Man’s search for meaning

Viktor Frankl put his theories of logotherapy to the test in the toughest of circumstances: the concentration camps of Nazi German. His story and insights are shared in this classic.

Gentle and Lowly

What is Christ’s heart like? In Gentle and Lowly Dan Ortlund meditates on Matthew 11:28-30, the passage where Jesus says “for I am gentle and lowly in heart". Drawing on scripture and the reformers he expands to share good news.

Dominion: the Making of the Western Mind

Tom Holland lays out the case for the seismic impact of Christianity and the Western mind. Key theological ideas such as love being the primary command; God would die for the worst sinners; the value of the poor and lowly are still felt today. Even conflicts between American Conservatives and American Liberals are a fight between those who focus on the letter of the law and the spirit of the law.

Reading While Black

Black Christians have a long tradition of reading the Bible and interpreting certain scriptures differently than white Christians. Esau present their hermeneutical tradition and makes the case for justice.

How to Pray by Pete Grieg

Prayer is simple but there’s a depth to it which we can explore. Pete takes us through some simple ways to pray as well as the theology behind each part. The P.R.A.Y. System represents pause, rejoice, ask, yield.

A Technique for Producing Ideas by

A chapter long book laying out a technique for generating ideas, focused on marketing but applicable to other areas. The process goes

  1. Gather (go deep into a topic AND gain outside influence)
  2. Process (go over things deeply. Think till you can think no more.)
  3. Distract (enjoy an emotionally engaging experience)
  4. EUREKA! (the idea will suddenly come)
  5. Refine (First ideas are rarely perfect, you will need to refine it.) The main mistakes are we don’t deeply research a topic. We aren’t curious in general and taking in other stimuli, we don’t distract ourselves with emotional engaging activities.


Morning Star

The third book in the Red Rising series. A fun conclusion, Pierce grows a lot as a writer and the plot has some classic twists. An enjoyable finale…oh wait, there’s more. Check it out

Ego is the Enemy

If you aspire to anything, or achieve some success, ego is waiting to bring you down. It’s difficult to manage, and doing so is no guarentee of success, but it’s the right thing to do. Ego os the enemy.
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Marketing Made Simple

A simple marketing plan with clear guidance on how to implement it. One of the key points of Don’s book is that the difference is implementation, that’s why having a simpler, but cohesive, plan is valuable. It’s better to get a simple plan fully implemented than a complicated plan kind of done. Shop your local indie bookstore

The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry by John Mark Comer

We are being distracted from what’s important by our modern rushing world. We have more than we’ve ever needed but are less satisfied. We need to recover Jesus' light yoke which is a simpler life, with him at the centre. Shop your local indie bookstore

Life Together by Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Christians include many different types of people, none of whom are perfect. Bonhoeffer discusses how Christians should approach living and growing together as a community. The Strong need the weak just as much as the weak need the strong. Shop your local indie bookstore

Surprise the World by Mike Frost

Not every Christian is an evangelist, but all of us are called to “witness”. We do this by living “Highly questionable lifes” (Lives that invite questions) and Mike suggests five habits to draw questions. Bless / Eat / Learn / Listen / Sent Shop your local indie bookstore

The New Testament in Its World by N.T. Wright and Michael Bird

The New Testament was written to particular groups of people in history, but our history and culture is very different. Simple words like “religion” can evoke very different images for us and then the first readers. This book goes over some of the common ideas with discussions on alternative perspectives of on the authorship of the books and the background. Shop your local indie bookstore

Algorithms to live by

IThe algorithms we’ve used to solve problems in computer science can help not only large organization but also ourselves. Surprisingly, we naturally do many good practices. Shop your local indie bookstore

Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World by David Epstein

We’ve heard stories that you need to focus young to be successful. It’s not true in most cases. In fact, it helps to have broad experience and experiment, applying analogical thinking so that you can see what others can’t. Sometimes, the specialists are actually worse than the generalists.
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The Obstacle is the Way by Ryan Holiday

In Progress Shop your local indie bookstore

The Accidental Creative

Creative professionals need to be able to produce results on tight timelines but pressures from inside work and out make this difficult. The solution is a series of practices and systems to avoid overwhelm and ensure inspiration so you can create on demand. Shop your local indie bookstore

The Bullet Journal Method

In our 24/7 screen world, we’re constantly rushed and not spending enough time reflecting and doing. Using a paper journal and the bullet journal method can help you focus on doing the right things by becoming more deliberate over what you do.


Atomic Habits

Habits are very powerful due to the compond effect. There are four elements of habits, and you can use these to build good habits or kill bad ones. Use a habit tracker and start small. check it out

Leonardo Da Vinci

Da Vinci was filled with a sense of wonder and curioustiy with the world. He paid attention to things other’s missed like how a dragonfly beats its wings. We should feed our curosity and pay more attention to the everyday things around us. check it out

Digital Minimalism

A great overview of the issues with technology at the moment, a philosophy to address these issues and highly practical steps to implement or adapt. One of the best aspects of the book is how Cal points out that what is right for one person may not be right for you and how you have to work out how to apply these ideas to use technology in an intentional and meaningful way for your life.

This is Marketing

Simply having the best or cheapest product isn’t enough, you need to tell a better story that resonates. To do this, you need to pick a group of people to help and then listen to them so they will listen to you.
Check it out

Never Split the Difference

Most of us try to avoid conflict and settle to easily. This can lead to long-term problems. Instead, we need to use active listening approaches and discover as much information as we can to negotiate better. Check it out

Keep Going: 10 Ways to Stay Creative in Good Times and Bad

It would be great if one day we reached “creativity” and everything was easy after that. But the truth is that even after success, it’s a struggle to keep going. But, there is hope and your not alone. Keep Going.

“There is Art left to be made in this world” - Anthony Bourdain

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How to Think: A Survival Guide for a World at Odds

“It’s a dangerous business, Frodo, starting to think. You step out of your exsisting views, and if you don’t keep your feet, there’s no knowing where you might be swept off to.”

No one really “thinks for themselves” we think together. If we really want to think, we need to find a true commuity to think in where differences are respected not expelled. Check it out

A Walk Across America

Peter Jenkins is fed up of America. He knows that it is divided and sucks. So he sets off to walk across America to see for himself. All the way he is surprised by the generosity of people along the way, and even becomes a christian. Check it out

Dreyer’s English: An Utterly Correct Guide to Clarity and Style

The chief copy editor of random house has a humorous take on a style guide. I enjoy his approach but I still can’t understand his position on “and” and parenthetical clauses. Otherwise, we’re good. Check it out

The Old Man and the Sea

A hemmingway classic about fighting even in impossible situations. check it out

The Visual MBA

An MBA course via sketchnotes…well I guess technically visual notes. Jarron uses his illustrating style to convey business ideas simply. I understand so much more jargon than I used to. Check it out

They Ask, You Answer

The Content Marketing Bible. Marcus shares the why, the what and the how of content marketing. Some of the practical ideas have helped my company produce more, higher quality content. Check it out

Red Rising

The first in the Red Rising series by Pierce Brown. An enjoyable read and interesting universe. Think, Hunger Games but the roman references aren’t subtle. Check it out


What was the message of Jesus? It’s a challenging call for Christians that isn’t just about going to heaven after we die. A theological exploration [Check it out]

Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World - David Epstein đź“š

We keep getting told that we need to be specialist with stories of Tigger Woods and Chess geniuses. While this works in a few, select areas of life. More areas require a wide range of skills and broad experience. Check it out

Golden Son

The second Red Rising book by Pierce Brown. He has clearly grown as a writer by this book. Far suprior to the first. Check it out


Books I’ve read in 2018


Basically we are overcomplicating marketing for ourselves. Clarity is key.

Arbitary Stupid Goal

Stories of a childhood in New York City and the bitter sweet serendipty of life.

Anything You Want: 40 Lessons for A New Kind of Entrepreneur

The story of CDBaby with some unusual lessons along the way. check it out