
  • Turning my iPad into a focused creation device

    This quarter, I’m focusing on writing. I’ve had a writing habit for a long time, but since I became a professional copywriter, it’s been harder to write the type of content I want to. So, I’m focusing on my writing habit. The only problem: distractions! There are so many of … read more

  • 🔗 What if you could only use ONE APP on your iPhone? – Shawn Blanc

    What if you could only use ONE APP on your iPhone? – Shawn Blanc

    So this is a completely random but fun experiment… but what app would you pick if you could only pick ONE?

    I read this quick post from Shawn a few days back and knew my answer almost instantly – Drafts.

    I’d certainly miss the camera (but I have a ricoh gr), podcast, and the sat nav in some situations, but with drafts I’d cover the other 80% I use my phone for. I could even manage my tasks there too if I needed.

    Continuing with the other devices… I’d probably pick

    • Mac – Arc (cheating I know, but I’d need it for work). excluding that, Obsidian.
    • iPad – Reader from Readwise

    I’d never choose obsidian on the iPhone, it’s just not fast enough. In fact, it almost makes me wonder if I could just switch to drafts…

    What about you?

  • 🔗 Facebook's TikTok-like redesign marks sunset of social networking era

    Facebook’s TikTok-like redesign marks sunset of social networking era Mark last week as the end of the social networking era, which began with the rise of Friendster in 2003, shaped two decades of internet growth, and now closes with Facebook’s rollout of a sweeping TikTok-like … read more

  • 🔗Instagram gets worse with dark patterns lifted from TikTok TechCrunch

    Instagram gets worse with dark patterns lifted from TikTok | TechCrunch The new UI is plainly inspired by TikTok, the way Instagram has routinely been “inspired” by its more innovative rivals, like when they clone-stamped Stories out of Snapchat. In this case they took the opportunity to bring in a … read more

  • 🔗 iphone 12 pro camera review: glacier np

    Austin Mann’s iPhone camera reviews are always insightful and show some cool creative ideas. His night time portrait of his wife being a case in point. Although I doubt many of us have a handy iPhone 11 in our pockets to use as a light.

  • I'd like a pro camera mode from Apple

    I’d be really interested in Apple making a sort of “pro” mode for the camera app. Basic mode would have simplified controls (perhap even more simpler than the current ones which are becoming fiddly) and in pro mode you’d get extra controls. You could set it up so one mode was … read more

  • The best Apple product I bought?

    Yesterday I had a strange realisation. My 2013 MacBook Pro is probably the best Apple device I have bought. That surprised me as I don’t think it has ever been my favourite Apple device, but the fact that my wife and I still use it and it works fine mean that it has had the longest life out of … read more

  • Epic vs Apple thoughts: Whoever wins, we lose.

    Apple is in the wrong: the App Store needs to change. Epic’s solution does nothing for me as a consumer and sounds terrible. Epic is acting “holier than thou” although they are clearly working for their own bottom line (which as a business they should work towards!). I actually … read more

  • 🔗 YouTube is experiencing an egregious bitcoin hack that no one is fixing - iMore

    YouTube is experiencing an egregious bitcoin hack that no one is fixing - iMore Famed Apple leaker Jon Prosser recently tweeted that his YouTube channel, Front Page Tech has been hacked. At the time of this writing, the channel’s name has been changed to NASA [News], his entire library of … read more