Okay, I'll try speed reading.

My wife has a growing interesting in speed reading and related rapid learning techniques. I was really interested in accelerated learning about seven years ago but came to two conclusions.

  1. There’s a lot of rubbish out there
  2. I was unsure if it led to long term learning. Speed reading was a perfect example. It promised a method to read many times faster and remember everything. I questioned these statements as they usually seemed to focus on short term memory performance and not long-term memory. So I just wrote the whole thing off. But my wife’s interest has re-kindled my own, and I want to do a little experiment. I mean, If I could read three times faster, that would mean more books. So I’m giving it a go, I’m sceptical, but I’ll report back on what I find.

May micro challenge 📚 2 Atomic Habits

This was one of the books that restarted my reading habit last year. Perhaps that’s not surprising as it is a book on habits. James shares theory and practical advice in an easy to read and understand layout. Shop your local indie bookstore

I really like drawing with my daughter

Micro May Challenge Book Recommendation 1: Celebration of Discipline 📖

Celebration of Discipline is Richard Foster’s classic look into the timeliess Christian Disciplines. He covers a the inward, outward and corporate disciplines looking at different traditions, the mindset and goal behind each and with suggested practices to start exploring the traditions. It was a hugely influencial book in my early adulthood and I have been rereading it this last year. Shop your local indie bookstore

I don’t really think I can draw well.

I mean, I can draw better than my nearly 2-year old daughter but I’m certainly closer to her ability than DaVinci. Still, I can draw well enough to sketchnote. You don’t have to draw well to sketchnote

I turned an idea from James Clear’s newsletter this week into a handlettering on procreate on the iPad. You can watch the process on Instagram.

I’m really surprised that iOS doesn’t have an ambient lockscreen option. It seems like an easy feature to encourage people to buy the pro not the basic iphone.

‪I’m slightly afraid that today will be my supervillain origin story where I become Mr MicroManager‬. Or perhaps this is the scene where I pick up the infinity gauntlet and say “Fine, i’ll do it myself.”

Today I’ve seen one of the strongest cases for hiring for attitude and not knowledge.

My right wrist is a little painful so I drew a picture with my left. It was kind of fun.

So there’s a global conspiracy to unleash a pandemic to place chips in people but the same people behind it failed to get Hillary to visit Wisconsin once. Seems legit.

When everything is urgent and a priority, nothing is. Not inspired by current life circumstances or anything.

Yellow. Is it me your looking for? (May Micro challenge photo 3 📸)

Just had a new task assigned to me which totally “isn’t my job” and is also “above my pay grade”. My first instinct was “oh no.” but now I’m thinking it’s a good learning experience and will be a good string to my bow… it would be better if this wasn’t in addition to all the other tasks at the moment.

Orange you glad you have a good notebook…and pen.

Being a Non-Expert in a World of Gurus Rocks!

I am not an expert. I’m not incompetent in many areas either, but I’m definitely not an expert. I have so much to learn in every area of life — work, family, faith, creativity, DIY, finance, generosity — that far surpasses what I do know. Sometimes this makes me feel really out of place in a world of Gurus. When I look at what a lot of other copywriters say about themselves, it’s all boasting about how fantastic they are. It’s like all those businesses that say they are the best at what they do; someone must be lying. I’m sure there are plenty of brilliant and talented people out there. Still, there are also plenty of “fake it till you make it” wannabes who Shakespeare might say “the guru doth boast too much, methinks.”

Most of the time, I feel somewhat inadequate because I’m not an expert, but today I realized it has some advantages.

  • As a non-expert, I know I need to keep learning and keep growing.
  • As a non-expert, I’m not stuck in “best practices” or “the way it’s always been done.”
  • As a non-expert, I sm open to listen to other people and their experiences.

Of course, it’s not really a strict expert/non-expert divide but a scale. At times my ego is stronger and makes me less teachable and more boastful. Still, increasingly I’m trying to embrace sharing my experiments and results as well as listening to other people’s tests. When I do take that approach, everything seems better, and suddenly, many of the gurus look a lot less intimidating.

a quarantine blackout

4 ways to add shadows to sketchnote icons (plus multi-hit combo!) Last week I decided to try out the different approaches I knew for adding shadows and then I thought “Maybe I should blog it.” Enjoy.

Micro photo challenge: I have read this book 📸

For some reason my daughter has fallen in love with “penwin!” So here’s a procreate penguin drawing from the morning.