: Analog Photography in the Digital Age | NBC Left Field 🎥 Why We Still Love Film: Analog Photography in the Digital Age | NBC Left Field As someone who …

: I discovered that I didn’t transfer any email subscribers to substack when I made a newsletter …

: I got Pixelmator Photo for the iPad when it was on sales for free last year. I didn’t think I needed …

: When you see an email from a blogger and you know that although it’s talking about something …

: I keep seeing people talk about Matthew Walker’s book on Sleep…It’s worth …

: My new Anne Pro 2 in all its RGB goodness.

: We were in Zakopane this weekend and I tried my hand at urban sketching. It’s amazing how a few …

: A very light, easy to drink beer.

: A reminder of Julia Skott’s great idea from last year. Resolution Bingo.

: MyWay2020 - a free year planner from Readdle Something you might find interesting.

: I’m thinking of getting an ebook reader with an e-ink display. I think I’d like one that …

: 🔗 Dark Patterns Website Dark Patterns Website Dark Patterns are tricks used in websites and apps that make you do things …

: Why I like and don't like yearly themes I’m sure the idea existed before but cortex seems to be the chief propagator or the yearly …

: I decided to revisit my old photoblog and start doing something a bit different. On the farm.

: I have about 20gb free space on my iPhone but photos says I don’t have enough space on my phone to …

: Merry Christmas everyone

: I took my Ricoh GR with me on this family trip (and iPhone XS of course). In hindsight, I should …

: I’m deeply disturbed by the rise in racists abuse at football games across Europe. Part of me …

: Farm selfie

: I’m thinking of sharing a bit more of my photography with some stories about taking photos (and …

: When you read a chapter of a book and then draw this…I’m okay. Promise.

: Maybe minimalism isn't enough. I’ve noticed that a lot of people who are “minimalists” go through a familiar …

: Evergreen creator recommendations? Are there any bloggers or content producers who you have followed for more than a couple of years …

: 🎶 It’s The End Of The World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine) 🎵 Not sure why, but I feel like …

: Just updated my reading log and it seems I’ve read 16 books this year…I think there may …

: I ordered a new clicky clacky keyboard. I guess I’m going to sell my LoFree, it has a sticky …

: I broke out my little watercolour set this morning to make a picture of my daughter. Still getting …

: I’ve been trying to use iA writer on everything I use and Typora on my work PC so I can jot down …

: US vs UK style guide wars: Episode III Em dashes look better than en dashes when used for …

: Thought for myself this morning: When you feel jealous, be generous. (not sure how good this advice …

: Group Chat rules - XKCD Show you care by triming the tracking junk off links you paste. Yes.

: Playing around with Substack in comparison with Revue. The substack concept is interesting …

: Company values I’ve been working on some company value statements. They’re great things and I really …

: There are some very useful TextExpander public groups…

: Reading Golden Son and keep thinking “Well that escalated quickly.”

: 🔗 Fiona Hill, Boris Johnson and the tyranny of the plummy British accent - FT Fiona Hill, Boris Johnson and the tyranny of the plummy British accent - from the Financial Times …

: Also this week’s Learn Create Share newsletter is out and it’s all about BlackInkFriday …

: I busted out the pentel brush pen for #blackinkfriday five free Black Friday alternative activities.

: .. maybe I should move my newsletter to Substack…Maybe I should just write something for my …

: How 10 Famous Artists Would Plate Thanksgiving Dinner - Colossal How 10 Famous Artists Would Plate Thanksgiving Dinner In this fun series of photos titled …

: How Ryan Holiday Reads - YouTube 🎥 How Ryan Holiday Reads - YouTube When I see a copy of one of my books and it’s filled with …

: So I had a random idea… #BlackInkFriday a sketchnote alternative to Black Friday. Who’s in?

: I really like playing with procreate.

: … I think my Olympus OM-D EM-1’s shutter is stuck… not good bob.

: Yesterday evening I finished a new, free mini-course on sketchnoting. Introducing “How to sketchnote …

: Someone turned Trumps note into a Ramones song. It’s amazing.

: Unhappy at home, unhappy in Rome. Today, I was reminded of Adam Sandler’s SNL sketch where he is a travel agent who basically says his …

: I’ve read a whole load more this year and it’s been one of the best changes I’ve …

: When I see a controversial headline and I’m not sure if it’s clickbait and so I don’t want to reward …

: 🔗 The secret life of nuns - BBC Reel Very interesting topic and photographic style. The …

: Started Reading : Golden Son: Pierce Brown 📚

: What is something you’ve changed your mind on? An minor one I can think of: I used to think …

: I’d love to add some filters to my reading log page. Something that would people hide …

: I’m really enjoying using Stoop for newsletters…but I wonder if setting up a specific …

: Morning reading from Ego Is the Enemy by Ryan Holiday. It’s impossible to learn what you “already …

: I used ferrite with a bluetooth keyboard for the first time today. It’s even better!

: I made a “Hawaii at night” inspired IPhone Wallpaper. Feel free to download if you fancy.

: 🔗 Desirable difficulties — Wikipedia 🔗 Desirable difficulties from Wikipedia A desirable difficulty is a learning task that requires a …

: 🔗Pokémon Designer Shares Special Artwork To Celebrate The Release Of Sword And Shield - Nintendo …

: This feels an appropriate for this week

: “James Kerr portrays the team tidying up the locker room after a game in his book, Legacy: …

: “To be a philosopher is not merely to have subtle thoughts, nor even to found a school…it is to …

: I’m reminded of Derek Sivers’s brilliant TED talk: keep your goals to yourself. Talk can …

: Facebook for iOS uses your camera whilst you scroll your feed - iMore The issue has come to light …

: A question for IPad Pro with USB-C owners. If you use a dongle to connect to external storage, do …

: Good morning

: Had a go at recreating the classic Obama portrait.

: Updated my Now page and preparing for my next email newsletter.

: Reference Your Sources and Inspiration I disagree with Derek Sivers. In fact, that sentence is my rebellion. He suggested that quoting is …

: …so the argument for paid Facebook ads is that the Facebook algorithm favours inflammatory …

: New notebook orded. I only had two pages left in my old one and not having a replacement ready made …

: I think Apple should have moved to USB C all the things this year. I was at my in laws house this …

: When you see a big list of features. Look at the ones in the middle. Often these are the most boring …

: Just start (even if you only have five minutes) “I only have fifteen minutes. I can’t finish this task, so I won’t start.” …

: Okay…let’s see what this is like (me photoshop/lightroom subscription runs out in February. I …

: A time to rest Today, we went to the countryside and cooked sausages over a fire. Not much around, very poor phone …

: Finished Reading : Red Rising: Pierce Brown 📚

: There's Never Been a Better Time to Be a Creator Last week I had an impromptu task at work that is the kind of thing I love about my job. I was asked …

: 🔗Inktober 2019 timelaps Okay, it’s not every picture I made but I thought I’d combine all the little …

: Be kind to yourself I just completed the inktober challenge yesterday and I’m about to embark upon the …

: Inktober day 31: Ripe. Just in time for Halloween.

: Inktober day 39: catch (red handed)

: On Small Phones In some ways, I miss my iPhone SE. With the renewed rumours of an iPhone SE 2 (fool me once…) …

: 🔗 There are six seasons instead of four — Kottke 🔗 Kurt Vonnegut quoted by Jason Kottke Here is the truth about the seasons: Spring is May and June. …

: Inktober day 29: Injured… ego

: Just updated my theme so the homepage only shows longer posts and pictures…You can still see …

: I was starting to regret moving from Ulysses to iA Writer but then I set up Typora to access my iA …

: Inktober day 28: ride… the lightning

: Started Reading : Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World - David Epstein 📚

: 🔗 Humans.fyi - A website all about personal websites designed by humans A very cool site with some …

: 🔗 Coming in November: 30 Practical Tactics to Decrease Your Anxiety — CJ Chilvers 🔗 Coming in November: 30 Practical Tactics to Decrease Your Anxiety — CJ Chilvers I’m going to post …

: Inktober day 27: coat (of arms)

: Inktober day 26: (something something) Dark side

: Idea for a pub: Beerilliant.

: Inktober day 25: (this is a) tasty (burger)

: “You see how much time you have,” Gustie Herrigel writes in Zen in The Art of Flower …

: I'm an Unprofessional Blogger About 10 years ago, I wanted to be a professional blogger. Now I’m happy to be an …

: Good morning.

: Inktober: Dizzy Gillespie.think I did a better job than Louis Armstrong but still could be better.

: I just scheduled a new edition of my newsletter for tomorrow morning. 📧 See past editions and sign …

: Goodbye Apple UK, Hello Apple Poland. Well I finally did it. I switched from my UK based Apple iTunes account to a Polish based one. A …

: Inktober day 23: (the) Ancient (one)

: 🔗 The Phone Foyer Method — Cal Newport The Phone Foyer Method When you get home after work, you …

: Hey fellow imposter syndrome sufferers 👋. Just a reminder of a simple thing that can really help at …

: Stay Curious — Advice to Myself My Daughter doesn’t need this advice. She’s just turned 14 months old and she is the …

: Inktober day 22: Ghost

: 🔗 Mu Two | Next Generation 63W Dual USB Type-C Wall Charger - Kickstarter Mu Two | Next Generation 63W Dual USB Type-C Wall Charger - Kickstarter Simultaneously charge your …

: New Ludavico Einaudi Album which is 6 Hours long…Well that’s my work music sorted.

: 🔗 "Interesting" is the Basis of Blogging - One Man and His Blog “Interesting” is the Basis of Blogging - One Man and His Blog One of the stock ideas I …

: Challenge: Use a voice assistant more There’s a piece of data that makes me the most skeptical regarding voice assistants is how (in …

: Good morning

: Inktober day 20: tread

: Song link have made some iOS shortcuts! This is great! Now I just need to test them out.

: Opinions on the best keyboard for an iPad Pro (rocking the 10.5).

: Inktober day 19: sling(shot) “My name is John Crichton, an astronaut.”

: Inktober day 18: misfit

: 🔗 Addicted to Screens? That’s Really a You Problem - New York Times (I have thoughts) 🔗 Addicted to Screens? That’s Really a You Problem - New York Times In his original manual for …

: Catching up on inktober

: On the topic of cool Photography stuff. Hoxton Mini Press have some excellent looking new photobooks …

: There’s a new Magnum photo course on Storytelling with Alec Soth. Probably one of my favourite …

: It’s been really tough to focus at work today. I’m not sure what’s going on …

: Does anyone know of any sites that have iOS 13 wallpapers that change dynamically between dark and …

: Inktober day 15: Legend (of Zelda)

: Them: “one of my top learnings recently is to avoid business jargon.” Me: 🤨

: Inktober day 14: overgrown. I found this prompt tough.

: Stoop Version 2: Subscribe to YouTube Channels Stoop version 2: Subscribe to YouTube channels Stoop 2 is now available in both the App Store and …

: Started Reading : The Artist’s Way: Julia Cameron 📚

: I’ve been letting a lot of domains go recently. It’s been very theraputic.

: Inktober day 13: Ash (I choose you!)

: Inktober day 12: Dragon (this one lives in a cottage cheese cottage…do you know his name?)

: So, who wants to start sketchnoting I’ve been “sketchnoting” for about four years now, but I spent a lot longer …

: Inktober day 11: Snow …okay technically not.

: 🔗Opinion - To Be a Genius, Think Like a 94-Year-Old - The New York Times Thanks to Austin Kleon for …

: Inktober day 10: Pattern

: Finished Reading : They Ask You Answer: A Revolutionary Approach to Inbound Sales, Content …

: Erm…iOS 13.1.2 you okay?

: New job, new commute, new inspiration.

: Art is anything you can get away with - Andy Warhol

: Inktober day 9: Swing

: Bad news! my current Leuchttrum softback notebook is almost finished (third notebook of the year). …

: How We Judge Others is How We Judge Ourselves - Mark Manson The yardstick we use for ourselves is …

: My AirPods (gen 1 almost …three years old…no that’s impossible?!?!) are starting to …

: Inktober day 8: Frail (ego). Thanks to Steve Silbert for the inspiration.

: I love some of the collective noun ideas for Programmers. An “Array” of programmers is a …

: Just curious for work. Anyone had any experience using the inbuilt call recorder with Skype on …

: Inktober day 7: Enchanted (I only had my phone and procreate pocket so I had to try something …

: The addition of templates in day one is GREAT. I’m just wondering if I can trigger them with a …

: Inktober… husky. Not a great end result but fun and educational to play with different …

: Inktober day 5: build

: Inktober day 4, Freeze…I didn’t do it!

: So I’m using Windows 10 at my new job. There’s a lot not to like but there are some interesting …

: Inktober day 3…bait

: Mindless or mindful? Inktober

: Inktober day one prompt…ring. (Made on iPad with procreate.)

: 4 common lies about performance and productivity I’m sure some of these won’t surprise …

: Just before iOS 13 came out, I gave ferrite another go. It didn’t stick with me before but now I get …

: I was just having a shower.

: IPadOS users…what are your favourite widgets? I’m wondering if I should change my iOS 12 …

: I’m just a little black rain cloud 🎵

: …still no iPadOS for my iPad 🥺 Isn’t the final version out?

: Everyone loves magical Trevor …

: The new high-key mono setting in portrait mode in iOS 13 is great for making your own Steve Jobs …

: It came from the deep!

: Oh hello micro blog in dark mode.

: I just wrote this down, and I like it. Don’t worry about having “good” ideas, focus on having …

: The iPhone 11 pro review I’ve been waiting for…Austin Mann.

: The sketch I need not the one I deserve

: “…Leverage resources in the most optimal way” … I can’t even. (Really quote from a …

: A trip to the hair salon

: I finally put my pen addict fire on fire ink in my pen and it lead to a very different plectrum pic.

: I saw a few people commenting on Robert Frank’s death. You might want to check out Chad …

: Is it a comedy or a tragedy?

: Do a barrel roll!

: I’m really curious if the price of Apple TV+ and Disney+ will make Netflix lower its price. Probably …

: Megaman

: 🔗 Sweet Potato & Black Bean Shepherds Pie Recipe · Deliciously Ella My wife and I just tried …

: I’ve been trying to avoid writing “impact” and choosing other verbs instead. …

: A Lake District inspired return to the pick pics.

: Yesterday was a great proof of the “drafts mentality”1 . I started to write a quick, two sentence …

: Bundle packages can be great (10 courses for the price of one!) but I now believe that sometimes …

: The Lake District really is gorgeous.

: You could use some eyerollers This year I’ve seen some writers and podcasters whom I like and have followed for a while make some …

: The Best Tool, Is the One You Want To Use More (Most of the Time) I think it was Valerie Jardin who twisted the classic saying to the best camera is the one you take …

: “Well, at least Brexit can’t get any crazier.” Me every week or two…I’m always proven wrong.

: Trying some new drawing techniques in Procreate. Think I’m finally starting to get how to airbrush.

: “Often kids find more joy in playing with old pots and pans than with the latest space set.” …

: My daughter turned one last week. We don’t share photos of her online (I want it to be her choice …

: Just because “everyone does it" doesn’t mean it’s right for you or your company. I …

: I had been hoping to post more from @Ukulele but It’s been harder to record audio than I had …

: I discovered a Buddhist shrine in London yesterday. Had no idea this was here.

: Gather round kids and I’ll tell you a story…

: It’s funny how now there are some weeks, I use my iPad loads. Other weeks I don’t even …

: Jimmy, please report to the principle’s room.

: Nothing like a good manicure

: A very annoying trend is articles written before something happens or is out. I completely …

: I wish I had some of these at the weekend.

: Who nose what will be next

: A really good skill to learn is when to kill of a project. Ideally you want to do it at its high …

: Dynamic Wallpaper club Looking for dynamic wallpapers for MacOS? This is the place. (Some of the …

: Some tourist sites are disappointing

: My spoke design pen arrived and it’s nice!

: Do any MicroBlogranauts have a Drone? Which one? Any words of advice/warning?

: Come senators, congressmen Please heed the call Don’t stand in the doorway Don’t block …

: Introducing Ukulele.MicroBlog About a month ago I finally tested out an idea I had been wondering about. I registered a new …

: Where could my plectrum be? (Thanks @cn for the inspiration)

: erm….I left my plectrum at home…How will I do today’s pickpic? 😟

: …SQUIRREL!!! 🐶

: When you discover song.link had an alpha api.

: Back at the office with Johnny Bravo

: I got round to my monthly Now page update. The main changes are MORE UKULELE Perhaps I should add …

: It feels like a Nick Drake kind of morning.

: Very strange AirPod thing. Sometimes I try and use one AirPod (so I can hear my family) but the …

: When my daughter sees something on the ground, it’s not a matter of if she’ll put it in …

: we’ve reached peak marketing optimisation 🔗 Marketing Effectiveness cartoon - Marketoonist - Tom Fishburne Cheryl Calverley, CMO at UK mattress …

: Is it a sketchnote? Is it urban sketching? Who cares. It was fun.

: A Recession Is Coming (Eventually). Here’s Where You’ll See It First. - The New York Times 🔗 A Recession Is Coming (Eventually). Here’s Where You’ll See It First. - The New York Times …

: As I ready my copy of Celebration or Discipline again, I’m struck by how certain pressing issues …

: On Holiday In Biszczard.

: Krakow train station

: Take me out to the ball game (I had to research this one a bit)

: Life finds a way

: Get your motor running

: The tempation to chromebook I really want to try a chromebook. There’s something about them which really appeals to me. …

: Your sketchers were so preoccupied with whether they could they didn’t stop to think if they should.

: Kind of similar to a previous one…but I can’t resist with all the Apollo 11 stuff.

: Finished Reading : The Old Man and the Sea: Ernest Hemingway 📚

: Where did the inspiration go I’ve found it harder to write “title worthy” posts recently. I’m not sure …

: 🎵Alas my love you do me wrong 🎶

: We’re not in Kansas anymore.

: Thanks to everyone’s task management replies. I’m going through them all and ruminating on the ideas …

: Off to the chippy

: It took me a long time to get an idea today.

: Just curious if anyone using multiple todo/task management apps? One for work and one for personal …

: “Sometimes the best thing to do is just practice writing things” I just found this in …

: Started Reading : The Old Man and the Sea: Ernest Hemingway 📚

: Finished Reading : Dreyer’s English: An Utterly Correct Guide to Clarity and Style 📚

: Nice to know Benjamin Dreyer advocates keeping a commonplace book.

: Congratulations England.

: Twist (by doist) might be a good solution for a project…oh no! I’m consider switching todo …

: Working in the Polish countryside

: Arrived in Lublin. So very tired. But I have good wine so all is all right.

: Time for another cross Poland car journey. See you later.

: Preparing my newsletter for tomorrow. Sign up to make sure you get it. P.s. Want a preview of the …

: Who can guess the Disney reference?

: He puts the Taz in Tasmania…

: A night stroll

: I spy with my little eye.

: After weeks of high twenties temperatures (Celsius of course) and stuffy humidity, yesterday was a …

: …my manager LITERALLY just sent me a message with “if you could just go ahead and (minor …

: It’s been hot. At least the tower is full.

: …there’s a place in Poland which is selling refurbed HomePods… …

: Fountain pen folk. What’s your favourite black ink?

: I took some inspiration from my daughter’s favourite book and the wood around me. Always fun to play …

: A bit later than usual but this week’s newsletter is out and I made a change.

: Had an idea for a MICRO experiment…

: Notebook almost finished 😢 new notebook ordered 🥳

: The Third Law of Creativity Newton’s third law of physics states “For every action, there is an equal and opposite …

: Is it a pick, is it a plectrum, no it’s superman.

: I stole this idea from Ben Crothers’s presto sketching book.

: My brain: “Maybe I should do this big project, it would take time to set up. It might overlap …

: Happy Fourth or July

: “Twitter when everyone says they’re smarter than you are and Instagram where everyone says they’re …

: It’s hot today.

: My A5 notebook is almost finished so I’m ordering a new one (thinking Leuchttruam softcover …

: 14 Business Jargon Phrases People Love To Hate 🔗 14 Business Jargon Phrases People Love To Hate from the Grammarly Blog An articles I’d like to …

: Coming up with an idea today was difficult… you might say that this was my Everest.

: Just updated my Now page for July (including a new wallpaper, updated books reading list and some …

: Superficiality is the curse of our age. The doctrine of instant satisfaction is a primary spiritual …

: Three reasons to extend a money-off promo There are three reasons to extend a money-off promotion …

: When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life…

: Wondering round Krakow.

: I just sent out this week’s newsletter. blame at work sleep against the rules and imposter syndrome …

: One small step for a pick…

: Almost the end of the month. Time to start preparing for to update my Now page

: Duh dun…

: Started Reading : Dreyer’s English: An Utterly Correct Guide to Clarity and Style: Benjamin …

: Impostor syndrome goes away eventually. You just forget about it. The fastest way to get past it is …

: Let’s go fly a kite…

: You look tasty

: Looking smart.

: About a year or two ago I noticed Evernote was starting to (slowly) turn around (it stopped telling …

: My newsletter (things to make you think and smile) is on its way to your inbox…if you’re a …

: Finished Reading : A Walk Across America: Peter Jenkins 📚

: There’s a lot going on in the mural in Lublin.

: Come fly with me

: Today is a public holiday in Poland. I’m catching up on a good book, enjoying a beer and spending …

: Just keep swimming

: The way I like feedback, might not be the way everyone does. It’s very easy to point out errors and mistakes. Whenever I work with my team mates I try to …

: You are fine without advice and suggestions - Austin Kleon 🔗 You are fine without advice and suggestions - Austin Kleon 🔗 But no, I don’t want to instruct …

: Just created a new keyboard maestro hot key to create a new tab and open a new google doc. Something …

: It’s okay to cry

: Office for the day at my in laws place.

: Another Krakow to Lublin drive completed. Every time I make this s journey I feel …

: What skills/characteristics do you actually need to listen well? I’m no expert, but here are some thoughts. Patiences Humility Empathy Attention and focus …

: Did he even play in the final?

: Accidental cat filter appears on Pakistan official’s briefing | World news | The Guardian …

: # 1980s Teenagers And Their Bedroom Walls 🔗 1980s Teenagers And Their Bedroom Walls So what would your prototypical 1980s bedroom look like? …

: “Use the simplest program for the task…keep your tools simple it allows you to focus on …

: O Christmas tree, O Christmas trees. How lovely are your plectrums.

: A new sketchnote on listening based off the recent Seanwes podcast episode on empathetic listening. …

: “I think it is a book of hope,” he says. He’s wearing suspenders and a shirt that …

: This week’s newsletter is on its way to your inbox. Traveling down the internet super highway. I …

: Out of hospital and time for some sleep.

: Unexpected hospital trip after company go karting trip. Your average Friday.

: 🎵Friday Music🎵: Dreams - Beck

: Just been working on tomorrow’s edition of “Things to make you think and smile". Sign up here …

: A Jedi guinea pig ?

: I was worried that i was starting to run out of ideas…so I needed to go deeper.

: When the weather is hot…

: I’ve grabbed a Nintendo pro controller. The final push is a work based mario kart competition on …

: Today’s work music: Monument Valley 2 Soundtrack.

: The great cat burglar

: I wonder if I could get away with wearing this at work…I really like the idea of organising a string …

: Turns out I’m not the only person who had a minidisc player, Radiohead front man Thom Yorke …

: Started Reading : American Gods by Neil Gaiman 📚

: Micro blog needs a guinea pig logo eh… @macgenie @manton

: It’s hot on krakow

: Anything that’s good can be made better with emoji 😜 - @macgenie It holds up.

: Ummm delicious.

: More convinced that being creative mean accepting occasionally (or frequently) looking foolish. …

: Just updated my Reading log page. Not sure what next to go for…to many good books.

: Finished Reading : How to Think: A Survival Guide for a World at Odds 📚

: Humour is an essential part of the creativity we need to solve problems, no matter how serious they …

: Aliens in the office?

: Trying some new desk layout. My main aim, get more drawing space.

: Ikea place is probably the only AR app I’ve opened more than once.

: I decided to send my newsletter on Saturdays and not Fridays (as some friends had theirs on the same …

: That’s no plectrum…

: I’m SO glad an Indian restaurant opened in Wieliczka. In other news I’m completely full of wonderful …

: I suffer from FOMODN…fear of missing out on domain names.

: Being confident and teachable One of those things I’m wondering about. The balance between having confidence in your …

: My theme word for the week is play…today I played with Procreate.

: My favourite “debate ending phrase” at work is “this is too marketing-ish”. …

: When you set up brand words in TextExpander so you get the capitalisations right every time and only …

: Stock and Flow Creating In my experience, your stock is best made by collecting, organising and expanding upon your flow. …

: The difference between persuasion and manipulation I’ve often heard people (well marketers) say that the difference between persuasion and …

: A question I have after WWDC. Does renaming it to iPadOS mean there will be iPad focused features …

: I love the cheering for sign in with Apple. I wonder how many data harvesting developers are cursing …

: More play at work

: Quite like Bambi, Not sure exactly why.

: The sketchnote army podcast maybe responsive for more of my book purchases than any other …

: There are 4 types of wealth: Financial wealth (money) Social wealth (status) Time wealth …

: Just updated my now page including homepage and a new lockscreen wallpaper (which I made and you can …

: The question of why we read and what books actually do for us is as old as the written word itself, …

: I moved my newsletter over to Revue so this is issue 1.5 (2 felt wrong, but so did 1). Things to …

: It’s amazing what you can find with the things on your desk.

: New edition of Greg Thinks Things by @gr36. Polecam

: On Drawing a Circle ⭕️ When I was a kid, I struggled a lot with drawing. I’d try to draw a round circle. Put pencil …

: Actually Listening, Not Waiting to Speak I’ve recently become aware of how powerful listening is and how terrible I am at it. It’s …

: Researchers at Brown University just got a robot to do something as linguistically improbable as it …

: Digital minimalism is only 99p in the UK Kindle Store…I highly recommend it.

: Curating Friction One of the curious ideas I found in Atomic Habits is that often our environments have a greater …

: I know it’s no longer Monday but my micro @monday recommendation is @andynicholaides he’s recently …

: For a while I had thought that long-form content was better than short content. “Books over blogs.” …

: Out of the box 📦 In general, I believe iOS users tend to prefer out of the box solutions. It’s the whole model …

: Accountability vs. responsibility - Seth Blog 🔗 Accountability is done to you. It’s done by the industrial system, by those that want to create …

: This is a second test of a new shortcut to post to microblog and include a category selected from a …

: Sometimes a Tweet Should (And Does) Become a Blog Post I recently -complained- wrote about when a book should really be a blog post or series (hey there …

: Slow Cooked Pork Belly

: A quick iPad sketching practice I love lamp

: Almost the end of month, which means time my now page is due for an update! I didn’t publicize my …

: Famous Speeches: A List of the Greatest Speeches of All-Time -- James Clear 🔗 Famous Speeches: A List of the Greatest Speeches of All-Time After reading that talk, I got to …

: Scheduled my first newsletter. It’s full of the best articles I found this week (including some to …

: Random question…When did you last send an email to a friend? I think I pretty much use email just …

: I’m trying to write about something but I still can’t look objectively. Saved to day one and maybe …

: I have a legitimate reason to use my iPad at work 😎 this is a good day.

: Typeform updated their terms and conditions and used…a Typeform to display them! Brilliant!

: This will take two hours - Seth's Blog 🔗 This will take two hours | Seth’s Blog We have so many forms of “this will only take a …

: The Karen O and Danger Mouse Album is great.

: A new Course from David Sparks and it’s on Keyboard Maestro… I’ve been using it a bit on …

: Is it ironic if I spend more on an app than the service the app is used for…I’m looking at …

: Real life Scott’s tots! but where the guy actually pays.

: That book should really be a blog post Sometimes a book should be a blog series. A blog series should be a single post. a blog post should …

: Amazing…but what tools do you use? (I’m one of the people who asks the question.)

: It makes me sad that the word palindrome is not a palindrome.

: Diving into Drafts Automation with Tim Diving into Drafts Automation with Tim “The Drafts Man” Nahumck - Automators I’m …

: A Shortcut to Post an Email with Buttondown I wanted a system to publish an email newsletter just as easily as I could publish a blog post to my …

: Some days at work are better than others. Today was one of those “others”. Still, it’s great to be …

: YouTube Premium came to Poland…Instant subscribe.

: Use things Last week as I was getting changed from a workout at the gym, I moved my bag and heard a sudden …

: Krakow 11/05/19

: I just saw a YouTube ad for Pen and Tellers magic masterclass. It’s the first masterclass that …

: Rhodia web notebook thoughts. (now I’m 50% through) The paper really is nice for fountain pens. …

: My wife and I have been watching Star Trek discovery (season 1). My general not to so hot take is …

: When you see @rohdesign moving cards around in the Sketchnote Army Trello board 😀

: Every time someone talks about quitting their day job or stopping doing the thing they are teaching …

: Today I had some great feedback at work and possible new opportunities. But my two highlights are …

: I’ve had a long battle with PocketCasts sync. Even filed a bug via support (with a “thank you we’ll …

: Finished Reading : Keep Going: Austin Kleon 📚

: Wispański Exhibition in Krakow Using my watercolour set at home.

: The internet, unfortunately, is no longer a safe space to do any kind of experimental thinking, …

: Off to watch Avengers!

: If you ever think you’ve come up with a clever turn of phrase, say it out loud (preferably to …

: People say having a kid changes everything. That’s simple not true. It changes about 90% of things.

: I’ve been too negative recently. Partially I think it’s the mentality I’ve adopted …

: The trouble with public accountability Public accountability so often turns into personal shame. The person who sets the unrealistic goal, …

: Phone Wallpaper: Good and done I made a new phone wallpaper to remind me to focus on finishing and not over worrying about making …

: Started Reading : How to Think: A Survival Guide for a World at Odds - Alan Jacobs 📚

: Unscalable There is a real beauty in things that can’t scale. A project or task that is for one person …

: If you do anything creative (writing, podcasting, etc) then you should read Austin Kleon’s latest …

: Happy Easter

: In a surprise twist. I’m using shortcuts more again. Turns out that when the app doesn’t crash every …

: “Nothing in the world is worth having or worth doing unless it means effort, pain, difficulty… I …

: I think my biggest lesson of the year (which is still ongoing) is to ask questions and check I …

: “Leverage”…in 90% of situations there is a better word or it’s pointless …

: Started Reading : Keep Going: Austin Kleon 📚

: Just updated my Reading Log with a couple of new summaries from Never Split the Difference and This …

: Migration time

: Scientist unveil the first ever images of a black hole 📽️ 🤯

: Finished Reading : Never Split the Difference: Negotiating as if Your Life Depended on It: Chris …

: Work colleague: Vegan keto diet, that’s a crazy idea. Internet: Hold my beer…

: Krakow today

: I was wondering if I could get keyboard shortcuts on Pocketcasts web player. I remembered hearing …

: Communities don’t just happen by chance, it takes someone (or a group of someone’s) investing their …

: Finished Reading : This Is Marketing: You Can’t Be Seen Until You Learn to See: Seth Godin 📚

: “Wow, this course is great. I’m getting tones of value and I’ve just finished the …

: Now and Then April 2019 No, this is no joke. I just updated my [Now page]. Continue reading if you’d like to see a few …

: Counting to ten online Recently I’ve written a couple of posts and then debated publishing (just stopped myself from …

: Krakow Summer 2018 (Hasselblad 500cm and Protra 400)

: One of the biggest difference I see in writers online are people who regurgitate idea and those who …

: Lisbon in September 2018

: For some reason, I had issues with my micro blog subscription (hence no posting). I canceled and …

: Plan Your Weekends Better — Tips From Hemingway 🔗 | Art of Manliness Hemingway wanted a life filled …

: How to read more by Austin Kleon

: So I’m now a Copyblogger Certified Content Marketer. That was a plesant surprise this morning.

: Word of the week update “Plan” turned out to be a poorer choice. It didn’t really guide me in anyway …

: What I’ve seen of Android Q so far are the new foldable features (could be interesting for the …

: It’s been a really tough day but I’m heading home and today is over. Such a strange day full of …

: Do you see how few things you actually have to do in order to live a satisfying and reverent life? - Marcus Aurelius Do you see how few things you actually have to do in order to live a satisfying and reverent life? …

: No One Is Prepared for Hagfish Slime - The Atlantic 🔗 This is some phenomenal science writing.

: I started getting some pain in my right wrist yesterday. My best guess was rsi issues. So for the …

: Two new sketchnoting books to check out (and another on the way!)

: A Minor Modification in My Language Learning Vocabulary Recording A small change I’m trying for learning a language (Polish) recording the exact context and context a …

: Oh boy! A new @rhonecast is out from @patrickrhone Check it!

: As soon as I arrived at work, someone started to talk to me about Brexit. I then set my status on …

: I always find it funny how much longer “long story short” makes a sentence.

: I thought from an interaction with a client today. Maybe I should ask more and better questions …

: “Celebrate” was a good and apt choice for a weekly word, this week I think it is “plan”. Ending one …

: Krakow earlier in the week.

: Friends who like sketchnoting (or would like to start sketchnoting) would you like to alpha test …

: The UK and Ireland celebrate world book day today. Most of the rest of the world celebrates it on …

: I’ve seen a lot of people putting out material on a subject I care about a lot. At a couple of …

: The latest episode of Hurry Slowly could be titled “Productivity Principles over Rules”. …

: Mumford and Sons on Song Exploder. I don’t listen to every episode but I’m glad I listened to this …

: When we hold a newspaper, it feels different than a tablet, or a comic book, or a bible. The form …

: Krakow Main Station

: Today was a HUGE day at work. We launched a new product and about three months of marketing all came …

: I’d really like MB to have a toggle to see a timeline with just longer posts. Sometimes …

: Write for yourself, publish for others Write for yourself, publish for others I’m trying this idea out. Write for yourself The purpose of …

: Why walking makes you a better worker 🔗 - BBC Why walking makes you a better worker 🔗 - BBC Either way, it’s clear that seeking out natural …

: My theme for this week is celebrate. First thing to celebrate. This morning my daughter woke up just …

: It’s time to plan the week ahead. That means reviewing calendar appointments, setting a few big …

: > Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex… It takes a touch of genius …

: Charlie Kirk is someone I’ve been fortunate to learn from a few times. He spent time taking photos …

: I think I’ve worked out my “weekly word” for next week. Celebrate I already have, and will have …

: No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it’s not the same river and he’s not the same man.” - Heraclitus No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it’s not the same river and he’s not the same man.” …

: What does Enough look like? The main question I’m left pondering after Paul Jarvis’s …

: Now and then March 2019 I just updated my Now page, if you want the short version, check that out. If you want more …

: Wow…I can no longer use shortcuts on my iPhone at all. Constantly crashing. You would have …

: White Rabbit!

: 8 Ways to Be Constantly Improving - James Altucher The post 8 Ways to be Constantly Improving appeared first on James Altucher. I've looked at this …

: I’ve just updated my now page. I usually try to wait till the start of the next month but …

: As I was waiting for the train I wondered how many podcasts I am subscribed to and what I thought …

: Microblog podcast hosting question. Can you set a name that is different from the account name? And …

: Why You Should Work Less and Spend More Time on Hobbies - HBR 🔗 Why You Should Work Less and Spend More Time on Hobbies As professionals around the world feel …

: Writing to make the world a better, friendlier and stronger place. A wonderful thought from Patrick …

: Listening to And Your Are? With @patrickrhone and @gr36 and the story of Patrick’s family …

: The Power of Penmanship: The Art of Manliness Podcast 🎧 via The Cramped This was a really …

: If you don’t want to read Digital Minimalism. This video from CGP Grey is surprisingly related. I …

: First thing which it turns out I signed up using Facebook…meetup. Oh well, new account.

: Be Alone With Your Own Thoughts I made this iPhone X wallpaper from a note I took while reading Digital Minimalism by Cal Newport. …

: my Micro Monday recommendation this week is @danalcantara because we have many overlapping …

: Finished reading: Digital Minimalism: Choosing a Focused Life in a Noisy World by Cal Newport 📚

: Just opened Siri Shortcuts on my iPhone to post a reading update…and it crashed straight …

: Hustle And Rest I spent some of this morning making this hand lettering idea. It’s a message I’m seeing in a few …

: The latest CJ Chilvers newsletter is very good.

: Helping to clear my in-laws plot of land They just bought. I wish i was this type of person more but …

: “Absorb what is useful, discard what is useless and add what is specifically your own” - Bruce Lee “Absorb what is useful, discard what is useless and add what is specifically your own” Bruce Lee - …

: Some of Our Favorite Typefaces — Tools and Toys 🔗 Some of Our Favorite Typefaces — Tools and Toys Here are 7 of the awesomest and most drool-worthy …

: Twsbi eco fine nib. I like this much more than my fine Lamy safari. Currently using some standard …

: Quick thought on Samsung’s foldable phone The proportions seemed wrong to me at first, tablets and phones are bigger. But then I realised that …

: I deactivated my account. I’m wondering If I’ll find an app that I have a Facebook log in for …

: My idea for an advert may be in Time Square soon. Feeling pretty amazing right now.

: The Process of Reading Is More Important Than Finishing I have to keep myself in check against the desire to focus on the result of "having read" rather …

: Keeping Going Book Trailer 🔗 Really can’t wait to get my hands on this.

: With all the turn against Facebook and Cal Newport’s new book Digital Minimalism, I think that this …

: new pen has arrived. Expect pictures and a review sometime (next week?)

: Theory I’m testing out: The quest for “finding my voice/style" in creative fields is …

: A Sketchnote Love Letter to Aeropress I love my aeropress. It’s a great way to get good coffee, doesn’t take much space and has a fun, …

: Is it even possible to buy a course on Udemy for full price? (related: Is it possible to buy a good …

: A game for Monday (very easy for iOS users). Go and count your open tabs. In iOS, if you long press …

: Good morning. Chilly but bright.

: it’s like computer crack @gr36 on football manager Yup.

: Setting aside old and proven jokes about Work Chat and socks, most of the criticism for Evernote …

: Sketchnote - Plan Your Week with the Accidental Creative The Accidental Creative podcast is one of those which I frequently return to despite it often being …

: It arrived! Digital Minimalism: Cal Newport 📚

: One of the biggest mistakes we make is overvaluing the impact a tool will make and undervalue the …

: The switch remastered version of Link’s awakening looks AMAZING. I played the original to …

: The Advantage of Building a Procreate Sketchnoting Brush Set Although I most often sketchnote using pen and paper, I also use procreate for digital sketchnoting. …

: Letting Go of a Domain, Letting Go of a Dream I got an email today informing me that a domain was coming up for renewal. It was one I grabbed …

: Appearance on Micro Monday https://monday.micro.blog/2019/02/11/episode-chris-wilson.html It was a pleasure to appear on Micro …

: I was never cool enough to give up Evernote. But it seems more people are giving it a second chance …

: my Micro Monday recommendation for today is @bennorris it’s been a delight to get to know him …

: Okay Pen folks, I want to get a cheap pen with a flex nib to experiment with writing with a flex nib …

: Photographing English Cathedrals • Peter Marlow • Magnum Photos 🔗 Photographing English Cathedrals • Peter Marlow • Magnum Photos This required exposures of between …

: Trams and streets of Krakow today.

: Very excited to take a peek at today’s Fuji x100t photos. I haven’t had a chance for a good old …

: A Year of Sermon Sketchnotes


: Calligraphy And Mindfulness About three years ago I started getting interested in calligraphy. It was born out of my desire to …

: Beruit Gallipoli 🎵 A new album from Beriuit, don't mind if I do.

: 20 Life Lessons from Leonardo da Vinci | The Saturday Evening Post 🔗 20 Life Lessons from Leonardo da Vinci | The Saturday Evening Post 🔗 The fact that Leonardo was …

: Finished reading: Leonardo da Vinci by Walter Isaacson 📚

: Talent hits a target no one else can hit; Genius hits a target no one else can see. "Talent hits a target no one else can hit; Genius hits a target no one else can see." Arthur …

: A lot of my internet friends seem to really be struggling at the moment and the issues and the root …

: Synecdoche noun [si-nek-duh-kee] Rhetoric. a figure of speech in which a part is used for the whole or the …

: A Pièce De Résistance Is Never Easy As I concluded the Isaacson biography of Da Vinci he referred to the Mona Lisa as “Da Vinci’s pièce …

: Disagreeing is fine, just remember to be kind. (this is a reminder to myself)

: Don't Meet Your Heroes - Austin Kleon It bears repeating: Miserable human beings who you wouldn’t want to spend a second with in real life …

: My Morning Routine: A brand new, inspiring morning routine every Wednesday. - 🔗 Oh dear, this could …

: New beer to try from doctor brew. Molly IPA.

: I’m a big believer of bringing sketchnoting to education…but sometimes I see things …

: The pen I ordered to replace the one I broke has got lost on its way… :S Japan Post come to my …

: I don't need a shareable task list, I need communication  One of the key distinguishing features of Todoist compared to other task management applications, is …

: Spent the evening practicing some gothic style lettering with a pilot parallel (found a cool, lose …

: Metonymy Metonymy Noun Rhetoric a figure of speech that consists of the use of the name of one object or …

: We humans are really good at overcomplicating our lives aren’t we.

: Now and Then Feb 2019 I created a group in Ulysses called “Now”, it has all my now page updates and “Now and then” blog …

: Good morning

: It’s funny how Apple blocked Facebook’s apps, and the Facebook business couldn’t function properly. …

: I think @rohdesign might approve of my hobonichi customisation.

: I came into work to not the best situation so it’s a rough start to the day. I guess this means …

: Just read about the latest MB hosted sites update…that’s probably 99% of all the features I …

: Dual Wielding Microns Like Darth Maul I can still remember the moment when Darth Maul ignited the second blade of his lightsaber. George …

: Before Every Facebook Crisis... Facebook: We’re helping the world, we’ve made some mistakes in the past but you can trust us. …

: Funny, I’ve always thought that the wizard only became admirable after he stepped out from behind …

: Da Vinci on Minimalism “men who desire nothing but material riches and are absolutely devoid of the desire for wisdom, …

: Imagine Banksy writing a letter to the US army asking to be hired. Imagine he started off by talking …

: Jeff Perry of @RocketPanda wrote something I’m sure many of us can relate to. Burnout, stress …

: I got a Polish email adderess wrong, I should have guest that an email address without at least one …

: Pocketcasts sync has become so bad that I think I have to switch podcast app. It keeps going back to …

: One of the main reasons I still pay for Ulysses is ‪ the ebook rendering. It’s one of its best USPs …

: Wieliczka last week (a photo with my Fuji x100t) for a change. 📷

: I finished work today and packed my computer away. I won’t need it till Monday when I enter …

: Visiting friends.

: “But it was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. He had won the victory …

: Using Paper Like Da Vinci One of the comments in Walter Issacson's biography of Da Vinci really stood out to me. He mentioned …

: It’s definitely nothing against any particular creator(s) but I’m all podcast tshirted out. They’ve …

: Dumb mistake I still make. Thinking I can/should write while doing something else (listening to a …

: Do I renew my Adobe Photography CC subscription 🤔

: It’s a pretty chilly morning here in Poland.

: Our motivations are heavily informed by the media. Our social feeds are populated by endless images …

: I’d like to announce that I’m not running for the Democratic party nominiation for …

: Back to work doing a job I love with great people and with an exciting product launch. I am so …

: A Note of Intention - How I’m Staying More on Task with Digital Devices For most of 2018, I kept a “daily plan bar” in a softcover moleskin notebook. I really enjoyed the …

: Automators 14: journaling I love @rosemaryorchard ‘s idea of using a shortcut to check the day and …

: I should “spark joy” some of my domain names. “Thank you silly idea for the joy …

: Discussion starter: What is a change you’d like to see in society? Can be big or small. Preferably a …

: An Update on Podcast Free Commutes A couple of days ago I shared my experiment, and thinking behind it, in not listening to podcasts …

: Locked out of home so I thought I’d play with Halid and darkroom then I decided to try lightroom as …

: …I left my keys at home and I’m now locked out as my wife is away. Guess I’ll go do the food …

: The shortcut action for lightroom on the iPad is okay. I mean it’s better than not having it, …

: Occasionally I am asked why I don’t “monetize” my blog, but everything good in my career has come …

: A Suggested Alternative to the Term "iPad Only" The term “iPad only” (as in “I’ve gone iPad only”) has annoyed me for a while. It’s usually wrong …

: I remember some people talking about an alternative to tinyletter for friendly …

: It was a rainy morning in Krakow today.

: From an ideological point of view, I really dislike google claiming the TLD .new for their …

: The Art of Noticing: 131 Ways to Spark Creativity, Find Inspiration, and Discover Joy In the …

: When someone has been nasty and sarcastic to me I always want to take the high ground and be nice to …

: Primary Source Material #77: Primary Source Material, with John Roderick - CMD Spacepodcast from RerlayFM Primary source …

: I annoy myself by overthinking if this blogging platform or that is better. I really ought to just …

: Got to send beta feedback thanks to finding a bug 😌

: Currently Reading : This Is Marketing: You Can’t Be Seen Until You Learn to See: Seth Godin 📚

: A Break from Podcast While Traveling I’m a huge podcast fan. It’s one of the core things I use my smartphone for (along with …

: This principle underlines every minimalism movement. Choosing intentionality over convinence - Cal …

: Join Analog Social Media - Cal Newport 🔗 Join Analog Social Media - Cal Newport 🔗 When you take an activity like social media, for example, …

: After a few months of using Station I have come to the conclusion that it’s basically a …

: Happy world sketchnote day everyone!

: We're All Product Reviewers Now Managing reputation in the age of infinity - Seth’s Blog Amazon sells junk. More junk every …

: Currently Reading : Leonardo da Vinci: Walter Isaacson 📚

: I feel a bit like I’m in Narnia this morning. Very fine snowfall on the way to the train (first …

: An Amazing Transformation It’s truly amazing the transformation my daughter’s face can through on any given day. …

: Podcast lovers will really enjoy the latest XKCD.

: Finished Reading : Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad …

: Is it possible to automate micro.blog favouriting? For example, save a favourite to …

: On the way to the train this morning and practicing editing photo curves. Think I’m getting better …

: In praise of Garageband - Austin Kleon 🔗 In praise of Garageband - Austin Kleon Garageband turned 15 yesterday. It was introduced at …

: The best cameras but not the best pictures 10 Upgrades for 2019 | David duChemin - World & Humanitarian Photographer, Nomad, Author. Want …

: Got my notebook and pen stack sorted at work.

: World Sketchnote Day 2019! — Sketchnote Army Some ways to participate: Share your photo, holding …

: Catching the train last night.

: A picture from our holiday in Malta last year.

: I’m 10x more productive than I was five years ago. Do you know what I changed to make that happen? …

: 100 things that made my year (2018) - Austin Kleon 🔗 100 things that made my year (2018) A pretty amazing list of personal pleasures from Austin. Not a …

: Three days into the Hobonichi lifestyle (I’m kidding…sort of) and I really like this notebook. …

: Now and then January 2019 As part of my regular review and reflection with my now page, I’m writing another now and then …

: Note from today’s journal entry that caught my attention. Resilience is a powerful characteristic. …

: Rebound quick bad workouts are more important than good ones don’t underestimate the compounding …

: Current iPhone homescreen (sharing so I can add it to my now page)

: First entry with my new hobonichi (my first) and I’m sticking in a picture.

: I started discussing some plans for a photo trip/ holiday with a friend this coming year. I just …

: Five new things I’ve liked this year Atomic habits 📚 Chvrches: Love is dead 🎧 Ask NT Wright …

: A halo created by my in laws tea light.

: My daughter laughed for the first time and I filmed it on my phone. There maybe downsides of …

: Lublin skyline.

: Just wondering if there’s any easy way to add a video to a manton hosted microblog? Got a little fun …

: I was a big fan of google+. whenever a story of its impending death came out five or six years ago, …

: When you get tired, take a seat. Lublin, Poland.

: My tip instead of resolutions: A bingo board of fun and/or useful things you’d like to do …

: A little abrstract photo that might work for a wallpaper?, taken when flying yesterday afternoon.

: Time to return to Poland. Thank you for a wonderful Christmas time UK 🇬🇧.

: A healthy Boxing Day lunch…at five guys

: What Would You Downgrade To? As I walked my daughter yesterday I found my mind was also off on its own adventure. For some reason …

: Merry Christmas. If you don’t celebrate it then I wish you a good day regardless.

: My parents’ (homemade) Christmas Nativity set.

: It’s a tough life being a dog

: Plectrums, plectrums as far as the eye can see!

: Walks in England aren’t half bad (and playing with darkroom is fun too)

: Having the best mattress, suitcase, and vitamins nearly broke me - Vox 🔗 Having the best mattress, suitcase, and vitamins nearly broke me - Vox I would try them all at …

: Happy ten year anniversary Sketchnote Army. great to see how it’s grown. Great work @rohdesign

: A cup of coffee at the best coffee shop in all of New Malden. The Place .

: My Top Paid iPad Apps – Painfully Hopeful Well Christmas is here, and a lot of folks will be …

: We took a wet trip into London today, but the friendship (and Mexican food) warmed us up.

: 3 Sentence Book Summaries by James Clear 🔗 Book Summaries: Popular Book Summaries in 3 Sentences or Less This page shares a full list of book …

: Now and then in December 2018 This month has been busy which is partially why I didn’t post a “now and then” update earlier, …

: We’ve been in the UK for two days and I’ve only had two mince pies so far. I will correct this …

: Shuffling feet Right foot forward, Left foot forward, A slight dip in the hip with each stoop, Pulling the foot …

: How I Quit Apple, Microsoft, Google, Facebook, and Amazon - Motherboard 🔗 How I Quit Apple, Microsoft, Google, Facebook, and Amazon - Motherboard By now, it’s common …

: I found flying stressful. Today we’re flying with my four month old daughter 😣. I’m focusing on the …

: I got some Lamy ink to fill my cross pen, this was a gift when I was 25 or something like that but …

: One of My usual camera testing spot but this time with a very different view.

: Making 95% of the perceived effort When I first moved abroad I thought that when I returned to visit the UK, I’d simply state …

: The Baron Fig book page has some great book suggestions.

: When you discover that @patrickrhone linked to something you wrote 🤗

: Autumn Leaves Jazz Guitar Collection 🎵 📽️ The second Jazz standard playlist I’ve put together, this …

: I’m really enjoying these weekly link things that some people are doing on MB. It’s …

: David Sparks’s Omnifocus Field Guide is very good. Especially the custom perspectives, I love some …

: My techo arrived ☺️

: Copywriter world problems. How do I say we are “low-cost” without sounding like we’re rubbish, …

: My RSS service hunt seems to be leading me towards Inoreader at the moment and I’m trying the …

: Good morning

: I got a blister from playing bass at the weekend and it looks like it’s just about okay to play …

: Mission for today, buy an ugly Christmas sweater :D

: Facebook's had a bad year, but the users are staying. Looking Back on Facebook’s Murky 2018: Here’s Why Users Are Sticking Around (New Data)🔗 …

: A copywriting course I’ve been following is much more a general business course. It’s …

: There’s one AR app I use and I don’t know why I do. It’s a football app that lets …

: Atomic habits has really helped me understand the value of certain GTD practices like the weekly …

: The Guru Trap 🔗 I keep coming back to this post and thinking about it. My favourite Apple …

: The frost yesterday morning.

: Move Slow and Mend Things? 🔗 https://brooksreview.net/2018/11/building-technology-for-good/ I’m not sure there is a clear …

: I signed up to a course to learn how to use a drawing app on the iPad better. I had a survey about …

: The Best Table Tennis Shot of 2018 🔗 📹 One of those titles that sounds clickbaitey, but totally …

: A Suggestion for Better Starbucks Cup Size Name Something I’ve been wondering about. Starbucks coffee size names. They are clearly influenced …

: Come for the Topic, Stay for the Hosts? I remember hearing Merlin Mann make this statement on back to work some five years ago or so. At the …

: Georgia On My Mind Playlist One of my new listening habits at work is to listen to a jazz classic performed by several different …

: One of the Google features that I find incredibly useful and very worrisome is maps telling you …

: I still love paper In many ways I think my attachment for my smartphone is born out of my same attachment for notebooks …

: My daughter has started teething…this is the darkest timeline.

: My Black Friday shopping was finally buying the Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild. I held off …

: Outside of krakow station last night Not certain about the edit. Need to brush up on my lightroom …

: Just wondering what service you use for RSS and why.

: Go on an “Artist date” I made the image below inspired by the accidental creative podcast this morning, which was itself …

: The Annoying Trend of Making Stuff About Making Stuff One of the things that annoys me the most about the modern internet landscape is how much stuff is …

: Imagine buying a WordPress theme with a “lifetime license", now imagine not getting any updates …

: Nate Lopez Performs “Georgia On My Mind” 🎵 📹 Some smooth acoustic blues for the afternoon

: Krakow train station tonight 📸 Edited in darkroom for the iPad.

: iPhone photography discovery of the day 📷 Darkroom lets you edit the background and foreground of a …

: The digital divide is being flipped 🔗 The Digital Divide is Being Flipped - Seths Blog Today, as digital tools get cheaper and more …

: Monday Morning Music 🎵 📽️ Jeff Goldblum: Cantaloupe Island

: I Checked Lightroom CC when it came out and wasn’t too impressed. Back then I was using an …

: Yes, I am a tastemaker: The Pen Addict 334 An episode even non-pen addicts may enjoy when Brad …

: The whole “I’m passionate about the Oxford Comma" thing feels very cliche now. So my bio …

: I’m really enjoying playing with the iPhone XS camera. It lets me take photos I couldn’t with the …

: TWSBI ECO in trans green and Blossom Red for Christmas The green looks pretty cool.

: Colder weather means porter time. This is a Christmas porter.

: Pocketcasts 7. Great update.

: Any wireless charging recommendations for iPhone Xs? I’m looking at the Anker PowerPort 5, The …

: “Being creative is not so much the desire to do something as the listening to that which wants …

: Finally got my iPhone XS in a semi set state. Still moving a couple of items around by this is my …

: It’s a public holiday here in Poland so I took my daughter down to the graduation tower connected to …

: In addition to Veterans Day and Armistice day, November 11 is Polish Independence Day. Prior to the …

: Morning coffee in krakow. The sign says “coffee is essential”

: Morning Music 🎵 L.I.F.EG.O.E.S.O.N by Noah And The Whale

: Good News: National Witness? | Fulcrum Anglican Good liturgy isn’t everything, but bad liturgy …

: Where are the fresh blogging opinions 🔗 Daring Fireball: Dan Frakes Goes to Apple as Mac App Store Editor Cross linking between blogs has …

: Austin Mann on the New iPad Pro 🔗 the new ipad pro for photographers Austin is great to follow for all things Apple and photography …

: Spark Email showing me a new feature with a dismiss button of “Thank You” I’m both …

: Can’t wait to dig into the new procreate update :)

: I missed my train at krakow station last night. So I finally returned to street photography with my …

: I’m becoming increasingly critical of the IPad as a platform. Not because it’s getting …

: No one makes a living on Pateron 🔗 No one makes a living on Patreon Of those creators, only 1,393 — 2 percent — make the equivalent …

: Monday Morning Music 🎵Athlete: Half Life

: Ulysses keyboard shortcuts for Mac and iOS I love how many different shortcuts Ulysses …

: “Changes that seem small and unimportant at first will compound into remarkable results if you …

: Isralie style coffee and baklava in the coolest coffee shop in Krakow.

: We’re in our favourite coffee shop in Kazimierz, the old Jewish district in Krakow, and there are …

: November 2018 Now and Then Update Last month I tried updating my Now page at the start of the month and writing a description of what …

: A Long-Term Review of The Focus Course “The Focus Course helped me create a manageable plan of action that worked with my work and …

: Morning Music 🎵 Death Cab for Cutie: A Movie Script Ending

: Luke Sital-Singh: The Last Day 🎵 Another great folk song from my fellow New Malden-er.

: Wes Montgomery: Round Midnight 🎵📹 🎸

: Honestly, I think Evernote might finally be turning things around. The templates feature is the …

: October is almost over so I guess it’s time to look over my now page from last month and get …

: A Dark Consensus About Screens and Kids Begins to Emerge in Silicon Valley - The New York Time 🔗 A Dark Consensus About Screens and Kids Begins to Emerge in Silicon Valley - The New York Times via …

: Currently Reading : Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad …

: Austin Mann's iPhone Xs camera review 🔗 Austin Mann’s iPhone Xs camera review 🔗 Surprise Austin takes great pictures with an iPhone …

: Currently reading: On Writing Well by William Zinsser 📚

: Should We Stop Listening to Podcasts? — CJ Chilvers 🔗 Should We Stop Listening to Podcasts? — CJ Chilvers When you mention time and attention theft, most …

: Finished Reading Arbitrary Stupid Goal: Tamara Shopsin 📚

: I’d rather be a blogger – Paul Jarvis 🔗 I’d rather be a blogger I just think one of the main reasons that the internet took off like it did …

: Cognitive Dissonance for Marketing 🔗 Cognitive Dissonance It has also been observed that if a person finds themselves engaging in …

: Reading Aloud - Austin Kleon 🔗 Reading aloud I find that reading my work aloud makes it weird enough that I can’t scan or gloss …

: Currently Reading : Arbitrary Stupid Goal: Tamara Shopsin 📚

: Finished reading: Perennial seller by Ryan Holiday 📚

: Currently reading: Perennial Seller by Ryan Holiday 📚

: Read More Books 📚 A reminder from myself yesterday. Books are rewarding and I should read more.