Merry Christmas everyone

I took my Ricoh GR with me on this family trip (and iPhone XS of course). In hindsight, I should have taken my Fuji x100t. It really is my favourite camera and while the Ricoh is a great street camera, the x100 is the better family camera. (Feel free to @ me).

I’m deeply disturbed by the rise in racists abuse at football games across Europe. Part of me wonders if this problem has been around for longer but we’re finally taking action. I hope that’s the case, but everything I’m seeing from BAME players suggests that it’s getting worse.

Farm selfie

I’m thinking of sharing a bit more of my photography with some stories about taking photos (and doing a bit more too!) I was wondering what would be the best publishing platform for this. MicroBlog is great for sharing one photo but not really a series with text between. Perhaps I’ll just stick with WordPress. Any advice @jack ?

When you read a chapter of a book and then draw this…I’m okay. Promise.

Maybe minimalism isn't enough.

I’ve noticed that a lot of people who are “minimalists” go through a familiar path. They cut back and see significant benefits, then they expand again and need to “rediscover a life of less” or something similar.

I’ve tread this path myself.

Perhaps it’s just part of our natural cycle. When you try to balance on a beam, you have to shift your weight from one side to another as you counteract the forces from yourself and the outside world. Sometimes a sudden rush of wind blows you off-kilter, and you have to make a dramatic readjustment. Sometimes you can’t keep your balance well and then have to readjust. Both happen with minimalism as well.

But I also wonder if there isn’t an issue at the heart of minimalism. Perhaps it is only diagnostic of the symptoms and doesn’t prescribe a cure.

Minimalism is about clearing the way for what really matters, but it’s rare to hear minimalist actually advocate what matters — it’s your objective to identify what matters. Other philosophies, don’t just say what is wrong but also offer a path forward.

Many habit coaches will tell you that it’s much easier to replace a bad habit with a good one (drinking water instead of cola) than just cutting a bad habit. In the bible, Jesus says that if you don’t replace an evil spirit that is expelled with the holy spirit, the evil spirit will come back with 7 friends. I wonder if this adds to why minimalism is so tricky to keep following.

If you only cut out the unnecessary but don’t fill the gap, the stuff you kicked out will eventually come back. Then you have to start culling again.

I’m not saying Minimalism is wrong, but maybe it’s just not enough.

p.s. These thoughts were prompted by Greg Morris but this is not criticism of him. I’ve certainly been on and off the minimalism bandwagon.

Evergreen creator recommendations?

Are there any bloggers or content producers who you have followed for more than a couple of years and you still pay attention to all their content with the same enthusiasm? I ask because I can think of many great content producers who I loved and have either gone off, think they’ve changed and don’t care for what they now do/have become, or still think they are good but just don’t focus on everything they put out. I don’t think there’s anyone who I have followed closely since I first came across them.

🎶 It’s The End Of The World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine) 🎵 Not sure why, but I feel like listening to some REM this afternoon.

Just updated my reading log and it seems I’ve read 16 books this year…I think there may also be a couple which I forgot to include (just remembered one of them!) and I’m still finishing off a couple more. Either way, that’s a lot more than I read last year.

I ordered a new clicky clacky keyboard. I guess I’m going to sell my LoFree, it has a sticky “]” key and I don’t really like the keyplacement…so i guess if anyone in Europe is interested, let me know.

I broke out my little watercolour set this morning to make a picture of my daughter. Still getting used to watercolours but I managed to do a bit of highlights and shadows.

I’ve been trying to use iA writer on everything I use and Typora on my work PC so I can jot down notes and simple idea for writing when inspiration strikes. Unfortunately this seems not to work at all. Even with forced saving my data doesn’t seem to sync and I’ve lost ideas and writing. So I’m not sure what I’ll do next…Evernote again :(

US vs UK style guide wars: Episode III

Em dashes look better than en dashes when used for parenthetical clauses or replacing colons.

Thought for myself this morning: When you feel jealous, be generous. (not sure how good this advice is, but it can’t hurt…right?)

Group Chat rules - XKCD

  1. Show you care by triming the tracking junk off links you paste.


Playing around with Substack in comparison with Revue. The substack concept is interesting (blog/newsletter in one) and the design is cool, but I miss some features like the revue extention and the way links are added with rich media. Not sure If I’ll move or even how this fits with my… but it’s fun to play with different tools.

Company values

I’ve been working on some company value statements. They’re great things and I really think the company tries to embody these values…but they’re really secondary considerations. There’s often a couple of primary drivers which we don’t really talk about. It makes me wonder what a company would look like if it really put the values it states above all else.

There are some very useful TextExpander public groups…

Reading Golden Son and keep thinking “Well that escalated quickly.”