
    Good morning from Wieliczka.

    Some thoughts about tasks.

    Today in every day sexism, asking someone to change a job position to say “their” rather than “his” (I’m hoping it was just a translation issue).

    Cleaned up my obsidian database a bit. Starting to turn into something.

    Just sent a new edition of the learn create share newsletter out with a new creative challenge. Now time to record a sketchnote video!

    What is an idea from a productivity book you’ve found helpful?

    I remember next actions being fantastic for helping teenage me break through procrastination. Tasks that seemed so massive could be broken into chunks and then I just had to do the next step.

    I still want @gr36 to write a productivity blog/series of post and call it “Gregging Things Done”.*

    *Also applies to other Gregs. Feel free to steal.

    This may be the best image i’ve ever made for a blog post. also I hate drawing hands.

    It’s amazing how no one objected to our messages about a social media initative for our internal company party, for Valentines day, for clean your desk day, for earth day (coming)…but when it comes to international women’s day, we didn’t follow the right procedure and that’s why people are upset…it’s almost like it’s the cause they object to…I’m sure they just “forgot” to complain about the other things. I mean…they’re not sexist, they have friends who are women.

    If a consultant doesn’t use the word leverage at least once an email…are they really a consultant?

    Currently catching up on CJ Chilvers site. Really like his new simple design and was surprised that it’s a squarespace site not Ghost. I wonder whether his issues with transferring posts to MB had to do with using Squarespace?

    There is a Ben Gibbard’s signature guitar… I now have a new dream guitar (it’s not really my dream guitar, but I do want it.)

    I would do a how it started how it’s going thing but I had to trade in my UK driving licence to get this one.

    Oh boy! Mobile apps are coming to obsidian. I’d bet you’d have to use (and pay) obsidian sync but as long as the files are still plain text, this is an easy “shut up and take my subscription.”

    I always intend to take a before and after haircut photo… today I actual took one!

    After seven years of learning Polish, I still sometimes use the wrong gender adjective endings.
    My two-year-old daughter just corrected me.
    So how’s your Friday going.

    I’m so done with Unsplash images.
    I really hate seeing the same images over and over again as well as these prestine pictures of minimalist desktops. I vow to only use photos I take for my blog from now on.

    Thank you for listening to my TED talk.

    Yesterday’s walk with my daughter.

    I recorded some test footage with my new light today. It is a massive improvement over my previous lighting. Just trying to work out some practical issues for my next sketchnote video.

    The test run of SPS has been fantastic! Basecamp was the perfect choice, in fact, I couldn’t have picked a better platform and I didn’t! Time for the next step.

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