One of my kids had a very specific request for her birthday.

A giant toy connected to their favourite cartoon of the moment. I was hesitant — we don’t have that much space and already have a couple of really large toys (that for me at least are just annoying) — but we relented and sure enough a giant Gabby’s Dollyhouse arrived complete with set of figures.

Before it arrived, my wife had noted that this gigantic plaything wasn’t complete. In fact, it’s a modular toy so you can add more rooms and areas on to it — oh. Joy.

But, here we are a month later and my daughter recently exclaimed their frustration at the toy.

  • It’s too big
  • It’s not like real thing
  • it’s stupid (her words, not mine).

And so, she isn’t playing with it much. To be clear, she does still play with it, but she’s also suggested selling it (we regularly sell our old kids old toys and they can then use that money to buy new ones).

It made me think about some of the toys we’re had recently that they’ve used consistently and still enjoy.

  • Bikes
  • Roller blades
  • swimming goggles
  • A paper zine with printing out pictures they chose.

It seems that the more active, involved and self created things are those they love the most. And, of course, they are far cheaper too.

It’s not just kids

Of course, it’s not just my kids but me too.

Many of the cool gadgets I think will make me happy I grow out of quickly. But the things that get me out and about or tools to create things are the things that bring me ongoing enjoyment.

I’d bet you’re similar.