I love Micro blog. I’m not sure why exactly, but it always feels like a nice place to go on the internet. I’ve met great people there whom I’ve then met in real life and exchanged gifts with. I’ve been challenged by different perspectives, and grown from people further along the path than I am.

It’s my favourite social network.

But I feel it’s changed over time[ˆ1] and I want to push against that.

A return to blogging

There’s nothing wrong with microblog post, but there’s something special about a blog post.

Someone taking the time to give a post a title transforms the fleeting thought into a codified idea takes time to create and consume properly. It’s so easy to gravitate to shorter, louder and reductive content that gives quicker rewards.

But when I spent time indulging in richer and longer content, I always feel the better for it.

So, I’m trying to be the change I want to see.

More blogs next year

For next year, I’m committing to share more longer form posts.

I’ve had several posts in the back burner or half drafted, this year I’m going to do better at finishing things off (or not let a technical issue stop me from publishing!).

I don’t know exactly what these posts will be on, but we’ll see.

Just longer blogs?

Nope, I also want to share more links of great content that I’ve found as well.

It was something I did a lot in the early days of Micro.Blog but I fell out of the habit of doing.

Burning the Ships

A final change I’m making is closing down a couple of old sites.

I had a personal site which I started more than 12 years ago. It started as very general thoughts, became street photography focused and now lies neglected (but still makes some Amazon affiliate link money).

So I’m merging it with my micro.blog account.

Hello 2025

I’m sure some plans will change in 2025, but these are my current plans.

I can’t wait to see what you share too.

[ˆ1]: This is 100% subjective. I’m aware of evidence against this including the name of the site.