My school had a computer lab full of the original iMacs. I hated them! It was such a pain to move files between them and my PC at home. Plus the one mouse button really confused me. It put me off Apple for years.

    But oh boy did they look and feel nice.

    Finished reading: The Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel 📚

    “Good decisions aren’t always rational. At some point you have to choose between being happy or being “right.” - Psychology of Money, Morgan Housel.

    Sometimes it’s annoying when my kids never give me time alone. But I’m sure I’ll be sadder when my kids never want to spend time with me.

    Just started a couple of pages at the back of my notebook to collect possible goals and words for a theme for next year. This is a situation where I find pen and paper so much better; so easy to collect and find.

    When you’re at the playground and a child pees on the other side of the same tree you are resting under.

    Luckily I realised just before the peeing began.

    WordPress 6.3 has added a command pallet. This could be nice.

    New baby, who did? (Literally. We haven’t settled on a name yet!)

    Day off with the kids.

    Time to upgrade my mokka pot technique. Thanks James Hoffmann 🎥

    I’m tempted to make a simple website called “Ugly bujo”.

    It would explain bullet journaling but every image would be basic and simple, not a super fancy spread so anyone could feel they could start.

    Or maybe it’s a tumblr account sharing ugly examples that work.

    Hill I will die on. Globalization should always be spelt with a Z, even in countries that favour -ise over -ize because it makes the word and example of its meaning.

    I’ve seen a lot about the fourth turning recently. I’ll admit my first reaction was that it seemed and interesting idea. At the same time, I had some major questions right from the off. It seamed very American centric, the more I’ve looked at the more it seems like it might be European - American. After I just saw a well known kinist christian figure share a video seemingly endorsing it (I’m not clicking on that!) and it made me wonder:what kind of people does this “prophetic” vision attract and why?

    I can imagine those very critical of “Wokism” would be attracted as the author seams to say that we’re heading to a phase of returning to community values over individualism. I can also see why revivalist christians would like it. There were several great awakenings throughout American history and so it might seem prophetic of another one coming.

    (I should add that the author seems to have a new book on the topic coming out so the reason I’m seeing this idea a lot is probably just because he’s promoting it).

    Happy Trump indictment day however you celebrate yours. I remember when Trump indictment day was a rare and special day, now it seems like it’s just another day.

    When I started blogging, the experts told me not to use hedging words like “I think” and “In my experience”. There’s value in that for sure, but it made me sound like a wannabe guru in topics I knew little about. Now, instead of writing “10 tips to …” I’m more likely to write “10 things I’ve tried” and discuss what works, why I think it works and invite you to share if you try it. Maybe it won’t work for you, and I’d be happy to hear that! Maybe I can learn some more nuance or what types of people it helps.

    I’ve just moved from my tiny Ikea desk that I bought when lockdowns started to a 120x60cm standing desk (we’ve actually had it for a while but it’s a long story). The extra space is amazing! It’s the difference between feeling like everything was falling on me, and feeling like I can stretch!

    A vegan Birthday lunch with my wife. Very tasty.

    End of the work week. Time for my end of week review routine.

    I’m really intrigued to see how obsidian properties work. So far I’ve been impressed by the features they add while keeping the simple text file approach.

    “Nothing else in the world…not all the armies…is so powerful as an idea whose time has come.” – Victor Hugo, The Future of Man.

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