🔗Asking, Giving And Blogging – Greg Morris

Truth is, I have been trying for a while to make writing and blogging pay like it used to. 6-7 years ago web ads paid ok with a few thousand hits a month and didn’t completely wreck your website and income paid for my hosting and even allowed me to, shock horror, make a little profit.

I can relate to the changes Greg has seen in writing online. I used to run a site that made a nice little amount of money through ads: Enough to pay for hosting and a few tech treats. But things have changed. Google ads want to be invasive. Web design trends have pushed ads out of the way (unless your a big media company and want them all over the place.) The promised patreon /Kofi/content subscription solution hasn’t lived up to its promises.
We shouldn’t be that suprised. The same issues have been in software with the growth of free with in app purchases and the (justified and not) vocal opposition to software subscriptions.

The issue of subscription fatigue is real.

Many of us would love to support more services and creator, but with so many apps, creators and causes to subscribe to, what was once a small drip from our pockets is now a running tap.

Perhaps creators should seek to create things and ask for payments in exchange for access; it’s the pricing model many wish more apps adopted.

This is certainly the model Seth Godin recommends where he talks about creating experiences. It isn’t easy to monetise anything, but we should pay attention to what we do/don’t pay for.

If we wouldn’t be willing to pay for a newsletter subscription, why would someone pay for ours?