My daughter decided to buy me some socks. I’m particularly excited about the doughnut ones.

    I just released my latest sketchy idea (newsletter) and I think I’m most proud of the pun at the beginning.

    We’re about to go on a four hour drive across Poland (with a four hour return trip): what audiobook would you listen to?

    I’m trying to get ideas but really diverse ones not ones “for me”.

    🎶 Blue In Green (Take 3) by Bill Evans Trio

    Just discovered this version thanks to the YouTube music algorithm.

    Round two of guess the book

    Let’s play guess the book.

    Can’t have a problem with trolls when you’re run by a troll and encourage trolling… sorry, “free speech maximumism.”

    Urgh! What a day.

    Chris, it’s 10am.

    … the Google play store has fewer ads than the apple App Store…Google!

    I resisted the iPadOS 16 betas because I wouldn’t get stage manager and I wanted to keep my iPad reliable…but now freefrom is out in beta and I’ve got to try it! Time to beta!

    Currently reading: Political Gospel by Patrick Schreiner 📚

    Today’s mood

    Just curious, if you could get the SAME content but in.

    • a PDF
    • daily emails
    • An obsidian vault that you download
    • An online course platform like teachable
    • (another method?)

    Which would you want most and why…also would it affect what you’d pay?

    I’m planning to do a massive update of my site LearnCreateShare next week I’d love your feedback and thoughts. Some things I’m considering

    1. The name /domain
    2. The navigation and experience
    3. Updating/correcting info (like the about page)

    Probably won’t change the theme though.

    Speaking with Paul Mignard on Twitter and he mentioned dropping the USB-C port, going wireless and making a thinner iPad. That could be an amazing iPad Air (that would hook up to a smart speaker for a home device?). A great sketchnoting device.

    Turned off continuity webcam for my iPhone. I was getting multiple pings a day saying it was connected when I wasn’t even using a camera app. I’ll manually switch it on if I need it.

    I shared this sketchnote summary of the One Minute Manager on my blog yesterday but I thought I’d share it here as well. I love the idea of focusing on catching good actions not mistakes. This was a core idea when I taught English to young learners.

    New iPad Pros.

    • Pencil hover sounds like a great feature, I’d love to know why it’s locked to the new pros? (current prediction, so you’ll upgrade!)
    • M2 performance sounds CRAZY.
    • Faster wifi…cool. I guess that’s nice.

    It doesn’t really sound that compelling. I guess it’s nice to have something even better if it’s the same price but I don’t think this has changed what iPad I’d probably by. Either the iPad Air or the last pro 12.9.

    Today’s fun little slip of the tongue while recording “You can drag and drog”.

    I want to know what drag and drog is.

    I’d love a new iPad (money aside) so hopefully this new iPad Pro will help drive down prices of the last models and how knows what else they might bring out. The dead pixels in the middle of my screen have been annoying me for some time.

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