A new sad thing I’ve noticed with the whole “~Shepherds~ Book for Sales” book thing is now I’m seeing YouTube videos that are trying to gain views by jumping on the story. Who needs to sell out your convictions for politics when you can do it for likes, comments, and subscribes.

Finished reading: Same as Ever by Morgan Housel 📚listened on a car journey. Good idea, bit repetitive. Some interesting points to meditate on.

Kids off preschool. Zine time!

The irony of Tim Keller's winsomeness that his detractors will never get

An irony of Tim Keller’s winsomeness — he never rested in his power to convert.

Yes, he studied and used his intellect to present arguments for God and theology, but I always sensed a humility where he didn’t try to force his faith.

“Here it is. It is good.”

Is the posture I always got from him. And he believed it.

In the last few days, I’ve (unfortunately) caught some of his detractors again complaining about his “winsomeness” approach1.

The main criticism I’ve heard is “he should have been more forceful!” That usually means he should have insulted or belittled his opponents, he should have campaigned politically on their top issues, or, as I read yesterday, he didn’t change the politics of New York so he was a failure.

All of which come back to trusting in our own strength to achieve a goal, rely on ends justifying the means and usually **come from insecurities that their ideas aren’t actually good or persuasive **but have to be forced upon people instead.

My church is doing a series on Evangelism at the moment and one of the themes four preacher (all of who haven’t known what the other would preach) have touched on is faithfulness and trusting God rather than resting in our strength or skill.

I wonder what that does to the culture war stuff?

I am certain it let’s speak confidently on issues that are “progressive” or “conservative” without fear of repercussion 2. And, although there will be exceptions who imbue impure motives, lets the listener see the honest conviction of the speaker rather than see the demon they fear is underneath.

Keller wasn’t perfect, but I’d certainly rather adopt his posture and rely on God’s power than try it on my own.

  1. I’ve always wondered if that means they want to be un-winsome or repulsive…which in some cases seems apt. ↩︎

  2. Though I can understand why pastors who struggled with the literal financial costs of speaking out against Trump would have very different experiences than I. ↩︎

Started a trial of the Affinity v2 range of products.

  1. I have a book design project to do (blame @AndyNicolaides )
  2. I want to try a vector based tool for sketchnotes. I’m starting work on one but There’s a lot I need to learn to really get to grips with it.

Finished reading: Bearing God’s Name by Carmen Joy Imes 📚 Dispensationalists will not like this. I wasn’t expecting such a detailed exploration of continuity/discontinuity of the covenant but I was glad for it. I plan on rereading some of those final chapters as she explored the issues I find most challenging but I’m still not certain of her conclusions.

“A more useful use of AI”. I just changed this to “more useful application of AI”

this is the kind of thing we do all the time at work because “it’s bad to repeat the same word /root too close together.”

There’s definitely occasions when I think I this is a good, but I think it can be overly applied (especially if there’s a nice rhythm.)

Would anyone want an ebook with my sketches collated together? Perhaps my series on mental models with descriptions along side? $5? (Feel free to say if you’d have a slightly different request i.e. different sketchnotes/ how many etc)

Some neighbours were throwing out a coffee capsule machine, so now we have one (and it works fine).

Currently reading: Bearing God’s Name by Carmen Joy Imes 📚 Currently at the third chapter and enjoying it a lot. Dr. Imes is a very witty writer and has some great insights.

Photographers: What camera bag/sling do you use? I’ve had a kind of bumbag (deal with it Americans) one for years and basically been unhappy the whole time (It is always falling down unless I use it as a sling which isn’t not really designed for). I’m wondering about something like the peak sling but happy to learn other options.

I recently discovered that Gen Z do not do gif reactions. If only there were some way I could express my emotional reaction to this news, preferably with a pop culture reference.

My wife is cooking waffles for the kids after pre-school and they smell AMAZING.

Finished reading: Digital Liturgies by Samuel James 📚 good, probably even very good but not as good as the hype. I want to reread some sections.

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God. — Matt 5:9 (ESV)

It’s really bizarre how Biden has turned to the same strongman “only I can…” rhetoric that Trump always employs.

Do my eyes deceive me! Are England actually, pressing? And attacking well?!? The rest defense is working really well too.

Christians of mb. Favourite books on prayer?

British Grand Prix and England football later. It’s a good day for sports!

Goal: Read older books instead of sensational social media nonsense.

You’re okay Micro Blog.