Instagram gets worse with dark patterns lifted from TikTok | TechCrunch

The new UI is plainly inspired by TikTok, the way Instagram has routinely been “inspired” by its more innovative rivals, like when they clone-stamped Stories out of Snapchat. In this case they took the opportunity to bring in a few bad habits and troubling choices, all pretty clearly intended to juice their metrics and force users to interact with content on the app’s terms.

I saw this shared by Andy McNally an illustrator friend who is active on instagram. I enjoy his, and other sketchnoters content but the algorithm and new feed is increasingly hostile.

In my weekly sketchnote newsletter, I never share any from instagram, mostly because it doesn’t have a friendly embedding option with revue. That actually makes it quite difficult to share sketchnotes as the majority are shared on Instagram.

I wish there was a better platform with mass adoption for sharing these images. At this point I know I should proclaim the virtues of (which is great) but it would be a real challenge to convert the sketchnoting masses.

Still, perhaps that is a vocation worth heeding.