As I was listening to the latest episode of Cortex on “Yearly Themes” I instantly knew what mine should be.

The year of health.

It’s the culmination of several factors in life at the moment so let me explain.

An apocalyptic moment

A few week’s back I noticed that I was struggling to see the tiny text on my laptop screen.

Normally, I work at a 32" 4k monitor so I hadn’t had to test my eyes. But this one moment revealed both that yes, it is indeed time for me to get my eye’s tested again and, more significantly, age is affecting my body.

It was a watershed moment that broke through my complacency. It also made me reframe several other experiences and ideas from recent weeks.

But it wasn’t just about physical health

The year of mental health

(note: the following is very personal, mental health like physical health is complex. Take with large amounts of salt and speak to a trained professional if you need help).

This last year has been very difficult for me for a few reasons some of which I can’t divulge on the internet. When added to the usual work and family stresses (and noises — my daughter is currently in a neighbouring room blowing a whistle with much gusto), it’s affected my character for the worse.

I’d love to say I’ve been able to respond rationally and affectionately to every situation but in truth I’ve been reactive with an unpleasant tone far too often.

Honestly, if I carry on like this I will make my own life, and the ones of those around me, worse.

I need to look after myself so I can look after them.

The connection of physical and mental health

Physical and mental health work together.

While it’s possible to be ill mentally or physically and be well in the opposite field, it’s far more common for each to affect the other.

  • Get a cold and your mood is likely to get worse.
  • Look after your body and you’ll probably feel better about yourself.

So when one area is doing well, it’s far easier to help the other. And if you have a serious issue in one area, it’s worth helping the other.

That means that a lot of actions to help my physical health (eating better, exercising more) will help my mental health and some to help my mental health (socialising more) will help my physical health too.

One of the simplest tools I’ve found so far is a maxim I’ve taken on.

“Make the healthy choice”

I started using this simple phrase when I had my laptop revelation.

As I was thinking through some unhealthy habits (drinking too much coffee, eating certain junk foods) I had the thought “I want to make the health choice”, and it stuck around.

Now, when I’ve had a moment where I’ve been choosing between drinking a coke or having a cup of tea, I’ve gone for the tea. Or when I really wanted to take the kids to the cinema so I could rest rather than the nearby park, I went to the park as it was the “healthy choice”.

I’ve still indulged at times like Christmas and New Year, but those are exceptions rather than rules.

The first steps and the next ones

I still have bigger actions and project I need to address for my health, but this little saying and the idea of the year of health have already helped me change my lifestyle.

Taking on these bigger projects will be harder but the early rewards are giving me the motive to invest more.

Whatever your yearly theme is, I wish you the best of luck.